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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 67
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67 Elisabeth’s Child Luke.

When | hung up, | looked at Tia, and my stomach churned. | really did not want to say anything, but | knew | had to be at the hospital for the birth of the baby and the DNA test.

“What is it, love?” Tia asked me, and | squeezed her hand. Caleb knew something was up with how he looked atand motioned Kimberly to excuse us. They both left immediately, and | looked at my wife.

“Elisabeth is in labour, and she is currently in the hospital,” | said to Tia, and she got up immediately.

“What the hell are we still doing here, Luke? Con. We have to leave now. Whatever it is we had planned for today must be postponed.” she said, and | was surprised by her reaction. We dressed, and | told Caleb | was going to the hospital. He wanted to come, but I said he should stay hwith Kimberly and his daughter. It really wasn't a big deal. It was either mine or not, but she was definitely leaving my house after this.

Tia placed a call to Gail while | drove us to the hospital.

“Gail, please cancel my meeting for today. | won't be available for conference calls. Delegate the work to the managing director.” She said and hung up. Tia placed her hand on my thigh and rubbed lightly while | drove.

“Calm down, Luke. Whatever the situation might be, we will get through it together. If the baby is yours, then we will take it from her. | have told you I am willing to care for the child. It will be horrible if she leaves to be with fat Joey with the baby. She is sure to maltreat the baby since she won't be getting much financially. Don’t bother yourself,” she said reassuringly, but | could not calm down. That baby will forever be a reminder of Elisabeth's trick. As much as | never denied the pregnancy, | prayed the child wasn’t mine while we drove to the hospital.

As soon as | parked the car, Tia got out, and | seemed to be moving slower than she was. She noticed and slowed her pace down. She held my hand and squeezed lightly.

“Luke, | am not mad at you, and | won't let her trouble us. Please cheer up.” She said, and | plastered a fake smile on my face.

We went straight to the maternity ward. Bart was there, and to my surprise, big mouth Dr Green was in attendance. | wanted to punch the bastard for spewing the nonsense about Elisabeth being my mistress to my father-in-law, but | knew this wasn’t the time. | still planned on dealing with him for breaching the doctor-patient confidentiality and spreading rumours and lies about his alpha.

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The bastard approached me.

“Alpha Moon, Miss Barnes requested you in the delivery room with her. She is almost fully dilated,” He said, and | refused. “Go, | will be out here. It is just for today, Luke, | am here; | am not going anywhere. This is the last time,” Tia said confidently, but | didn’t want to go there.

“Please, Luke, for the sake of that baby, go. | am here; we are here,” she said, referring to herself and our baby. | reluctantly nodded and went into the delivery room.

“Luke, Luke!” Elisabeth said. She was covered in sweat with puffy eyes. She looked like she was in pain; | did not feel sorry for her one bit. She was just too damn needy.

“"Hold my hand, Luke,” she said, stretching her hand towards me, begging for contact. | moved to her side and held her hand, cringing. | could not believe there was a t| thought | could never get anyone better than her.

She treatedso poorly that I felt absolutely nothing for her. | was nurnb.

Elisabeth squeezed my hand tightly and pulledto lean closer to her.

“Stop it!” | yelled before | even knew it. Everyone paused a bit from shock and then continued what they were doing “Get a grip of yourself,” | warned her. It was taking a lot forto be beside her. | linked Bart to go and stay with Tia outside the room.

Doctor Green cto check between Elisabeth's legs with his hands and then nodded.

“Okay, Miss Barnes, you are fully dilated. | want you to push the moment you feel a contraction. Do not push until you feel the contractions, Okay?” he said to her, and she nodded and began to push, squeezing my hand tightly. I guess she wasn’t g complications like Kimberly. | thanked the goddess for it. One thing was sure, no matter how bad things are between two people, perspectives change once one dies, and sometimes guilt and blset in. I did not want to feel any of that. | just want the situat The baby cout after several pushes, and | was asked to cut the cord. | reluctantly went to do it. It was a boy, but he had no key mark. | kept that observation to myself. At this point, even if he was my child, he could never be my heir. | did not want to gloat, so | kept my mouth shut. The nurse took him from the doctor to clean him up.

“Do you still want to take a DNA test?” The doctor asked, and Elisabeth looked atwith tearful eyes. It didn’t matter at this point. Even if the baby were mine, it would be as if | did not have a child because he wasn’t an heir. Caleb had an heir already, a beautiful baby with a key mark | guess my heirs will cfrom my darling wife. | was grateful to the goddess for this.

“Yes, please,” | told the doctor, and Elisabeth’s face dropped.

“I can’t believe you doubt me, Luke. | know this is Tia’s doing. You know it is your child, yet you want to humiliatelike this. Luke. You have been screwing her for months, and she isn’t pregnant yet. You screwed her through her heat and nothing. When will you realise we are meant to be, Luke?” she asked, and I did not respond.

“I need to be sure since you were screwing Joey the stwe were together, and you were busy telling everyone we had an open relationship. If | am taking care of the baby, at least it should be mine, Lisa” | said to her, and she began to weep. “I told you it was a one-tthing,” she said. “Okay, the placenta is out, and | have stitched you up. We will be moving you to your room to recover Your baby will be brought to you once we clean him up and take the samples.” The doctor said to her.

“You see, Luke. | gave you an heir,” she said, and | was trying hard not to laugh. | couldnt wait to see her facial expression when she realised the child was just a regular pack member, nothing special They wheeled her out of the delivery room, and she becangry when she locked eyes with Tia.

“What are you doing here?” she yelled in anger.

“There is no way that woman is touching my baby! He's a boy, you know, an heir. Luke will cto his senses soon,” she yelled at Tia, and Tia was trying not to laugh at Elisabeth's madness. She walked towhile they wheeled Elisabeth to her room.

“Hey,” | said, and she smiled at me.

“Glad that went with no complications,” She said, worried for Elisabeth and the baby’s sake.

“Yeah, but they need to swabnow. By the way, the boy has no key mark,” | said, and Tia beamed at me.

Then she rolled her eyes.

“I am sure Elisabeth does not know that.” She said, and | nodded.

“She doesn’t even know you are pregnant. She tried to imply you were barren in there just now,” | said, and she nodded.

“Yeah, | heard her. | couldn't help but laugh. Bart was the first to laugh. He said he was so happy we would be rid of her soon. He said she had been a menace in the mansion. He said she had been banging on our bedroom door often, thinking we were around, and he did not bother to tell her we weren't.” she said, and | laughed. We both sighed, and she looked into my eyes.

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“So you think the baby isn’t yours?” she asked, and I did not know what to say. The baby had dark hair like mine Elisabeth and Joey did not have dark hair, but then again, as much as | hate to say this about a woman, Elisabeth was a slut. There was a possibility there were other people. One thing | knew was that she would never confess to it.

| left Tia in the corridor and went to Elisabeth’s room. She was crying.

“This was meant to be our moment, Luke, and you brought her here,” she cried.

“Oh, get over yourself, Lisa. Stop trying to make it seem like you are my mistress,” | warned her, and she kept quiet. The nurse in the room with us paused and then continued her work. It was clear everyone thought she was my mistress “I am the one that got pregnant and had your baby, Luke. What is an Alpha without an heir? | told you | did not mind being your mistress, yet you refused, telling| deserved better,” She said, and | looked at her.

“No, Lisa, after everything you have done, | believe | deserve better. How many people were you screwing when we were together, Lisa?” | asked, and she was stunned, “I told you it was just once with Joey. We hung out a lot, but that was it. There was nothing between us.” She lied, and | chuckled, *You lie out of habit, Lisa. | have the emails between you and Joey.” | said to her, and she was stunned. She could not speak after that.

The nurse cto get the samples fromand left. | decided that was my cue to go too “They haven't brought our baby boy Luke. Do you know why?” she asked, sounding a bit worried “I am sure when they are done cleaning him up. They will bring him,” | said.

“Please do not leave me. Let them bring him first,” she pleaded.

“My wife is in the corridor, Lisa. If you wantto wait then, Tia has to be in here. | cannot leave her in the corridor. Otherwise, | will have to wait with her in the corridor for the results, “I said, and she was silent. | decided to head out.

“Let her come. | do not want to be alone,” she said, and | honestly did not want to bring Tia into the room, but | decided to do it in good faith. | linked Bart and Tia to join us.

Tia reluctantly entered the room. She had a smile on her face.

“Congratulations, Elisabeth.” she greeted, and Elisabeth nodded in response. Left to her, it should just be the two of us.

“Tia sat next toon the couch in the room while Elisabeth burned with envy. Bart had a permanent smile on his face and stood on guard: An hour passed, and still, no one brought the child. | was about to send Bart to check what was happening when Doctor Green cin looking a bit worried.

“Where is my baby, Doctor Green?” Elisabeth asked, sounding frantic.

“You need to be calm, Miss Barnes,” he said and turned to me. “May | speak with you, please?” He asked me, and | nodded and excused myself to speak with the doctor. We stepped outside, and he took a deep breath.

“The baby is in critical condition, alpha. He was born with a hole in his heart. It is a side effect of those medications Miss Barnes took while inducing symptoms. At this point, we do not know what to do. We are trying to keep him alive by all means.” he said, and | was stunned. What the hell had just happened? Whether the baby was mine or not, this was terrible news. Just then, my father arrived at the ward.