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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 48
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48 Birds Of A Feather Tia.

Heading Diamond Corp was sudden and tedious, but | had to do it. | was the only person Luke trusted to allow to handle his business, and | understood why. Surrounded by the likes of Stacy, we had to be extra vigilant. | was the only one with a lot to lose if he got hurt. . Dealing with the board members was easy, but there were a lot of unfinished business and contracts to handle. It was as if Alpha Aesop stopped paying attention at a point. There was really no reason for him to do so, but he did anyway, and now there was a mountain of work to do, files to attend to, and | started hating the computer screen.

Luke was undergoing training for his takeover. He was already a trained alpha, but they wanted to sharpen his skills. He was training along with Caleb and Kirk | was glad he chose to keep Kirk as gamma in his ranks. The guy was an asset. Alpha Aesop had bannedfrom getting involved in military matters, and | was saddened by it.

However, Luke still allowedto help behind the scenes by running things byand asking for my input, but my days of interrogating and torturing prisoners were over, and | missed my dream of being a garnma. | guess the goddess wantedto be Luna, and here | was. Luke was yet to be sworn in, but | knew the twas approaching.

| was in my office when Alpha Aesop walked in with Monica unannounced. It was awkward, and | did not want to deal with him alone. | have never really had to deal with the man alone. Luke or Caleb was always there. Ever since the incident when Stacy tried to frme and havecast out, | have been wary of the man. | had not let it go, and | doubted | would. Somehow | suspected the man knew | was wary of him because he put in extra effort to makecomfortable, but | wasn’t a fool. The man was a sucker for his mate, so | needed to be on my guard. | could understand his relationship with Stacy; he would do anything for her, just like Luke would do anything for me. | think it was the bond thing. It turns hard men into softies where their mates are concerned.

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Luke was a very hard guy, stern and unapproachable. | have heard people gossip about us, about how they feel sorry forthat | have to deal with such a problematic guy, but Luke was a big Teddy with me, loving and caring, and he would do anything for me, so | would often smile about it. It was cool that | was the only one to experience Luke's gentle side. | had even heard a woman wonder how | managed with him in bed. People couldn't mind their business to save the world. | was at the grocery store, and she looked at my small stature and told her friend that she felt sorry for me. | was small, quite alright, but | could handle Luke fine. | could understand their concern. Of course, they will feel uncomfortable. | was five feet seven and a size six. On the other hand, Elisabeth was five nine and a size ten. She could handle a six-foot-five-inch man easier than | could in their heads. The thought of everything madesmile internally as | stood to greet my father-in-law and former alpha.

“Good afternoon, Alpha,” | said, and he smiled at me.

“You know callingfather won't hurt. | know James is still alive, but you have two fathers now,” he said with a big smile, and | reciprocated the smile. There was a tthat smile would have maderelaxed but not after that event at his house.

Luke looked a lot like his father, and | could see what he would like in a few years. Alpha Aesop was still a very handsman and could compete with his sons easily. The goddess blessed their family with good looks. “The board tellsyou are settling in well, and you are handling the business professionally, ” he said, passinga compliment, and | thanked him. “Is there anything you aren't capable of, Tia?” he asked, and | did not know how to answer that question because | sucked at many things.

“Anyway, how is your holiday going with Luke? You guys do not spend much tin the mansion anymore and haven't cby since the last breakfast we had; | am beginning to suspect Stacy might be telling the truth when she said you two have secretly moved out,” he said, and | knew what he was trying to do. Was that why he cto my office with Monica? | was uncomfortable having conversations with the girl present. She seemed more like a spy than anything to me, and with Stacy’s money issues, | honestly did not want her around. “No, Alpha, father,” | said, correcting myself. It sounded alien to me, but | had to make the man happy. “All our things are still in the mansion. It is just that we want to bond. We wanted to get to do things normal couples do and spend ttogether. For example, | did not know Luke made awessteak until we went to our holiday house.” | said, and he raised an eyebrow because he didn’t know that either.

“I guess the mansion makes it difficult for you to play house,” He agreed and then leaned forward.

“Tia, | hope you and Luke are trying for a baby?” he asked, and | cringed.

“Yes, we are,” | managed to answer, and he nodded with approval.

“Good because | really want grandchildren. Legitimate ones. | want Luke to have someone that would succeed him, and | know you can have strong, intelligent children, Tia,” He said, and all | could manage was a thank you.

The man was too forwards for my liking. Wanting to change the topic, | looked at Monica.

“May | help you?” | asked her wanting her to leave my office. She started acting nervous all of a sudden. The bitch didn’t bother to greetwhen she entered the office, and | took offence at her blatant disrespect. “Matter of fact, | asked her to cwith me,” Alpha Aesop said, but | already knew. “Well, in that case, it is quite disrespectful of her not to greet me,” | said boldly. “That is true,” Alpha Aesop said, “I was too happy about the developments that | overlooked the disrespect.

“You better learn to respect your Luna,” he said to her, and | did not care. “I am sorry, Luna Tia. | just did not want to interrupt your conversation with Uncle Aesop,” she said with an innocent expression, and | wasn’t a fool.

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The look wasn’t for me. It was for her ‘Uncle Aesop’.

“I found that Monica is still working as an intern, and | wanted her to work closely with Gail. | know you weren't comfortable with her working with Luke but now that you are here, | think you should bump her up. She is highly qualified, and she would do a great job. The best people you can trust are your family, Tia. That is why Luke handed the company to you.” he said, and this man must have smoked something before coming to my office. Monica wasn’t my family. She was his family.

“I do not think it is wise to have her here. Luke isn't comfortable having Stacy’s relatives close to his business, and now that Stacy is in dire need of the money, | do not trust her intention,” | said boldly, and the man looked disappointed. He felt insulted by my words, and | could see it. It was as if the man expectedto be obedient. It was clear he wasn’t asking; he was commanding. In his mind, when he tellsto jump, I should ask him how high. “When | purchased you for my son, | believed you to be a sweet girl. | honestly believed you soften him up a bit, but you are just as cold as he is,” he said, and | bowed my head. “Alpha, you do not expect a child you never showed love to be kind. Love brings kindness. You believed all the lies Stacy told about him and humiliated him for it. Luke isn’t hard or wicked; he is just guarded, and so am I. | had a lot of respect for you, and I still do, but what you did toat the breakfast table that day when your wife concocted lies aboutstill lingers on my mind. The only person that believedwas my husband. You were ready to cutoff, and when the truth cout, Stacy got a slap on the wrist for it. | cannot have Monica working closely with Gail because if she does something, she will get a slap on the wrist. After all, | can’t deal with a staff that her wrongs will have no consequence. Recommend someone else, but she stays on the ground floor. If she doesn’t like it, she can work in West Corps or any other company, but working withis off-limits. | already have a lot to deal with; | can’t be watching my back simultaneously. Besides, she has her designs on my husband whom you purchasedfor, and | cannot have that,” | said, and the woman was stunned.

“You amaze me, Tia. | did not know you were like this,” he said, and | shook my head.

“Your family madelike this. You boughtfor your son because Stacy did not wantwith Caleb. You know Luke will not let Monica work with Gail, so you approached me, knowing you could scareinto accepting.

When you first suggested this to Luke, | remember your words, and he said no. You told Stacy it was Luke's company, and she should accept the kind gesture, so why are you trying to forceinto doing what you couldn't force your son into doing? Other thannot wanting her here, what do you think Luke would do when he finds out | let the niece of the woman that maltreated him work closely with his secretary giving that swoman complete insight into how the company is run. Stacy helped Miles steal from this company, and at the rate, they were going, they would have run it down. | am dealing with the mess right now. A lot of uncompleted contracts and substandard output. You did nothing about it. | can’t risk it, alpha. You can hate and callnames, but | won't do it,” | said to him firmly, and he stood up and walked to the window besidewhere | sat. | was afraid, but I hid my fears. | honestly thought he would hit me. | could feel his anger. He stared out at the skylines, and the horizon was clear. Diamond corp was the tallest building in that vicinity.

“I built this company from the ground up. Chloe owned the capital, but | was the entrepreneur, and she supported me. Giving this company to Luke was an act of appreciation and love. Chloe was withfor only four years, and Stacy has been withfor twenty-three years. | hope you understand where | am driving. | will not ask you nicely the next tTia. | might be fond of Luke and like you, but | know when to draw the line. Monica works with Gail, and that is final,” he said, and | nodded. “Very well then, | think you should take it up with Luke before she resumes work. | do not own the company. | am just holding the office for my husband, and she can start work when Luke says so.” | said to him, and he looked at me.

“You aren't a gentle soul, Tia. You are conniving and manipulative. You are hell-bent on embarrassingon this knowing your husband will say no, and even if he would have said yes, you can still tell him to say no. Do not push me. My key mark might no longer be active, and | might not have that power over you, but I can still make your life unbearable. | bought you for him. Remember, he was seeing someone he was crazy about then, and yet he let her go even before anything happened between you two. | can end this union, mated or not. Luke is still my son, and he will still try to please me. After all, you are not even pregnant yet and is ex is heavily pregnant and living in my home. If you push me, | will make him leave you, Tia.” he said, and | realised Stacy had rubbed off on him.