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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 24
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24 Assurance


I sat in the corner, crying. I tried to stop the tears; I tried to be strong. I tried to distance myself from the

problem, I tried everything, but I couldn’t. I loved him too much not to feel the pain. Even though he said,

he was over her. Having her in the house could bring back old emotions. I decided I would go and stay

with my folks a bit. I got up to pack, and that was when he walked in.

“Tia, Tia,” he said, and I could not answer him. His father was right. He should have stopped whatever he

was doing with Elisabeth when he accepted the engagement.

I walked to the bedroom and headed toward the closet. He followed me quickly and held me before I

could enter the closet. I tried to wiggle out of his embrace, but he held on tight. He bent and rested his

chin on my shoulder and his mouth close to my ear. My back against his chest, and his arms wrapped

around me.

“Please, Tia,” he said, and I broke down completely at that moment. “He is right. My father is right. This is

my fault, but please, Tia. Do not leave me alone in this.” he pleaded. I could not speak because the pain

was too much.

“I should have ended it immediately. I shouldn’t have slept with her. I promised I would fix this.” he said,

and I shook my head.

“You can’t fix this, Luke. That woman is moving into our wing. She will sit with us at breakfast, and you

will have to attend to her. You might not sleep with her, but you will have to attend to her. Where does

that leave me, Luke?” I said, rubbing his mark on my neck, wishing I could take it all back.

“No, No, Tai. Please don’t do that. Please,” He said, taking my hands from my neck and trapping them in

his embrace.

“Please, Tia,” he pleaded.

“She will soon be here, Luke. You have to allocate a room to her in this wing and a servant that will serve

her,” I said, pretending to calm down.

“Forget about the house hunting Luke. I do not want to live in a small house anymore now that we will

have Elisabeth and her pups in our lives. The moon mansion will be perfect.” I said, and he held on

tightly and began to weep.

“I wish I could take it all back, Tia. I wish I could. I know this matter has affected you since you found out,

even though you tried to hide it. Please, Tia, forgive me. I did not continue my relationship with her out of

spite or disrespect,” he explained, and I did not want to hear the rest.

I managed to break out of his embrace, but he held me tightly and closely. He breathed me in.

“She means nothing to me, Tia. She is wasting her time. She will still have to go through you. She will

regret coming here,” He said and kissed his mark on my neck. Then licked my earlobe. When I did not

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respond, he turned me around and kissed me on the lips. I tried to push him off but instead landed on the

bed with my back against the mattress.

“You are my life and love, Tia. Don’t let Elisabeth win,” he said, trapping me between his arms

on the bed. He bent over me and stared into my eyes, asking me for permission. “Please,” he linked me,

and I turned my head sideways, voiding his gaze. He kissed my neck, and a moan escaped my lips. My

body was betraying me, and so was my heart. I was in big trouble.

Luke unbuttoned my blouse and unhooked my bra. He sucked my nipples as if he needed them to live.

While he sucked on them,

I tried to control my response, but my body wanted him. It wanted him badly. He reached under my short

skirt and felt for my panties; I was sure were soaked by now. Luke undressed me entirely and undressed

himself. Leaning on me, he linked me.

“I am all yours, Tia; my heart, body, and soul belong to you. My entire existence belongs to you. Please

do not let her win. Please,” he said and went between my legs to eat me. I moaned uncontrollably. The

truth was I could not leave him even if I wanted to and the same was for him; we might as well make it

work. I would have loved to hold out on him a bit, but he was a victim in this too. Alpha Aesop was right,

but I doubted I would have stopped seeing Caleb if we were dating then. She deliberately got pregnant

for this, and he was right; we could not let her win.

Hii ili

Luke worked on me so well that I came quicker than usual. Then he moved up to kiss me. I could taste

myself on my lips…

“May I take you, Tai?” he asked, and I nodded. He placed himself inside me gently and began to pump.

“Don’t stifle your moans, Tia. I want the whole wing to know what we are doing in here. I want them to

know how much I appreciate you and how addicted I am to you. You are my drug, Tia, and I never want

to be sober,” he said, pumping uncontrollably. Until I came.


He did not stop, though; he continued, pumping hard and fast. “I can’t wait to put my baby in you, Tia,” he

said and pumped, pushing deeper and hitting all the right spots. “Luke,” I finally moaned as I shattered all

over him.




“Yes, Tia, keep coming. Keep coming for me,” he said, pumping hard and fast, and I began to shake from

excess orgasms. I dug my fingers into his sides, scratching him because my body could not handle the

multiple unending waves of orgasms I was getting. He pushed in so deep and poured himself into me. I

guess his swimmers would not need to do much to get to their destination. He collapsed on the bed by

my side. “I am sorry, Tia. I am sorry you have to go through this shit. I promise never to do anything that

will ever cause you pain again.’ he said, and I knew he was sincere; I could feel it. But it still did not

change the fact that another woman was carrying his baby and will be living in our home because of it. At

this point, I wished I was a bit like Stacy. I would have used his influence and power to manipulate the

DNA results and have Elisabeth, and her baby kicked out when the time comes. As nice as I was, I

wasn’t noble. She was sleazy enough to try to trap Luke with pregnancy; I was allowed to be wicked in

response. Messing her up wasn’t at the top of my list, but it was on my probability list.

Luke and I lay naked in bed, and he held me. I felt his fear of losing me. But even with the hot sex, I was

still not alright. I was sad to my core. Elisabeth and her child will be a huge burden to us and our space.

Her child might feel entitled and might be a problem for my children. We

lay in bed and finally fell asleep.

I woke up to someone knocking on the living room door. It was sometime in the afternoon. I slid out of

bed and wore a robe to see who it was. It was Bart.

“Madam,” he said, and I frowned at him. Not because I was angry but because I needed more sleep

because of the energy-draining orgasms I experienced during our lovemaking session. “Yes, Bart,” I said

calmly so he would know I wasn’t mad.

“Miss Barnes is here with her bags. What room should I allocate to her?” he asked, and I thought of

something. Usually, I should put her as far away from us as possible, but that will help her continue living

in denial. She needed to know Luke had moved on from her. I wanted her to hear him screw me and give

me pleasure. I wanted to torture her sense until she was frustrated and couldn’t take anymore and move


“Put her in the next room,” I said, and Bart raised a worried look.

“I want her to hear us,” I said, and the man beamed at me mischievously. It was clear he did not like her


“You are also not allowed to serve her, Bart. Allocate her a lesser servant with no access to Luke and

me,” I said, and he nodded with understanding. I wasn’t going to let her win this one.

“Lastly, she is not allowed to approach this room or our space. Station someone at our door, always,” I

said, and he smiled and nodded. I thanked him and returned to bed. I took off my robe and turned Luke

facing up. While he was still sleeping, I put his cock in my mouth and worked on it. I wanted to moan,

and I needed him to make love to

ted to moan, and I needed him to make love to me. Call me petty, but the bitch needed to know she

stood no chance. He woke up almost immediately, tugging at my hair gently and fucking my mouth. Soon

he stopped, and I went on top of him to ride my fill. I rode him and moaned, extra louder wanting her to

hear us. Call it cruel, but she asked for it.

Luke was a beast that night. He put a lot of effort into our lovemaking, and I knew it was to apologise for

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the pain and the inconvenience Elisabeth was causing. He was sorry, I felt it, and I knew it was best to let

it go and just live.

We lay spent on the bed, cuddled in each other’s arms. “Tia, we will be going to the office together

henceforth. Are you okay with it?” he asked, and I nodded.

“Elisabeth has arrived, Luke; I asked them to put her in the next room,” I said, and he started laughing

“Tia, you are mean,” he said, and I giggled.

“I noticed you were extra loud this time around. Hope she gets the message. I promise you I won’t have

any interactions with her.” he said, and I knew he would keep that promise. The

girl was wasting her time. My mark on his neck said it all. He was mine and mine alone.

“I am still thinking of moving out,” he confessed to me, and I sighed. I did not want Elisabeth in our home,

spoiling the place for us.

“Not now, Luke, after Elisabeth gives birth, and we are sure. If the baby is yours, you know she will have

to remain,” I said, and I felt his uneasiness.

“But that does not mean we can’t have a holiday home where we will stay longer than we do

here,” I said, and he sat up confused. “What do you mean?” he asked, and I smiled and sat up with him.

“The law says she should live with you until she finds someone. We can live here in the moon mansion

but be absent most of the time. Spend some days here and the rest of the month in our holiday home.

technically she is living with us, but we are just not always around.” I said, and he understood me.

“I still can’t believe I brought this upon us, Tia. My father is right. I should have let her go..” he said, and I

cut him.

“It is not easy to let go of someone you love,” I said, and he shook his head.

“Elisabeth was familiar. I wasn’t in love with her; that was why I did not fight to reject our union. My father

was right about the money thing. She was all about it. She rejected me when she found out I wouldn’t be

Alpha and requested an open relationship. I stayed with her out of habit, Tia. That was why it was easy

to move on and try with you.” he said, and I was surprised. I knew he was over her, but to think he never

really loved her was relieving.

“You are the first woman I will fall in love with completely. I love you, Tia, body and soul,” he said and

intertwined his fingers with mine. “You will never have to worry about my loyalty and faithfulness. My

heart beats only for you. Tia. I do not care if Elisabeth’s child or children are mines. They will never

measure up to our children together. I will care for them out of duty, but it ends there. Everything I am

and have will go to you and our children, Tia. I love you with all my heart, and I will continue to love you

until I take my last breath, Tia.” He said, and tears welled up in my eyes. I felt his sincerity, and I knew I

had absolutely nothing to worry about. His love was a strong armour that I was willing to wear to face

Elisabeth, Stacy and anyone that tried to come between us. I could not speak, so I leaned close, and we

kissed hungrily. We laid in each other’s arms intertwined, making sure there was no space between our

bodies. I faced him with one leg between his and the other leg over his leg. Our naked bodies touching

and our arms around each other, holding on tight and never letting go.