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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 8
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08 Take a peek


I was in shock by what had just happened. I was shocked and angry. Caleb had to wait this long before

confessing his feeling for me. It wasn’t heartwarming. What did he expect me to do? I could not believe

he had rejected me before they passed me on to Luke. I was angry at him. His father was right. He

should have come clean to his parents if he cared about me. He should have made an effort. Instead, he

made me endure two years of watching him change girlfriends like sheets. Hearing that he had gotten

many girls pregnant and forced them to have abortions made me sick. Who was Caleb? Did I know him?

How many sides did he have? This was a genuinely dysfunctional family. I wasn’t crying because I was

heartbroken; I was crying because I was angry. They were talking about me as if I was an object. Caleb

was supposed to be my best friend, yet he played a massive part in making me end up in a loveless


Luke tried to touch my shoulders when they left, and I shrugged him off. He did not have the decency to

stay-in on our wedding night. He had to humiliate me and go to sleep with his girlfriend. “Tia,” he called

my name, and I did not want to answer him. I went straight to the closet to get something to wear. “Tia,”

he said, following me. I was shaking, but I stood my ground. “Why would you buy me sexy outfits? It is

not like we would have sex. You said it yourself. You have a girlfriend, and she will bear you children.

Why buy me clothes I will not use?” I snapped at him, and I knew he was speechless, but I did not care.

“Please lend me slacks. I will want to go out to shop this afternoon.” I said. “I do not have much money in

my account, Tia, but I will receive my salary next week. If you give me a little time, I will buy you new

clothes,” he said gently, and I looked at him.

“I wasn’t asking for your money, Luke. I did not come here with a shovel to dig for gold, as you implied. I

will make my way. I have some money to buy clothes from a middle-class clothing store.” I said, and I

saw him flinch.

“I said those words in anger, Tia. I do not think you are a gold digger. I acted based on what my stepmom

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led me to believe about your parents. I do not think that low of you.” he said, and I did not know how he

expected me to feel about what he had said. It did not change that we were both trapped in a loveless


“I am going hunting this evening. I would like you to come,” he invited me, and I did not say anything

“Do I have a choice in this?” I asked, and he nodded.

“Okay, then. I am not interested. I rather go shopping.” I said to him, and his face hardened a bit. I did not


“You cannot go anywhere during the honeymoon phase. I am supposed to claim you and wait


for you to go into heat. The honeymoon phase ends after heat.” Luke explained, and I sighed.

“We both know that would not be happening. You spelt it loud and clear, and when you left to spend our

wedding night with your woman, you passed the message,” I said. Although I had no feelings for him,

leaving me on our wedding night to be with someone was hurtful. He wasn‘t the only one that was

wronged. It wasn’t only his life that Stacy messed up. He wasn’t the only unhappy one. He did not have

to sleep with me or claim me, but he should have at least given me some respect. Luke walked away

and returned with the slacks in a few minutes. “We have breakfast in an hour. Get ready in thirty minutes.

It is at the right-wing, and we are to be seated before my father arrives.” he said and walked away. I

heard him go into the bathroom.

I exited the closet and sat on the couch in my room to wait for him. He left the bathroom wet with a towel

tied about his waist. I averted my gaze immediately. He was just as handsome underneath his clothes as

I had guessed. I walked into the bathroom, and it was scented with cinnamon. I checked Luke’s bath

wash, and it was unscented. I guessed the cinnamon was his natural scent. I rushed and dressed up in

the bathroom. Once I was out, I saw Luke was ready and wearing slacks.

“My father will ask about why we had not claimed each other. I would tell him we were tired, and both

slept off.” He said to me, and I nodded. I did not care.

We walked to the right-wing in silence. Caleb was not at the table, but Stacy was there. She stared at me

evilly, and I could not be bothered now that I knew she was the mastermind behind my misery; I had no

respect for her. It was all because I had no money. If I were the one pregnant for Caleb, she would have

asked me to abort it. Somehow I was grateful I did not end up with her son; however hurtful it may be,

Stacy was an awful mother-in-law to have. “Good morning Luna Moon,” I said to her with a very flat tone.

She did not answer, and I did not care.

Luke served my food, and his kindness touched me, but I knew it was for display. We sat next to each

other, and he stylishly placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed. I was a bit uncomfortable, and I

swallowed hard. It would be kind of him to keep his hands to himself. I was a young woman with raging

hormones, and I did not want to get all horny. My toys would

arrive soon, but it was too early for my body to want to mate. Alpha Aesop came to join us eventually,

and Luke and I stood up to greet him. When he sat, we sat down. I saw Stacy roll her eyes. “Tia, how

was your night?” Alpha Aesop asked, and I smiled at him. It was fake, but it was necessary.

“We were tired and slept off,” I said, and Stacy laughed. “You fell asleep, you mean,” she said, and I did

not know how to explain, “I knew when Luke drove out and when he returned. Must have gone to his

girlfriend,” she said, and from the way Alpha Aesop looked at his son, I knew it was to get Luke in


“He went to get me tampons and toiletries,” I said quickly to justify his outing. “And maybe branched his

mistress’s home,” Stacy said, “He will squander all the money on that gold–digging Elisabeth Barnes…”

she said, and Alpha Aesop shut her up. Now I knew the name of the mystery woman.

“Enough, Stacy! Leave Luke and his wife alone. However, they choose to spend the night is their

problem. Why don’t you focus on your son, Caleb? He got a rich girl pregnant, and i know that is what

you want. Deal with it,” He said, and I did not say anything. I felt a bit sorry for Caleb, but he did this to

himself at the same time. He should have used protection. We finished the breakfast and returned to

Luke’s wing. “Thank you, Tia,” Luke said, and I did not bother to answer him. I could understand why

both men were douchebags; they did not stand a chance with a mother like Stacy. She was all fangs and

claws; nothing was nurturing about her. I expected they would take out their frustration on innocent

people, but I refused to be prey. “I know you have laid down the rules, but please try to be respectful

about it,” I said, and he did not bother to answer. There was a knock on my door, and I let the butler into

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the room. He was carrying four boxes, and I knew what they were. “Delivery for Mrs Tia Moon,” he said,

and I asked him to set it on the bed. I thanked him, and he left.



“You did some shopping?” Luke asked me. “While you were busy with your girlfriend, I had to occupy

myself with something, so I shopped,” I said, and he frowned with concern. “I should be the one buying

you stuff,” he said to me, and I did not bother to answer because I doubted if he would want to buy me

sex toys. A few minutes later, Luke came to me all dressed.

“I need to set some things at the office. I will be back,” Luke said to me, “we will go hunting tomorrow

morning,” he said to me, and I nodded. I knew he would be going to his girlfriend after leaving the office.

There would be no point waiting up for him.

The whole situation had hardened my heart. I did not want to feel anymore. It hurt me that Luke was still

seeing his girlfriend mainly because he was my husband, and we were supposed to be miserable

together; it seemed like the joke was on me in this one. I knew he would not return that night, so I opted

to occupy myself. I went through the toys and tucked them away. I selected the one I might use the night

and placed it under my pillow. Since I will have the room to myself most nights, it will be great. I slept off

two hours after eating dinner and woke up in the middle of the night. The room was dimly lit, and the

television was on. I reached for the remote and turned off the television. There was no point in looking at

Luke’s room because I knew where he was. I went to shower, and I returned to the room. I felt a bit

tense, and I decided to touch myself. I wanted to use the vibrator, but I opted for my fingers last minute.

I writhed and moaned as I touched myself. I was alone in the room, so I could do as I liked. The moment

I came from Rubbing my clit, I reached for the dildo to soothe my clenching pussy instead of using my

fingers. I did not push it in deep, so I did not pop my cherry. It felt so good, and soon the clenching

relaxed. It was much more satisfying than my fingers. I was tempted to go deep, but I decided not to. I

heard someone sneeze.

I froze immediately and turned towards Luke’s room. I squinted hard to see, and he was on the bed. He

was sleeping, or he was pretending to sleep. I made a lot of noise while I touched myself. I knew he saw

me; I knew he knew. People don’t sneeze while asleep. Shame washed over me. Would I be able to face

him in the morning? How will I go hunting with him after this?