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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 109
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109 Why I Did It Part 1 Tia.

We rushed through our meal in silence. Everyone was silent. It was apparent we were all eager to do something. Stacy sat beside Aesop, a bit docile. My father ha d visited her while | was sleeping and prescribed smeds to help her. Stacy smiled a bit, but it didn‘t touch her eyes. | knew she was worried for Monica's sake. There was no way Caleb or Luke would go easy on her.

She had offended both of them extensively. She had tried to kill Caleb‘s mother and helped her father to steal from Luke. Honestly, | doubted she would have a good explanation.

“Have you told the guards to prepare a room for the interrogation?” | asked Luke, and Stacy looked up, a bit worr ied. “Yes, we have the best soundproof room for that,” Luke said, and | was quiet.

“She is a confused child,” Stacy said, and Aesop shut her up, supporting what was about to happen.

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“No one asked for your opinion,” Alpha Aesop said, and she was silent at the table. | have never seen Stacy this peaceful and obedient before. She was truly shaken up.

After breakfast, Luke led the way to the room he had prepared to interrogate Monica. From the look of things, the y were making it a family affair. It was also wise to control the information we would learn just in case they are vi tal. I watched as Luke led us to the only soundproof room in that mansion, his office.

We waited in the office for the guard to bring Monica in. | was worried she might have escaped because the guard was taking too long. “ Was she secured properly?” | asked, and Luke and Caleb could not give a definite answer.

“Emotions were running high yesterday. | doubt if they paid attention,” Kimberly volunteered, and with that, | kn ew there was a possibility she had absconded.

Our worries were alleviated when two guards walked in with Monica. We all sighed with relief. Caleb took her fro m them and asked what had taken them so long. They explained she was in the restroom and had to wait for her to finish before bringing her.

Still, in chains, Monica stood before us. She looked sad and remorseful, but it meant nothing. She had worked ag ainst us. The only people she could truly call a family. She stared at her mother in shock.

| cleared my throat, sitting on the office couch and looking at her.

“I do not intend to hurt you,” | lied, ” But if you prove difficult, | will. Looking at what you have done, | promise yo u | will enjoy every bit of it.” | said, and she was scared. An absolute horror was registered on her face, and | smil ed. She had gotten my message.

“Now tell us. Why you poisoned your mother, How you met Regan, how long you‘ve been working for him, why w ork against this family and any useful bit you feel can help us. Trust me, your life depends on it.” | said calmly, a nd tears began to stream down her face. She looked at her mother. It was clear that she was shocked that her mother was okay.

“lam a sorry mother. | really am,” were her first words. As much as | wanted to interrupt her, | was calm enough to allo w her to apologise to her mother. Alpha Aesop was seething with anger; | had to link Luke to tell his father to cal m down. If Monica is intimidated, we won‘t learn much. Luke must have spoken to him because the pressure cal med down a bit.

“He toldyou will just sleep for a bit and wake up. I did not know it was poison. | swear. Until the doctor told u s about your condition. | was so angry that | cback to confront Stephan about it. He was the one that connec tedto my father. He claimed he was from Dome,” she said and blinked away tears. Stacy did not utter a word . Monica looked atto answer my question.

“I had just arrived with my mother from Dome, and things did not seem great between her and Alpha Aesop; | becworried. | hadn't settled in when Stephen approached me. He said he was from m y father, and that piqued my curiosity. He said he would linkwith my father, and | was happy. | had nevert him before, and my mother rarely spoke of him, so | was curious and excited. | wanted to tell my father to stop blackmailing my mother because | knew how much she was stressed trying to pay him off. That evening | got a ¢ all from my father. He toldhe was happy to hear my voice and would like to speak within private. | was e xcited, so | went to the meeting. We met at the Free park. It was an open place, so | felt safe. He huggedand toldhe missed me. He expressed how much | remind him of my mother, and he was pained she left him.” she said and looked at her mother.

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“Father toldthat you left him for money and power. He couldn‘t give you any of those, and you decided to ab scond with your lover, whose wife had just died. | believed him,” she said, wiping away her tears and shaking her head,” | am sorry, Mommy, but | believed him.” she said, sounding remorseful.

“All | could think about in those moments was what | was deprived of. | grew up as nobody‘s daughter. You told e veryone | was your niece and treatedas such. | grew up as an orphan. | was mad. He toldhe wanted us to be family, and you left. | was angry, thinking | could have had a home, a father and mother who loved me. | believe d you robbedof everything you provided for Caleb. You took everything from me. All the years we could have spent together, you were here, being a mother t o Alpha Luke and then Caleb while you leftto rot in Dome, sendinggifts and promising you would bring m e to the mansion. Thinking of everything, | resented you.” She said and then looked at me. Monica had it all twist ed. Stacy was actually trying to protect and provide for her. It was clear Monica had Daddy issues. There was no way anyone would have convinced her otherwise.

“We began to hang out often, and he seemed like a nice man. He toldabout his family and how our bloodline was never recognised because the Moons struck the Adhit n off the recognised alpha’s list. He toldthat was why his father died and that he promised his father that the A dhit nwould be recognised one day. So he started his journey to maximise wealth and move up the ladder. S till, the Moons and the Renshaws had monopolised everything. He had a problem with Alpha Aesop because he always took things from him. First, he took Chloe Renshaw from him, letting it go....” She said and froze when Alpha Aesop exclaimed. Alpha Aesop had interrupted her at the mention of his late wife‘s name. | had to link him to calm down so we do not divert. | was bound to question her more on that. Monica wasn't giving us any problems at all. She might have realised her errors, but | did not want to jump to conclusions.

“Continue,” | said to her, and she nodded.

“He said he forgave the incident with Chloe, but then she died, and Alpha Aesop took my mother from him, takinc “1 believed him, and we spent a lot of ttogether. | hated my mother for deprivingof having a father, and | be so gullible at twenty- four, but my daddy issues got the best of me. | was so excited about what he said and willing to help him. He ask: to Alpha Luke and try to work at the company’s top-level, so they could get account passwords and know the people in the IT and Account Department. | told him that would be easy and started pressuring my mott could place a bug on his phone and computer and know his next moves. | finally told him it was impossible that Alpha Luke detestedand that we had to finc said he would only take smoney to get on his feet. Since the Moons have a lot, they wouldn‘t miss it. He alsc get her out of the house. Around that time, my mother hired an old friend who knew my father to help her find hir father was. She toldshe was planning to kill him so we could have peace. She said she would split the money whatever | like away from here and the last one she would use to run away from Woodclaw Island. | pretended to it was necessary. Since the Moons had declared him wanted, he could easily lead them to him. | believed him. Tw¢ friends. Kimberly never really paid attention. All | would have to do was load her up in the car, telling Norman | wi she overdosed on something. | knew he would letgo because she had been acting slightly suicidal. Stephen d my father said, and then the unthinkable happened. She had a seizure with saliva foaming on her mouth and ther was when | began to call for help. I did not know it was poison.” She said and began to cry, then she sat on the flc “He lied toand used me. It was later | found out that | was used to create a diversion. | thought the money he took, in the beginning, was all he needed, but then | found out he had emptied the accounts that d on a mission. | was hysteric about it, and he apologised and said Stephen must have double- crossed him. I still believed him. He toldto join him in Tetra, and | agreed. | was so mad at Stephen that | wen would be strong. Seduction was an ingenious way to make Stephen relax.

“So, you wrote the suicide note?” | asked her, and she shook her head.

“I didn’t, | swear. Stephen wrote it and placed it in the envelopes when he went to clean the place. He was following my father’s instructions. | tolc We were shocked at what she had told us. But we could not rest yet. We needed to know what happened in Tetra to Chloe as his girlfriend. From all indications, Monica was going to go to Jail. That was the best outc| could see in all this because she did everything with a sound mind. She was also an adult. It w