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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 110
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110 What He Did Part 2 Tia.

The office was silent. Everyone was amazed. Monica sat on the floor without care and looked defeated. | could not feel sorry for her because she had actively worked against the Moons. It doesn’t matter if she desired her family to reunite; it still does not justify her actions. Her story was plausible, but it was still her words. There was no way we could tell if she was telling the truth or not. | could feel Alpha Aesop‘s anger. It becworse after Monica mentioned Chloe. What was Chloe's business in this? | was a bit hungry, so | linked Norman to ask Bart to bringthe usual. Bart was under strict orders to make my sandwiches. | did not trust anyone to do it.

“Are we not going to continue this interrogation?” Alpha Aesop asked, sounding impatient, and | looked at my husband where he sat. He was sitting behind the desk in his swivel chair. The rest of us sat on the couch and chair in the office. Luke looked atwith the squestion in his eyes.

“I sent for a Sandwich and Orange Juice. Please bear with me. | do not want anyone to hear what she tells us.

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When they deliver the food, we can continue.” | said, noticing Alpha Aesop wasn’t content with my excuse.

“Why did you do it, Monica?” | heard Stacy ask, sounding heartbroken.

“Why will you betrayfor a man that wanted you dead from birth? | went through hell trying to keep you. He saw you as a liability. Regan swore that he would never care for you. Do you know the things he madedo? He usedto make alliances and extra cash, which | was not allowed to have. | had to do odd jobs and sell myself most of the tjust to make enough to send hto you and my parents. Why did you do this? There was no t| did not think of you, Monica. If | told Aesop you were mine, he wouldn‘t have married me, and you wouldn‘t have had the life and care you enjoyed.” Stacy said in tears, then looked at Aesop.

“I am not saying this to try and fix things between us. | am okay with the separation, but | must explain things to my daughter as honestly as possible,” She said and wiped away her tears.

“I did not need to marry or mate with Aesop to care for you. As Luke's caregiver, | was paid a lot of money and appreciated Aesop for it, but he was the first man to showkindness. Regan made the idea of love sour. Yes, we dated, but things got sour when he started pimping me. | never had a good marriage with him. Everything was forced, especially the claiming. | knew most of his secrets, and | was useful to him; he did not want to letgo, so he trappedthe best way he could. | thought all men were the suntil | met Aesop in Neev while trying to make smoney secretly so | could send hto care for my father. Aesop was the first man that helpedwithout sleeping with me, and | respected him for it. | was in love before | knew it, but he was married then and talked much about his wife. You do not know how happy | was when Regan letget with him because | loved Aesop. | wanted to please him, but he never gavea chance. | wanted to be with him. Being with Aesop also meant | would be safe from Regan, but my secrets were like Shackles, and he used it. | felt inferior when | got with Aesop because he never spareda glance. When he mistakenly slept withand conceived Caleb, | thought he would love me, but | was wrong. Soon | knew he just tolerated me, so | started acting out. | love my husband, Monica. | do not love your father. | never will. If really he told you to drugso you can taketo him and we can be together like a family, how do you think it would have worked? | do not love your father, Monica; even if he stole all the money and becthe most recognised Alpha on Woodclaw Island, | won't love him. It takes more than money and power, Monica.

You were stupid to think | would want that. | would have committed suicide if you had done that to me. Regan is an animal. Do you think | want to go back into prostitution? | bet he plans to do the sfor you from how you look. | am heartbroken that you will willingly sellto my enemy for your selfish needs. | pray that one day you will have a child, Monica, then maybe you will understandbetter.” She said to her daughter and wiped away her tears. Stacy was hurt, and | knew why she was mad. Monica was trying to force her parents back together.

The truth was the girl was too old for that. She was jealous of Caleb, annoyed at Aesop, and pissed off at Luke for not fucking her. Nothing the bitch would say would make what she did seem okay. She allowed herself to be used, Bart finally brought the sandwich and the orange juice. | thanked him, and he left immediately. Munching the sandwich and gulping the juice, | decided to continue with the questioning “What did your father tell you about Luna Chloe?” | finally asked because | knew my husband and his father were eager to hear it. Monica had run out of tears, and her eyes were blank.

“Initially, father said he used to go by Tom Regan Adhit and once worked at a car dealership in Neev under the nTom Luis; that was where he met Chloe Renshaw. He claimed she had cwith her mother on holiday and they had cto rent a car to drive about the town. He said it was love at first sight and he really liked her.

They hung out a lot, and he saw them heading somewhere. A month after they had started hanging out, Alpha Aesop arrived in Neev down on his luck. When he found out who Chloe Renshaw was, he wooed her and took her d back. Compared to Alpha Aesop, he was nobody. He knew he could not compete. He tried to tell her he was with her for her money, but she wouldn‘t listen. She eventually eloped with him, and he did not see her again until they returned to Neev syears later. He claimed she looked depressed, and she said Alpha Aesop was cheating on her. He felt bad for her because she was married and claimed already, but then she started asking them to meet up frequently, and she told him she was ready to leave Alpha Aesop, but he wouldn't let her. He claimed she said Alpha Aesop threatened to kill her if she dared. Regan said he tried to help her, but they suddenly packed up and left, and that was the last he heard of her.” She explained, and | did not know what to think of what she had just told us. When Regan met Chloe, she probably saw his lies and went for the man that genuinely loved her. There was no need for bad blood there. | did not miss that she used the word’ Initially’, which meant there were two stories. Tears began to fall from Monica's eyes as if she was reliving a nightmare in her mind. Instead of interrupting her, I linked the two men | suspected might interrupt her to keep quiet because it was clear she had more to say. | was itching to hear what she had to say. “I believed that lie too,” Monica continued, stating how dumb she was at Twenty-four. Age really had nothing to do with wisdom.

“| felt it was a harmless love triangle that my father lost out of. | could understand why he becmad when my mother betrayed him for the sman, even though he did confess it was his plan for my mother to get close to Alpha Aesop to kill him and his son so they could be at the top for once. He said it was a stupid and wicked plan and regrets it. | believed him. | stupidly believed. I still did not think he was a monster then. | thought he sent my mother to do the unthinkable because he was still mad about Chloe and his family’s nbeing struck off by the Moons. | knew it was bad and sinister, and | should have frowned at it, but since my mother did not do it and he realised it was wrong, | felt it was okay.” Monica said and buried her face in her palms.

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“1 did not know what he was until | met him in Tetra.” She said, and her body began to shake.

“He becsomething else entirely. He tried to getto sleep with simportant people from Santa Braee, and | refused; that was when he got mad. | felt it was wrong for a father who loved his daughter to do what he was doing. | had slept with people from the IT and Account department of Diamond corp for his sake, and | had hoped | would never have to do that again. | refused to allow him to use me. That was when all hell broke loose.

He made his goons lockup in a room in chains and repeatedly have their way with me. I lost count. He said something about..” “Training..” Stacy interrupted her daughter with tears flowing freely from her eyes. Monica nodded, immediately crying. It was clear Stacy went through the s‘training’. Their story was sad and pathetic.

“They did all sorts of things to me, Mommy.” Monica cried, and she sounded like a little girl. Whatever Regan did had broken her.

“1 am so sorry. He toldyou went through the sthing. He claimed it was to toughenup. After three days of non-stop abuse, He finally toldthe truth. He toldhe wanteddead, and you were the one that decided to keep me. Little did he know it would be to his benefit. | was so ashamed of myself. He calledstupid and gullible, which was true. He boasted about his crimes and what happens to people that double cross him. He said he punished Chloe for dumping him for Aesop and that he made sure her life was hell. He claimed he sent her threats and made sure she was on edge. He wanted her for her money, and instead of letting him have both her and the money, she had to give it to Alpha Aesop. He said he could not forgive her for teaming up with his enemy, so he trolled her for it. Sent her messages and kept her on edge, making her life miserable, and just when she thought she could have peace, he proved to her that her money and her Alpha could never save her from his wrath. There was no way he would let Alpha Aesop have a happy ever after, so he had her poisoned and made sure no one lived to speak of it. He toldthese things, so | would know what would happen toif | ever double cross him. He toldthat no one would protect me. He letknow that Just like Alpha Aesop could not protect Chloe or my mother from him that no one would saveif | tried to betray him.” She confessed, looking scared and afraid. There was no way this girl was lying. | felt a thud and a bang. | looked in the direction of the sound, and it was Aesop. His eyes were red and bulging, his hands and body shaking. He had punched and cracked the brick wall. He was growling like a mad dog. His anger permeated the air. | was scared.

The pressure was intense that | rubbed my bump. Luke wasn’t okay either. He was mad. | did not know what to do at that moment. | could not tell them sorry or console them. This man had plagued this family longer than we suspected. He had killed Luke‘s mother for revenge and to leave an opening for Stacy to swoop in and take the money so he could have it. It wasn't about love; it was about the money. This man was evil. We needed to find him and give him a slow and painful death. A quick death on the battlefield would be merciful; for the likes of Regan, Tom, Luis, or whatever he calls himself. He was too evil to be allowed a fair death. | was mad too. Mad at his audacity.