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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 73
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73 Back H Luke.

Breakfast had worked out the way Caleb and | hoped. Backing Stacy into the corner had stopped her from starting a conversation that would lead to a quarrel. It was also amusing watching Caleb give her a dose of her medicine.

Tia sat quietly in the car, staring at the streets, and | touched her thigh. | had to keep my eyes trained on the road so | could only steal a glance. She looked beautiful. | was grateful for her.

| was afraid | had lost Tia when Elisabeth toldshe was pregnant. We hadn't claimed each other yet then. My heart was in my mouth, but she surprisedand held on, and she hasn't let go ever since. Elisabeth's schemes brought Tia andcloser and made our love stronger. | was grateful for her. She was a great catch, | could understand Caleb’s pain, but he had to lose forto win.

Along with Tia call my blessings and joy. | could never thank her enough. Words and expressions can never express the depth of my love for Tia.

We got home, and Tia ran up to change to something comfortable. She wanted to branch the office, but | told her to call Gail to deliver the paperwork to the house. Dr Genieve had said she needed all the rest she could get in her first trimester. | did not want to take any chance with her and my baby.

“If I stay home, will you be staying htoo?” she asked me, and I thought about it. | wanted to cut my hair, but | understood her point of view, so | opted to call the barber to cover. After talking to the barber, | called Mike while Tia went to the bathroom. He answered on the first ring. “Congratulations, Luke. | heard your father is officially handing the position over to you next week,” He said, and | wasn’t surprised because news travels fast.

“Sorry about your son,” He said quietly, and I smiled.

“He is getting the care he needs. Paul will be fine.” | said.

“Glad to hear. What about his mother?” He asked me. “Out my life for good,” | said, and he was quite a bit.

“Joey broke up with her this morning. People said they had a huge argument, and he did not let her put her things in his house. She has been looking for who to crash with. | did not know Tasha used to be her friend until she called Tasha asking if she could cand crash with her. Tasha said no, of course. | figured you stopped paying for her place.” He said, and | sighed. | did not know why he was tellingthis. It really wasn’t any of my business.

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“Joey will take her back. She has her ways. | would appreciate it if you didn’t discuss that woman withagain.

She is a closed chapter in my life. | want to keep it that way.” | said, and he sighed.

“I know she hurt you, Luke, but if you don’t mind, maybe you can pay at least a year lease on her former hthroughtill she gets back on her feet. It will be wrong to have her living on the streets. | can pay it for her, and it won't be traced to you,” He said, and | couldn’t believe this guy was wasting my tfor this shit.

“Whatever it is, | have to run it by Tia. If you want to pay for her lease for a year, fine. | can reimburse you for it, but she won't get anything directly from me. | still think Joey will take her back.” | said, and he sighed.

“Alright, | have to get her a smaller place because | can’t afford her old place.” He said, and | sighed.

“Be careful, Mike. Don’t let her get ideas in her head. She is vicious like that,” | said, and he sighed.

“Are you coming in today? We have crucial things to discuss, Luis and our findings of Regan Adhit. Also, something cup about your mother.” He said, and he had piqued my interest with his words.

“I promised Tia | would be hwith her today. Do you mind coming over to brief me?” | . asked him, and he sighed. “Do you mind if | cwith Tasha?” he asked.

“No. Please cwith her. The more, the merrier.” | said, and he said it was okay and hung up. Just then, Caleb linkedto informhe was home. It wasn’t long before my brother linkedthat Tia cout in Joggers and a sweater.

“Why are you dressed like that?” | asked her.

“I am feeling a bit cold.” She said, and | pulled her into a hug. | squeezed and breathed in her scent. She was amazing.

“Thank you, Tia,” | said, and she wrapped her arms aroundand leaned her head against my chest.

“For what, Luke?” she asked.

“For lovingand making my life easy. | do not know what | would do without you, Tia. You mean the world to me.” | said, and she pressed her head against my chest to breathe in my scent.

As much as | knew | shouldn't, | bent and kissed her. Soon | had her against the wall, with my cock buried inside her. Words could not express how | was feeling. | was trying to physically express the depth of my love, and at the stime, | was promising her the world.

She dug her nails into my back while she came, which drovecrazy. My nnever left her lips, and she kissed her mark on my neck. | moved here from the wall to the bed and pushed in deeper. | wanted to give her everything.

“Luke,” She moaned, and | paused to look into her eyes; they were teary.

“Am | hurting you,” | asked, and she shook her head? She was feeling my emotions too.

“I love you too,” she said, and | buried my head in the crook of her neck and pumped gently. | was blessed. There was no doubting that.

| made love to Tia until she crumbled. When | knew her body and heart were satisfied, | let myself cum inside her.

“Are we going to ever get tired of this?” She asked, resting her head on my chest. | caressed her back gently.

“I can never get enough of this, Tia. | can’t express my love deeply enough, Tia,” | said, and she kissed my chest.

“I think my pussy felt the depth,” she joked, and we laughed. It was hilarious and a brilliant joke too. My phone rang, and | knew it was my barber.

| got off the bed and answered the call.

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“Alpha Luke, | am downstairs. Your brother letin,” My barber said, and | told him | would be with him shortly.

It was amazing to see how Caleb and | had mended our relationship. We were closer now than we were. It took fighting over Tia to bring us together. If anyone had toldCaleb and | would be this close, | would say it was a lie, but it happened for me, and | was glad it did.

Tia got dressed too, wearing the sweater and the joggers, and we went downstairs. When we got down, Caleb stood beside the barber while Kimberly was holding Emma. Tia took Emma from Kimberly and played with her.

Watching Tia with Emma maderealise how much love Paul was missing because of his mother’s blunder. | knew Tia would love my son dearly.

| noticed Kimberly and Caleb were acting strange and smelled like sex, but | reserved my observation.

“It seems the two love birds made out,” Tia linked me, and I looked at her. She had a straight face, and | shook my head. No one would know she was gossiping about Kimberly and Caleb right now.

Gavin preppedand started work. Caleb also brought his clipper, ready to shave and carve when | was done.

It took a while for Gavin to get my beards the way | like them. He also trimmed my hair, and then he attended to Caleb.

“You look handsome”, Tia said with Emma in her arms. The baby had a pacifier in her mouth and seemed asleep, but the occasional sucking gave her away.

“Thanks, darling,” | said and headed upstairs for a quick shower. When | returned, Gavin was done with Caleb, and he left.

The Wilsons were off duty, so | decided to make a snack for everyone while | waited for Mike to come. Caleb went to shower and returned.

“Did Mike tell you?” he finally askedwhile searching the refrigerator for something to eat. He later settled for a cucumber and shut the door. “Yeah. He is on his way?” | said, and he smiled. “They found out sjuicy stuff about Regan, Luis and ehm your ehm..” he said, not knowing how to say it.

“My mother,” | helped him, and he nodded, looking a bit nervous. “Yes, your mother. | hope this will help solve most of the issues because | do not want you going to Santa Braee, and as much as | am pissed off at my mother, | want her to have speace. Suffering from blackmail for that long can do things to people. If | ever found this arsehole, | will mess him up. Why couldn’t he just let go?” he asked, and | hated to point out to Caleb that Regan Adhit sounded familiar, and all he had to do was look in the mirror, but | refrained from it. We were in a good place now. There was no point spoiling our relationship but honestly, just like Regan can’t get over his mother, He couldn't get over Tia and never dated her. | wondered what he would have done if he dated Tia.

We made sandwiches, and the ladies decided they would cook a proper meal. Tia did not want bread, and Kimberly claimed she needed better food because she was breastfeeding. The downside about the cooking option was that we had to join in, and it seemed like we would be doing most of the work. Caleb and | used the cooking to while away time. Soon Mike called to informthat he and Natasha were on their way. We had to include their portions in the meal.