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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 11
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11 At All Odds


Two Months Later...

Ever since the incident with Caleb, Luke had been guarded around me. He was pleasant and got me

everything he felt I needed without me asking, but I knew he had put up a wall between us, and he never

returned home until the early hours of the morning. The kiss I shared with Caleb pushed him to spend

more time with Elisabeth, which was good for her. My heat never came and I saw. that as a blessing too.


I continued my combat training with Caleb and Kirk, and even though Caleb tried to get me in private, I

never allowed it. I always made sure Kirk was there. I wished we could go back to being friends, but it

was hard now that Caleb had made his intentions known to me. I still had a crush on him, and I was

fighting it with all my might. I was his brother’s wife now, and I knew Stacy had it in for me for reasons

best known to her. I knew it was best I kept things formal between Caleb and me.

Luke had set up a gym for me on the left-wing; Luna Stacy was making my life unbearable. She insisted

we have breakfast with the family. Now that the non-existent honeymoon phase was over, we had to

have breakfast with the family. There was a lot of tension during breakfast. There were times I wanted to

run away from the place. Luna Stacy usually picked on me during breakfast; Caleb and Luke coming to

my defence all the time made it worse; soon, I started avoiding breakfast all together. It had been a

month since I had breakfast with the family. Other than breakfast, I was banned from going to the right-

wing, and I respected Luke’s order. I wasn’t allowed to do as I liked, but he went to his girlfriend every

night, having the time of his life. What a bloody hypocrite. I loved reading, so I started using the public

library during my free hours. I was tempted to buy books, but why spend money when I could read them

for free in the community library? It was hell, but I was pushing through. I woke up in the morning and

was shocked to find Luke was still around. I did not bother to ask him anything. I just went to the

bathroom to get ready for the day. I had combat training by ten in the morning, and I planned to go to the

library by four in the evening. I returned to the room and curled up on the bed. “We have to go to the

right–wing for breakfast, Tia. My father is beginning to complain,” He said, and I did not care.

“It doesn‘t matter whether I am there or not. Please spare me the torture of dealing with your mother and

your brother.” I said, and he was silent a bit before he finally spoke.

“Sneaking about with Caleb will end after breakfast,” he said with certainty. I could not believe he still

believed something was going on between Caleb and me. “I am not involved with Caleb. He is my friend,

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and I will be his Gamma. You do not expect me to avoid him altogether when I have to train with him;

besides, you shouldn‘t care. Your life did not change drastically like mine did. You get to be with

Elisabeth every night,” I shot at him, tired of the accusations.

“I have a problem with you being involved with my brother, Tia,” he said, and I looked at him out of


“Just annul the marriage so you can have peace of mind. There is nothing between us.” I said, and he


“Get dressed for breakfast. Kimberly has moved in with Caleb, and we are to have breakfast as a family,”

he said, and I knew my face faltered. I knew she would come, but I did not think she was coming again

after a month had passed. “I can’t believe you, Tia. You are still in love with that douchebag,” he said,

and I was stunned at his words. I felt only sorry for Caleb because he was adamant the baby wasn’t his.

I got up and went to dress up. It did not take me long when I exit the closet.

“After today, you will not be welcomed in the right-wing again. Luna Stacy does not want the couple to be

distracted, and she feels you are trying too hard to get her son’s attention. Just giving you the heads up,

so you won’t be surprised when she says it,” he said to me and stepped out of the room. I followed him

out of the room and braced myself for whatever the family had in store for me. Kimberly would have it

easy in the moon mansion. She wasn’t from a middle-class home. In fact, I heard her parents paid Luna

Stacy a handsome sum to plead with her son to accept

While we walked, I received a message from Elisabeth. The bitch had put it upon herself to send me

pictures of her and Luke in bed. It made me sick. This one was a video of both of them in bed doing stuff

to each other and recording themselves. He was videoing her and telling her how beautiful she looked.

They were laughing together. “Let me see that,” Luke said, asking for my phone. The video was playing

out loud. I handed it to him.

“Tell your mistress that I get the message, and she does not need to send me pictures and videos of how

you spend your time together,” I said and walked past him. Tears stung my eyes because, for a second,

there in his arms on the wedding day, I was willing to make an effort if he offered. Until he left me that

night to go to her and has done that ever since. After the kiss Caleb and I shared in the library, it became

worse. Now I just want to train and resume my duties when the time comes.

“Tia, Tia,” Luke called after me while I walked. He caught up with me and stopped me.

“Why didn‘t you tell me you have been receiving these messages?” He asked me, and I smiled

sarcastically. “Don’t tell me you were not aware of it. From the onset, you have told me that Elisabeth is

the main person in your life. I honestly do not want to be here, but I am. She has you. Please let her

know that you are hers, and she does not need to rub it in,” I said, and he looked stunned. “I will handle

it, I promise. I..” he said, trying to explain, and I shook my head.

“No need to explain to me,” I said, and we continued to walk. Everyone was at the table when we got

there. Caleb looked at me with fear and regret. Luke and I greeted Stacy and Alpha Aesop and then sat

to eat.

“Tia, I do not want you around Caleb anymore; as you can see, he is about to be married and

judging by your history, I do not want you troubling my son’s marriage,” she said, and I did not say a


“Are you deaf!” she asked me, and I got so pissed off that I yelled at her. I was tired; I had bottled up a lot

for two months. Training and reading to get this shit off my mind.

“I have no business with your son. Stop picking on me! I am sick and tired of your shit. I hate that I am

here. I do not want to be in this house, but here I am. Leave me the fuck alone, and you have no right to

tell me what I can and cannot do. Caleb will be alpha, and I will be Gamma. I worked so hard for that

position. I do not care what your misgivings are, but you should leave me out of it.” I said and stood up.

“Alpha Moon, I will like to excuse myself!” I said to Alpha Moon, and he looked at me, stunned. Everyone

was shocked. I had had it. I wanted to go back to Luke’s wing, pack my shit, and get the fuck out of

there. I wasn’t going to leave the pack, but renting a place outside was best for me at this moment to

keep my sanity. My hormones were raging; my husband had a mistress, and his brother, who was my

long time crush, suddenly realised his feeling and won’t let me go, and that got me in trouble with my

husband and his mother. My movements are being monitored, and I feel boxed in; now this bitch was

trying to literally control my life. I was done with this.

Stacy got up and almost slapped me, but Luke held her hand. Caleb reached for her hand too, but Luke

caught it, and I think he squeezed it because she flinched.

“Let her go, Luke!” Alpha Aesop said, and Luke reluctantly left her hand but stood in front of me so she

would not be able to hit me.

“Tia, apologise to your Luna,” Alpha Aesop ordered. I had tears in my eyes. This was unfair. His wife gets

to be a bitch and is unapologetic about it, but I have to be sorry for defending myself.

“Luke, tell your wife to apologise to your mother or I will have you discipline her and her parents cast out

of the pack!” Alpha Aesop said, and I was shocked at his words.

“Tia, please say sorry,” Luke linked me, pleading.

It was hard, but I managed to do so.

“Henceforth, you are not welcome at this table. Tia. I thought you were a sweet, calm girl. I actually

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believed you were too good for Caleb that was why I joined you with Luke. I did not know you were like

this,” He said, and Luke started laughing. “You are blind to see that your mate spoils everything she

touches. Tia is sweet and patient but yet Stacy managed to provoke her. Please do not call her my

mother again, father. It is an insult. Look at how she wrecked our lives,” Luke said, coming to my

defence. “Fine, Tia and I would no longer come for breakfast here,” Luke said. “Sit down, Luke! Sit down

now!” Alpha Aesop said I did not know what was happening here.

“Your stepmother has her reasons,” He said and handed Luke an envelope.

There were pictures of Caleb and me. At a cafe and other places before, during and after training. They

were innocent hangouts, and Kirk was there, but the photographer made it seem like we were up to no

good. They must have photoshopped it. Then my white panties

were in the envelope too. “This was found in Caleb’s pocket during laundry,” Alpha Aesop said with rage

in his eyes. “Father this..” Caleb tried to explain, but his father yelled at him. “If I knew she was a slut, I

wouldn’t have bought her for you, Luke. Feel free to annul the marriage so I can cast her and her parents

out of this pack. She is shameless and a disgrace to this family. I do not want the likes of Tia around me.

Sleeping with your husband’s brother is low and disgusting. If you get pregnant, know that you will be

aborting it,” He said to me, and I started laughing in shock. I could not believe my eyes. I could not

believe how far Stacy would go to ensure Caleb and me were no longer friends. “Tia, you need to stop

laughing,” Luke linked me, annoyed, but if only he looked at me, he would know I was crying and

laughing simultaneously. It was a mild form of madness that came with shock. My eyes were fixed on

Stacy, who had a straight face as if she had done nothing wrong. The woman was shameless. What

more did she want from me? I was out of Caleb’s life for good. “You might have finished second place at

the academy, but you will not be Gamma. I will not give you room to pursue your desires any further than

you have. The Miles are essential to this pack, and their daughter will be Caleb’s wife soon. You cannot

create trouble for us,” Alpha Aesop said. I was laughing with tears streaming down my face. I looked at

Caleb. Suddenly I wasn’t listening anymore. Caleb was arguing with his father about something, but I felt

numb. There was no way I would get out of this. I worked so hard for that position, and just like that, they

had taken it away from me. “Alpha, these are lies,” I managed to say, “I worked very hard for that

position, alpha. Please. Investigate this matter; how can I be sleeping with Caleb? I.. am,” I wanted to

say I was a virgin, but he shut me up. “Enough! Please leave this wing. Whatever your husband decides

is none of my business, but once you are out of this house, know that you and your parents no longer

have a pack,” Alpha Aesop said, and I began to cry. “Father, please, let her be Gamma. Please. I will

make sure she doesn’t come here again, but please do not take that from her,” I heard Luke say. I knew

he believed the pictures too.

“Very well then, but if anything happens between Caleb and her, I hope you can handle it,” Alpha Aesop

said, seeming to have a soft spot for Luke than he had for Caleb. Luke stood and picked up my panties

and the envelope in hand. He held on to my arm tight and pulled me out of place.