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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 130
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Chapter 130,Coolest Girl in Town

“Whatever happened between us has nothing to do with Jack Griffith. I didn’t think carefully about my

actions, which led to what happened today, so I’m cleaning up my own mess,” Elise went on to explain.

Even though she knew that such an explanation was meaningless in front of Noel, she still didn’t want

him to misunderstand. Noel looked at her. “H, you’re still the same as before—you haven’t changed at

all, and you’re always so considerate of others.” Elise pursed her lips and didn’t say anything. Instead, she took out

her phone and turned on the screen. She looked at the words she had previously edited and finally clicked the post button.

“Okay. I’ve posted on Twitter.” After Elise finished speaking, she put away her phone. “I should go back. Bye.” With that, Elise

turned around and left.

Noel looked at her back and opened his mouth to speak, but he then decided to swallow his words

back. In the next second, he took his phone out and looked at H’s post on Twitter. ‘Hello, everyone. I

am H. I’m here to clarify one thing today. It is about Mr. Jack’s new song. The song was actually co-

created by me and Mr. Jack. I apologize for the inconvenience caused.’ Little did she know, her action

caused a huge ripple on the Internet.

Firstly, when H’s fans discovered that H had logged into Twitter, thousands of fans flooded to her

Twitter homepage and sent her private messages. After seeing her latest post on Twitter, the number of

comments had reached 10,000 in under 1 minute, and it didn’t stop there. In just 15 minutes, the topic

‘H admitted she worked with Jack Griffith to write his new song’ went directly to the top of Twitter’s

trending list! Cat<3fish commented: ‘OMG! My goddess is back! I’m so happy!

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I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time!’ StarsDontBlink commented as well: ‘And here I was,

thinking why the style of Jack’s new song is so similar to H’s. Turns out it wasn’t plagiarism; it’s actually

her new song.’ NoneOtherThanYou also commented: ‘No matter what, I will support my goddess! Let’s

all listen to the new song!’ HowDoYouD0 commented as well: ‘Get this song trending and popular! I

want this to be the top 1!’

As a result, countless H fans flocked over to download and listen to Jack’s new song one after another.

In no time, they sent Jack’s new song to the top of the music chart and set a record for the song with

the most number of downloads. After reading H’s Twitter, Jack was stunned, but Ronald said with a

sigh of relief, “Jack, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me that you and H had such a personal relationship. If

I had known that you knew H, I would have asked you to get me an autograph.”

Jack was also stunned, and he immediately said, “But I don’t know her!” Needless to say, H’s position

in the music circle was unmatched so far, and he was 100% sure that he had never crossed paths with

H. Ronald was dumbfounded. “Jack, are you serious? But if you don’t know her, why would she post on

Twitter to clarify on your behalf? Look, the attention that H has brought to you is simply incredible! Look

at the top 3 on Twitter’s trending list; they are all related to this matter.

If she had nothing to do with you, why would she do such a thing? You should know that this is the first

time she has spoken out after so many years of laying low. Is it possible that you missed something?”

Jack raised his eyes to look at Ronald and said seriously, “I really don’t know her!” Ronald looked over

and realized that he didn’t look like he was lying at all, then his gaze dimmed. Finally, the two of them

only thought of one possibility.

“Noel!” the two of them said in unison. Everything seemed to make sense now. Noel had said before

that he had a personal relationship with H, so it must be due to Noel! “It seems that Noel must have

gone to H, and that was why H came forward to clarify this issue. We really have to thank him this

time,” Ronald said with a smile, wondering in his heart how to thank Noel. Jack nodded in agreement.

“If it really was Noel who helped me, it is really a big favor.

But more importantly, I now owe H a favor as well, and should H ever need help in the future, I will

definitely return this favor back to her.” “Don’t worry. Look at H’s current status in the music industry:

Even after so many years of radio silence, there are still so many die hard fans following her.

Hence, it is unlikely that you will be able to return her favor anytime soon.” Ronald dampened Jack’s

hope. Hearing that, Jack immediately wanted to slap him, but Ronald hurriedly smiled and leaned over.

“But this kind of thing is uncertain. Who knows if there is really something that we can help her with one

day!” These words immediately improved Jack’s mood. However, at this moment, Ronald’s cell phone

rang, and he answered the call quickly.

Not knowing what the other party said, Ronald agreed again and again with a smile on his face. “Don’t

worry. Jack has time. Right. Yes, yes. We will try our best to cooperate.” After Ronald hung up the

phone, he said to Jack, “Fashion Bazaar just asked us to do an exclusive interview, and they’ve

decided to have you as the cover character of the next issue of the magazine…” As soon as Ronald

finished his sentence, his phone rang again.

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And after that one ended, Ronald’s phone continued to ring non-stop. All kinds of parties came forth to

offer jobs to Jack. For a long while, Ronald became very busy with Jack’s new job opportunities. Elise,

on the other hand, never imagined that her post would be so popular. Related topics immediately

occupied the top three of Twitter’s trending list, and the comments on that post had exceeded 1 million

in just one hour.

Looking at the comments that kept pouring in, she felt her initially extinguished heart rekindled little by

little. After returning home, Elise locked herself in the room by herself. For the first time, she opened

the comment section and flipped through it. ‘When are you coming back, H? We’re still waiting for your

new song!’ ‘After so many years, you are still the goddess in our hearts. We love you!’ ‘No matter

when, we will wait for you!

No matter how long, we will keep waiting for you.’ After Elise finished reading the comments, she

silently clenched her phone. She couldn’t calm her racing heart for a long time. Finally, she turned off

the phone, got up, and stood by the window alone to look at the sky outside the window. Soon, she

drifted into her own thoughts. After an unknown amount of time, a pleasant ringtone rang. Elise came

back to her senses, picked up the phone, and answered the call.

“Long time no see, H.” Julius’ voice rang from the other side of the phone. Elise’s eyes sank and she

said, “Julius, was it a wrong decision? Since I have already decided to stay away from this circle, I

should be silent forever and not suddenly appear out of nowhere like this.” Julius listened to her words

and said, “H, I know you actually still love music like you always did, don’t you?” Elise fell silent.