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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 6
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06 Bride and Groom


Three weeks later, I had already begun to believe that the Moons had changed their mind when my

mother told me a date had been set, and the wedding would take place in a week. I had never been so

scared in my life. I heaved and vomited several times, hoping it was all a bad dream and I would wake

up from it soon. Since Caleb and Kirk travelled, none had reached out, and I began to feel abandoned.

My mother and I went shopping for a wedding gown. I felt the heaviness in her heart. My inner wolf had

not spoken to me since this whole fiasco. I hadn’t shifted or gone hunting since. Something that was

supposed to be beautiful and a dream was a nightmare. I could see Luke’s face laying all the horrible

rules and saying all the hurtful things he said to me when he visited with his father. How was I going to

survive him? With the way he had spoken, falling in love with each other was out of the equation.

I used to think I was a laughing stock before; now, I will know the true meaning. Married to a man that

kept a mistress was the worst thing that could happen to any woman. It made you feel inadequate, not


We would be getting married at the registry and have a small reception at our house. It was our tradition

that the bride’s family organised everything. Since Stacy had already said we were beneath them, there

was no need to impress anyone. My wedding day had finally come. I was out of tears. I had cried so

much that I became numb. I did not know how to survive, but I was determined to survive it. I sat in front

of the mirror and looked at myself. The make-up artist had done an excellent would shed no more tears. I

was going to live amid vultures, so I was determined never to show weakness and never to cry. I would

live my life to the fullest and not let anything get to me. I had cried and pleaded long enough; my tears

and pleas had amoui would make sure no one sees my tears again. I was a gamma, the third strongest

wolf in my generation; I had a pack to serve and a life to lead. Luke’s meanness and Luna Stacy’s scorn

and wickedness would not get to me. I made myself those promises and then put on the veil.

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My mother came to my room with an envelope. Her eyes were puffy, which meant she had been crying. I

expected it. They were letting their daughter go, and they knew I wouldn‘t be loved where I was going.

“What is this?” I asked, collecting the envelope from her. “Open it, Darling,” She managed between sobs,

and I opened it and found a debit card. “That is half of what Alpha Luke paid us. I know Luke does not

love you, and he will not treat you right. We might be middle class, but we have our pride and dignity.

Shop and take good care of yourself. I do not want you begging for things. They are not allowing us to

send your clothes to their house. I do not know their plan, but that money is enough to help you take care

of yourself. You can start a business too. If you need a chequebook, visit the bank.” she said, and I

hugged her tightly. My parent loved me too much.

We drove to the registry. I was bold and determined. Luke was there, and I went to sit with him. He

looked handsome in his black suit. His face carried no expression, and I knew mine was the same. I sat

through the whole thing, numb. We signed the certificate, and that was it. I rode with Luke to my house

for the reception. My parents had done an excellent job, and it was warm. People were there to wish me

well, and I wanted it to be a happy union. I danced with my father. I felt his nervousness, and I linked him

that I would be okay. “I know you are tough, princess. Please do not let them break you. Luke is a

complicated man. Do not let him get to you. Know you can always come home to visit. We will be here.”

he linked me back, and I hugged him and fought the tears that welled up in my eyes. The dance finally

ended, and I went back to sit with Luke. We had not said a word to each other, and I doubted if we


“Would you like to dance?” Luke asked me, and I was surprised. I had danced with my father already. I

knew he wanted to put up a show for everyone, so I allowed it.

We danced. I was rigid at first. He leaned close to my ears and whispered with a soft deep breathy voice,

Relax, Tia,” and I relaxed. Soon I placed my head against his chest as we

wayed to the melody. It was beautiful. Luke’s scent was like cinnamon, and his touch was gentle. How

could this be the same guy who had said cruel things to me some weeks ago?

We danced for a while, and when the music changed to something upbeat, we returned to our – seats.

He did not say anything to me until it was time for us to leave.

People waited outside to welcome us into the house when we got to the Moon mansion. When we got to

the door, Luke lifted me bridal style and carried me into the house. Luke’s actions didn’t touch me

because I knew it was all for show. Maybe to the benefit of his father. We did not go to the right–wing of

the house. I was used to the right–wing because that was where Caleb stayed. We went to the left-wing.

As we moved close, the decorations thinned, and, soon, it was nonexistent. Luke wasn’t lying when he

said his part of the house was plain. He carried me across the hall through the corridor until we got to a

large mahogany door. He managed to open it with me still in his arms, and once we were in, he put me


I walked in feeling nervous, and he did not say a word to me; instead, he walked past me. “Where do I

sleep?”I asked him. Now that we were not in the public eye, there was no need for pretence anymore. I

waited for the harsh response. “You sleep in the master’s bed while I sleep in the other room,” He said

gently. “No need to be nervous. I will not do anything to you. I am not in the habit of forcing myself on

people. Be rest assured you are safe.” He assured me. “By the way, I bought you clothes, and they are in

the walk-in closet. Your jewellery and undergarments are in the dresser. If you need anything else, let me

know. Also, I will need you to list your beauty products, so I pick them on my way back” he said, and I

looked at him. “Are you going out?” I managed, and he looked at me for a while. It was obvious the

answer might hurt me.

“Never mind, you don‘t have to answer that. Forget I asked. Won‘t ask again,” I said and did

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not wait for him to speak when I walked into the closet. I sat on the stool in the closet. Luke had put a lot

of thought into it and bought many things. I searched around for something simple to wear. Soon I found

an oversized t-shirt tucked away. It obviously did not belong there because it was old. I guessed the

people that arranged the closet must have forgotten it there. It smelled like cinnamon, and I knew it was

Luke’s. I heard the door close, and I knew Luke had left. I exited the closet and went to the bathroom.

We would have to share the bathroom with the way the set-up was. I looked through the arc that

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

separated my room from his, and I noticed that I was sleeping on the better bed. The other room was

very plain and simple. Why would he give me the better part of the room?

I went to shower and lay down on the bed wearing the t-shirt I had found and a pair of white lace

underwear. The T-shirt was old, but I had nothing else to wear. Everything there was seductive, and I

didn’t intend to seduce Luke.



I sat on the bed, bored. I did not know what to do. I started browsing out of boredom and decided to

order some sex toys. I had always wanted to have those, but I never bought any out of fear that my

mother would find them in my room. Now that I was a married woman and my husband was not

interested in me, it was best I had things to help myself. The fact that Luke left me to go and see his

girlfriend on our wedding night made me understand my situation.

Also, I knew would soon be on my heat period, and I have learned a lot about the heat to know it is no

funny business. I would need all the help I could get. I had read a lot about heat, and I was prepared.

There was no way I would beg Luke to help with it. I had promised myself that I would not beg anyone for

anything. I will not break, and I intend to keep that promise. 1 I went into his room and looked around.

There wasn’t anything there to tell me about him. I felt insulted a bit. This was our wedding night, and I

was sure he had gone to his girlfriend. He should have given me some dignity, stayed the night, and then

visited her the next day. Now everyone would know he does not care about me, and we are yet to

consummate the union. Maybe he did it for her benefit. They were in love before Luna Stacy threw me

into the mix and forced me down Luke’s throat. I was the other woman in this, even though we were

married. I wouldn’t let it get to me anyway. I returned to my room and searched online toy shops. I bought

a couple of things. I did not know what they all did and using a search engine to understand the toys was

tedious, but I was able to buy a few.

After I had purchased them, I realised that no curtain or door separated Luke’s room from mine. I would

have to do the deed when he is not around. I had heard a lot about toys, and I intend to try them out

once they arrive. I was excited about my purchase, and soon I fell asleep on the bed.