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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 61
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61 The In-Laws Tia.

Luke planted soft kisses, leaving a garden of pleasure on my body. How could I always want him so much? | thought | would get tired, but that wasn’t happening. | wanted him more. Eager and ready to take all he could give me. “Luke..” | managed.

“Letthank you properly,” he said and pushed my breasts together, allowing him to simultaneously lick and suck the nipples. It felt so sweet, and they were extra sensitive too. | ran my fingers through his hair and moaned. It was too much, and | didn’t want him to stop. Luke had studied my body, and | doubted | would get enough of him. He keptwanting more and more all the time. Luke had spoiledsilly. He wasn’t bluffing when he implied | was missing a lot by not inviting him into my bed. My toys were forgotten because | was getting too much good stuff. | could not control the intensity of the pleasure rushing through my body, and my moans beclouder. Soon he moved from my nipples and travelled down my body. When he got to my tummy, he kissed it gently, and | felt a tingle on the skin.

“Than you, Tia,” He linked me, but | was too high with pleasure to respond. All | could do was moan. He took off my panties and went to work. | was so sensitive, so | stood no chance against his expert tongue and lips. | cin no time, and he gently slipped into me. Luke was gentle. He wasn’t as rough as usual. He slid in and out gently, but my pussy was too sensitive, and | enjoyed it. My orgasm built up nicely, and soon we ctogether. | was surprised because that was the first the would cum so quickly. He gently slid out ofand laid next to me. | placed my head on his chest, still trying to catch my breath. “Sorry, Tia. But you were just too damn soft and slippery. The sensation of being inside you was too sweet to resist,” He said, and | giggled. “I have linked Michelle to bring our food to the room. No more beer for you, by the way,” he said, and | pretended to grumble, and he laughed, reaching for the remote with his free hand. “Let's watch a movie to while away tbefore we have to get ready for dinner at your parents,” he said, and my stomach churned. | really didn’t want to go for dinner with my parents. Although my mother was a fan of Luke, my father wasn’t. He still believed what Stacy did was low and did not like how Luke behaved when he visited with his father. Above all, my father was mad about the Elisabeth situation, so | wondered why he would ask us to cfor dinner. Deep down, | knew it was my mother’s doing. | crossed my fingers and hoped it would go smoothly because the last thing | wanted was an episode like the one at the Moon mansion. Michelle brought our food forty-five minutes later, and it was divine.

Luke laughed while he watchedeat. | smeared scream from the dessert of his nose and licked it off.

“Now you are being naughty,” he said, standing up, grabbingfrom the chair, placingon the bed and ticklinguntil | began to plead. He kissedsweetly. After our meal, we returned to bed to watch a movie. It wasn't long | snuggled into Luke's arms when | fell asleep.

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Luke wokeup, and | was shocked to see how quickly the thad passed. It was four in the evening. We had only an hour to get ready and head to my parent's place. | grumbled, and he laughed.

too, Tia. | really wanted to stay htoday,” he said and kissed my forehead. He turned on the shower and held my face to look at him as the water poured.

“You looked so peaceful, | didn’t want to wake you, but we promised,” he said and bent to kiss my lips. We showered, and | slipped into something comfortable. It was a sweater-like dress that stopped above my knees. | never wear skimpy clothes when | am with my parents. | knew they would find this strange, but it suited my lifestyle. “You're sure you want to go in that?” Luke asked me, raising his eyebrow at the short outfit | had on.

“Yes, Luke. As long as you like it and wantin it, that is all that matters,” | said, and he smiled at me.

Goddess, he had a perfect smile, and my insides were already melting from the sight of it. Who would have guessed | would fall this hard for him.

We left the house with a bottle of non-alcoholic wine and got into the car.

Our holiday hwasn’t far from my parent's house, so we were there in less than fifteen minutes. My mother received us at the door, and the moment | stepped into the house, my father frowned at my dress, but Luke wrapped his arms around me, which made my father hold his tongue. “Mr Lockwood, Luke said, extending his hand, and my father shook it. “Welcto our hAlpha Luke,” he said, and Luke nodded. “My mother rested on my father, smiling and looking at us. “Who knew they would fall in Love, James. It was only yesterday that Tia threatened to run away when we broke the news to her. How tflies,” my mother said, and Luke pincheda bit, makingjump. Luke handed them the wine, and my mother read the label. “I am so happy for both of you,” she said and hugged Luke. She led us to the dining table, and there was a big turkey on the table. My mother was overjoyed.

“Don’t worry about the quality of the roast; we ordered it from the restaurant. There wasn’t tto do a full grill by ourselves. We do not have servants like you, Tia,” she teased, and | smiled at her, and we adjusted ourselves.

My mother dished the food, and we ate silently for a bit before my father decided to break the silence.

“Is it true that you have moved out of the moon mansion?” he asked, and | looked at Luke to answer the question. “Not really, but we do not live there fully,” He said, and my father looked at him with disdain. “Tia didn’t want to marry you, you know,” He started, and | dropped my fork.

“James...” My mother cautioned him.

“No, Amy, we can’t keep quiet about this. It is an insult to Tia that she will share her husband with someone else.” He said, and | was uncomfortable.

“My Tia is a sweet girl, but you chose to humiliate her by keeping a mistress until you got her pregnant. | bet this is normal news to you since you already have one on the way,” My father shot at him, and | saw his handshake.

“Father, it is not what you think. The rumours aren't true. Luke never kept a mistress. He broke up with Elisabeth before the wedding. He never cheated on me, father. Those are Stacy's lies,” | said, and he shutdown.

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“I am yet to cto you, young lady. We heard you were fooling about the mansion with Caleb forcing Luke to move out,” He said, and | felt Luke's anger begin to rise. Using my nand Caleb’s nin the ssentence in that context got to Luke. “Father, you need to stop,” | said to him sternly. Luke wiped his mouth and stood up.

“Yeah, now you want to leave. You have forgotten the horrible things you said to my daughter on the porch?” My father said, and | was surprised at him. “Yes, Tia, this is a wooden house with thin walls. We heard his rules and conditions. Calling us gold diggers and whatnot. It is amazing how you can forget so quickly and fall for him,” my father said, and tears filled my eyes.

“This is why we left the moon mansion, daddy, because of moments like this. Why couldn't you just let it go and let us celebrate the moment? Why did you have to aggravate him like this? ” | said in tears because | did not know how toxic my father could be until now. | complained about Luke’s family, wanting to get away from them at every opportunity, but my father was the same.

“James. Apologise to Alpha Luke,” My mother said, “Our baby is upset thanks to you. Can't, you see, they have made peace with the past and love themselves dearly. Why are you trying to make yourself an enemy? | called Tia here to congratulate them and celebrate the good news. You just had to spoil the moment by mentioning the past and sstupid rumours Dr Green told you about. | had warned you that Alpha Luke has no mistress. This is low, James.” My mother growled. “Tia,” Luke said, embracingand trying to calmdown. “It’s okay, Love.

We'll be on our way now,” He said. “Please do not leave now,” My mother said with a shaky voice.

“I do not want anything that will stress Tia out,” Luke said and looked at my father.” | will let your behaviour this evening slide because you are Tia’s father, but | will not be so kind the next tyou disrespect my wife andagain. | will not take such behaviours from you or anyone. Only my wife is allowed to raise her voice at me,” he said, and | felt his anger and turned to look at my father with disappointment. He must have really forgotten himself. Just because | was Luna did not give him the right to disrespect his alpha.

“Kindly keep your gossips to yourself, Dr Lockwook,” Luke said, and we started moving. | did not say a word because he was mad.

“Please, Tia, Tell him to stay. | still have pudding, and we have a lot of things to talk about.” My mother pleaded within tears.

“Please, Alpha Luke, forgive my behaviour. It will not happen again. Please..” | heard my father plead, and | stopped walking, which made Luke stop too.

“Please, Luke, do this for me,” I linked him, and he turned to look at me. | knew he was angry, but he managed to suppress it, and we returned to sit in the dining room. The rest of the dinner was awkward, but my father did not make the mistake of disrespecting Luke again. After thirty minutes, we were all over it, and the conversations began to flow better. My father apologised smore when he realised that the things he heard about Luke were false.

We talked about many things and ended up staying longer than we planned. once it was ten in the night, | convinced Luke that it was tto leave. We promised my folks that we would visit more often and left quietly. | was glad we could look past our differences and have a good time. My father had gone too far with his accusations, but Luke had been kind enough to let it go and get to know my old man. | was glad that Luke lovedenough to try.