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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 37
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37 Hurting Too Tia.

Stacy’s words had struck home, and | knew she was telling the truth no matter how much Luke tried to assure me. | am sure Alpha Aesop had assured her several times about Luke, and look where they were now. Her son had nothing, and Luke had everything. What if the shappens toand my children. The child was still Luke's child, and | could not let Luke love the child less. Elisabeth will forever be a permanent fixture in our lives because she was the mother of his child. Where will that leave me? Where will that leave my children? | ate my breakfast in silence while Luke tried to assure me. He touched my thighs and tried to teaselike he usually did, but it had no effect on me. Stacy’s words kept playing in my mind. Soon we finished and excused ourselves. While we walked back to our wing, Luke had a call, and it was from Bart. | began to hope it was terrible news that Elisabeth had lost the baby. | know it was cruel, but my fear for myself and my unborn children madethink that way.

“Okay, Thank you, Bart,” He said, and | knew she was alright because he did not exclaim or do anything serious.

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The moment we entered our bedroom. | went to change my clothes to something casual. | was silent all through, and there was tension in the air. Luke decided to break the silence.

“Tia..” he said, and | shook my head. “Don’t talk about it, Luke,” | said, trying to shut him up. “Why shouldn't | talk about it? You are all worked up because of it,” he pointed out, and | shook my head.

“Don’t talk about it because | do not want to hold you to your word, Luke. Stacy is full of shit, but she is right with this one. Whatever you say or promise does not change that the child is yours. | will not recommend you love the baby less because of me. That child will always be a reminder that there was someone before me. The child will be older than my children and will feel entitled. If you try to be indifferent, the child will blme for it and hate us for it. Elisabeth will poison that child and talk about how Tia, the whore, stole her love from her.

What if the child is a stronger alpha than mine. He will inherit you, and where will that leaveand my children, Luke? Elisabeth won the moment she got pregnant with your baby,” | said to him, and he bowed his head in shame. “I am the one that has to catch up and try to meet up. | am second.” | said to him, and I did not know tears were streaming down my eyes. “Your father has accepted the child as your heir before meeting the child.

Where does that leave me, Luke? Maybe you should have annulled the marriage when you found out she was pregnant. | feel guilty for letting you claimright now because | have just messed things up. Maybe | shouldn't have children to make it easier,” | said, rambling because | did not know what to say, and | was crying Luke pulledclose and heldto his chest. “I will put everything | have in your nTia; you know that our children will always cfirst, and they will inherit me. Do not let what Stacy says get to you. Do not compare the way | am to my father with Elisabeth’s child to me. My mother was my father’s mate and wife. He married her and claimed her; | am a legitimate son. Elisabeth's child is illegitimate. My father does not determine who will be my heir. | will, and it will be our children, Tia. All this love we have for each other must amount to something. Our children will be the product of our love. How then will they not be my heirs? They will be our legacy together, Tia. | meant what | said, and you can holdto it. Other than being Alpha of the pack. Our children will take it all. The pack isn’t mine to give, so if her child is a stronger Alpha, he will have to lead, but Diamond corp and everything we will build together will go to our babies. | promise you, Tia. | promise to put it in writing if you do not believe me. As for Elisabeth, | am cutting off from her completely.” He said, but | shook my head. “You can’t, Luke. You can’t because you have a child to raise together,” | said to him, and he heldtight because he knew | was right. Why did Elisabeth do this to us? Why did she complicate our lives like this? | am sure he regrets having the breakup sex with her. He should have left well enough alone and walked away, but he had promised he would never touchwhen he visited. Maybe it was one for the road for him, and now it had turned sour, and he forever has a rerninder for it.

His phone rang again, and | broke the hug so he could answer it. It was Bart again, and from the way the conversation was going, they needed him in the hospital. He hung up and looked at me, a bit worried, not knowing how he would tellwhat he wanted to say. “It’s okay, Luke, go,” | said, and he looked worried. “Do you mind coming withso we can go to check the house from there?” He asked, and | wanted to say no, but | knew it took a lot for him to ask that question. Stacy’s words lingered on my mind, and | decided | would apply myself and build something so my children would not be left empty in future. All he was saying now were words, driven by his emotions. He did not know how he would feel about the child when the baby arrived, and it will be cruel ofto hold him to his words.

“Okay,” | said and wore sflip-flops so we could go. | wasn’t excited about the ‘holiday’ house again, and with the way things were looking, we might not go to that house because Elisabeth might need help. Luke drove, and we rode in silence. | guess Theo's capture had given him sconfidence again that no one would cafter us for now, but | was vigilant. He sped, and | knew whatever Bart had called to tell him was serious, but he was too worried and afraid to speak. We got to the hospital, parked our car, and started walking toward the centre. | noticed he wanted to move fast. “Go ahead of me. | am behind you,” | said, and he looked at me.

“Are you sure?” he asked, and it wasn’t like | had a choice. | nodded to help ease his conscience. “Private ward 6,” he said and walked away briskly. | slowed down my pace ultimately, hoping they would have finished by the t| got there. | honestly felt like an intruder. This was their moment. Elisabeth, Luke and their unborn child. To that baby, | will be the reason his father left his mother. The reason he will not grow up with his father. The one to break up their happy home. | wouldn't put it past Elisabeth to feed him with lies. She had promised she would do just that, and she does not seem like the type to make empty threats. | wandered until | got to the entrance. | went to sit in the reception, not wanting to intrude. | wanted to waste more tbefore going to Elisabeth's room.

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Thirty minutes later, | went to Elisabeth’s room and stood by the Window. Luke was holding her hand while the doctor was examining her. Bart stood and watched. There was a tray filled with used cotton wool, and | wondered if the blood was from her. | had seen enough. | decided | wasn’t going to enter the room. | was about to move away when Luke sawand pulled his hand away from hers, but | had seen it. | smiled at him and nodded, pretending it was okay. There was no point getting mad at him. We were stuck together, and Elisabeth will be a permanent fixture in our lives. His eyes looked worried, and | did not know why until a tear rolled down my cheek. | wiped it away quickly. “I am okay, Luke,” | linked him, and he did not say a word. | stood there for a bit, and soon the doctor left, and Luke got up to leave., She grabbed his hands and held on tight, crying and screaming. Begging him to stay with her, saying she needed a him. Threatening she would die without him. | had seen enough. | moved away and began to walk toward the exit. | did not look back and walked quickly until | got to the parking lot. | was already in tears. | touched the locket on my neck, and | felt confused. “Tia, Tia, Please, Tia,” | heard Luke saying behind me. | wiped away my tears and turned to look at him.

“I can’t handle this, Luke. My heart can’t take it,” | said to him, being honest. “No matter how high your love takes me, Elisabeth will always be there to crash it. She has a hold over you, and she is using that pregnancy efficiently,” | said to him, so he would understand my mental state.

“They neededto sign sdocuments for a proceedure. She was going to lose the baby, and she was bleeding. She did not allow anyone to attend to her, and she kept calling for me. | had to go to her so she would let them...” he said, and | shook my head because | did not want to hear anymore. ” “I want to go home, Luke,” | said, getting into the car. “What about our ‘Holiday home?” he asked me, and | shook my head. “Let us not deceive ourselves, Luke. Elisabeth will do things that will make you leavealone in the house and cto attend to her..” | said, and he interrupted me. “My father promised to handle it,” he assured me. “This is too much, Luke,” | said, tired of the whole thing.

“Please help me, Tia. | need your help and support, “he pleaded with me, and | looked at him. “Who will help and support me, Luke? Do you know the kind of mental trauma | am going through? Elizabeth is a permanent reminder, Luke!” | said to him. He had teary eyes, and | knew he was frustrated, but | could not say anything to help ease his pain because mine was there, and it was intense. That bitch had spoiled my day. Both Elisabeth and Stacy had messed my day up, and as selfish as it may sound, | did not wish Elisabeth well, and | hoped she would lose the baby eventually. Anything to get her out of our lives. Her tantrums and need for attention were draining both Luke and me, and | had had enough. Luke remained speechless, afraid to say something that would hurt me, He entered the car and began to drive. He drove fast until we arrived at a small street with small bungalows. The houses looked like my parents’ house. We parked in front of one that looked exactly like my parents’ house. Luke cout of the car and askedto join him. | did not want to be stubborn, so | obliged. “This is us, Tia. You and me. Elisabeth will never be here with us. He said and held my hand.

“Please, Tia. | am sorry | did this to us but helpmove on from that mistake. It is killing me.” he said to me.