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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92,Coolest Girl in Town

“Oh right! Elise, I need to tell you something.” Samantha suddenly held Elise’s hand and lowered her

voice. “Fenix Entertainment was recruiting actors for a new drama set in the ancient era, so I sent in my

application. But you know what? They told me to go for the audition this afternoon. I was going to ask

Riley to come with me but she has some personal matters to settle, so can you come with me instead?”

Samantha was looking at her expectantly.

Since it was just a self-study session that afternoon, Elise agreed. “Sure. I’ll take the afternoon off

then.” That delighted Samantha. “Alright. See you later.” After they had lunch, Samantha grabbed Elise

and took a cab to Fenix Entertainment. Elise thought the company sounded familiar, but when she

came to the front door, she realized that it was Jack’s agency. Just when she was immersed in her

thoughts, Samantha grabbed her arm and snapped her out of it.

“Hurry up, Elise. It’s starting in twenty minutes. We don’t want to be late.” They went into the elevator.

There was already a guy wearing a cap in there when they came in. When he saw them, the guy

lowered his cap. Elise thought he looked familiar, but she couldn’t remember who he was. It wasn’t

after she got out and saw the posters on the corridor did she realize who the man was. Hey, that’s the new best actor—Ernest. “Hi, may I know where’s the audition for Truest Love?”

Samantha asked a crew member. The crew member pointed to the right. “Walk down this corridor to

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the end. It’s in the last room.” “Thanks.” Samantha took Elise and went down the corridor. There were a

lot of people auditioning. When Samantha took her number, it was around fifty, so they had to wait for a

few hours. “I would have come a bit later if I knew it would drag on this long.” Elise calmed her down by

saying, “It’s fine.

That means you can be more prepared. Read your script.” Samantha looked at the script she just got.

“Let’s go there then. You can help me out.” They went to the less crowded balcony, and Samantha

combed through the script. At the same time, Jack was playing some games on the couch in the room

next door while his manager was scrolling through some data, looking worried. “Jack, your numbers

have plummeted.

You dropped out of the top five on Trending and the popularity ranking. You used to be in the top three.

Even your songs dropped out of the top twenty on the search list.” Jack answered calmly, “It’s normal,

Ronald. That’s how it is with the entertainment industry. We should just accept it.” Ronald didn’t like it

that Jack was being so unmotivated. “Oh, what do you know? The most important thing for a celebrity

is their value.

Sure, your fanbase is sturdy, but you’re losing them quickly. All the newbies are starting to gain a lot of

ground. If you don’t work hard, you’ll be a nobody in two years, tops.” He kept pacing back and forth.

“Have you been coming up with a new song like I asked you to?” Jack answered nonchalantly, “Sure.

I’m doing it right now, so don’t push me. I’m gonna lose this match at this rate.” Ronald stopped pacing.

“I can’t just count on you. I must call Noel and ask him to write some new songs for you. And interact

with your fans on Twitter when you have time.

Keep them interested.” Jack went on playing his game in silence, but after Ronald went out, he put his

phone down and put on a serious look. Then, he logged into his Twitter account to read through his

fans’ comments. Finally, he drafted one tweet, but in the end, he deleted it. “Forget it. I’ll just leave it

like this.” He got up and went out of the room. Every time the company’s employees saw him, they

would greet him respectfully.

“Hi, Jack.” Jack nodded and went past them calmly. It was then he noticed Elise from the corner of his

eye. She was on the balcony, of course. “This line is hard, Elise.” Samantha had a deep frown on her

forehead. Elise took a look and said, “Hm, break this into parts and memorize them that way. That

might work better.” Samantha did as Elise said. When she said the lines again, it sounded much

smoother. “Fancy seeing you here,” Jack blurted, shocking Samantha and Elise.

When Samantha saw who it was, she jumped with delight. “Y-You’re Jack!” She sounded excited, while

Jack reacted to it calmly. He was used to getting recognized, so he just smiled and said, “Hello.”

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Samantha was already gushing with delight. “Oh my god. I actually got to meet you. Um…” She took

her phone out. “Can I get a photo with you?”

Jack nodded. “Sure.” Samantha was already buzzing. She went up to him at once, pointed her phone’s

camera at both of them and snapped their photos before posting them on her social media accounts.

Elise looked at him. “I’m here with my friend. She has an audition.” “How did it go?” he asked. “It hasn’t

started yet,” she answered gently. “It might take a while.” Just when they were chatting, Ronald came

over, looking happy. “Oh, there you are, Jack.” He looked at the girls and nodded at them with a smile.

Jack then told Elise, “I’ll have to go. Good luck to your friend.”

He then left with Ronald. “What made you so happy?” Jack asked. Ronald answered jovially, “I just

called Noel, and you know what he said?” Jack arched his eyebrow. Before he could ask, Ronald told

him the answer, “He said he’s going to get a new composer for you. Do you know who it is? It’s H! Yes,

that famous one!”

Jack wasn’t interested in the answer until H was mentioned. “H? The composer who only wrote three

songs but still managed to top the charts for a year? The one who’s still the talk of the town even after

her retirement? Are you sure it’s the same H?” Ronald knew Jack would be skeptical, so he nodded


“Yes, that’s right. Noel said he’s friends with H, so if he can convince H, the leading track of your new

album will be composed by H herself! The whole nation’s going to know you when that happens. H’s

popularity alone will jack your album up to insane heights.” “But I thought H had retired a long time ago.

Is she making a comeback?” Jack had his own doubts, and Ronald shared that doubt too. However, he

thought, Well, Noel said he can probably convince H. I bet he must have his own plan.