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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1060
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Chapter 1060 A Trump Card or a Landmine

Two days later, while Danny and the others were up to their ears in the search for Elise, Suella secretly

went to the DNA testing center to take the DNA reports in advance.

Usually, it would take three days to get the DNA results back, but for the sake of making her

preparations in advance, she bribed the lab technician and managed to move her way up the queue.

However, after reading the reports, she lashed out at the technician. "Are you sure you didn't make a

mistake? Neither one of the DNA samples was a match? How's that possible? Could it be that

something's wrong with your machine?"

The report stated that the semen found inside her didn't belong to either Danny or Maverick.

That meant the guy she slept with wasn't either one of these two men.

Yet, she clearly remembered that the man had the same scent as Danny, so how could it be that he

was cleared of suspicion too?

Meanwhile, the lab technician had already gotten his money, so he wasn't going to put up with her. He

simply remarked indifferently, "Machines aren't the same as humans. It will churn out the number of

reports based on the number of samples given, unlike some people who don't even know how many

men they slept with."

"Hey! What do you think you're saying, huh? Do you think I paid you to mock me? Go ahead and try

me! See if I don't sue you! Come out here and apologize at once!"

Right from the start, Suella had already taken a dislike to the lab technician. You're just a lab

technician. Even if you work yourself to the bone, you're only getting a few thousand a month, so what

makes you think you can be this haughty in front of me? Meanwhile, I don't have to do anything and I'll

still have guys throwing their money at me. I can get a few thousand in a day if I want to. I just don't

deign to accept their money.

The lab technician couldn't be bothered to deal with Suella. He slammed the shutters to the window

down and walked off.

Suella began hurtling more abuse at him. She only left in embarrassment with her DNA reports in hand

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when the security guards came to chase her out.

She stood at the entrance to the DNA testing center and stared at the reports in her hands. Her vision

grew hazy and her limbs were numb.

All of a sudden, she saw an advertisement pasted on the wall outside the DNA testing center and she

immediately brightened up again.

The advertisement read, 'Leave the work of the professionals to the professionals. If you need help

changing or falsifying DNA reports, we're here to support all your efforts in keeping a harmonious

family. Please call us at 177-XXX-XXXX.'

Suella didn't hesitate at all. She grabbed her phone and called the number listed on the poster. "How

much will it cost for me to get the report within a day?"

After getting into the car, Elise was blindfolded.

However, she could tell that they had gotten into a plane before switching to a boat, and now, they were

in a car again.

From the bounciness of the ride and the comfort of the seat, Elise deduced that they were in a Jeep.

Based on the time spent on each mode of transportation, she estimated the approximate distance and

figured that they were most likely out of Mesdra by now.

Just then, Owen was kind enough to take off Elise's blindfold.

Elise's eyes took a while to adjust to the light that was suddenly flooding back in. Once she was used

to it, she looked out of the window to survey the surroundings.

It wasn't just the surroundings, but even the sky was gray and murky. The trees that grew on both sides

of the road didn't seem like the kind that grew in tropical areas. The ground was covered in snow, and

everything she saw gave her a heavy, dreary feeling.

"Why don't you guess where we are?" Owen asked with interest.

"Either way, we're not in the Southern Hemisphere."

Elise played along. They had gotten along fairly well the past two days and hadn't gotten into any

fights. It didn't seem as if they were a kidnapper and his hostage. Instead, it felt as if they were old


"When did you get so smart? I can't get used to it."

Owen looked out the other window and said, "That over there is the border between Cittadel and

Saherbia. Saherbia has been plagued by civil wars for years now. It's as devoid of humans as it is in a

desert over there. Half a year can go by without even a single soul showing up. It's covered in

mountains, rivers, and forests which makes it a prime spot for advancing on one's enemies and making

a defensive retreat as well. It's the perfect hiding spot, isn't it?"

Elise didn't respond. She could tell that they were near Triune's headquarters.

"I chose this place. We fortified the entire area around the mountain where Triune's located. The

Cittadelians think that the Saherbians did it and the Saherbians think the Cittadelians did it. If anyone

comes over and starts asking questions, we simply deal with it by pretending to be from the other

country. It's been over a decade now and we've never encountered any problems. This is Triune's

kingdom. It's the high seas but on land."

By the time Owen finished sharing, the vehicle had been driven into a stockade.

The stockade was fortified with wood on all fronts. There were sentries posted on every corner, and

they were dressed in camouflage and armed with weapons. Although their faces were hidden by

camouflage paint, Elise could still pick up on their murderous aura. Anyone could tell that they were

formidable fighters.

Elise's eyes flashed. Instead of the rudimentary fortifications, perhaps these people are Triune's most

essential resources.

Amid her thoughts, the vehicle came to a stop.

Elise was brought into the main hall where her wish to meet Wendy who had long since disappeared

came true. However, she was surprised to see that Claude Strike was here as well.

As soon as Owen opened the door, he gave Claude an order. "See whether she's carrying."

Claude glanced at Owen before walking over to Elise and checking her pulse.

The irony of once-allies being on opposing sides now wasn't lost on Elise.

"How many innocent lives have you taken with these hands of yours?" she derided on purpose.

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"I'm a doctor, not a killer." Claude remained indifferent.

"Is there a difference when you're working with people like them? Are you saying that the blood of the

people they killed won't stain your hands too?" Elise wasn't about to go easy on him.

"Who on earth are you?" He felt that Elise's gaze seemed unusually familiar, but he couldn't figure out

where he had seen it before.

"Who do you think I am?"

"Hah. I'm not interested in playing a guessing game with you."

Claude rolled his eyes and went back to his spot. He nodded to Wendy and Owen to signify that Elise

was indeed pregnant.

Owen was thrilled. He looked at Elise and said, "You gave me such a wonderful trump card."

"Right? I think so too," she replied with an unreadable expression. Is it a trump card or a landmine?

Who knows who will be getting the last laugh?

"Relax. I won't do anything to you. Just stay here and give birth to the child. I'll still dote on you the way

I used to." Owen was so pleased by the turn of events that the corners of his eyes crinkled.

"That only disgusts me even more!" Elise spat on the ground.

Owen wasn't offended. He chuckled and had a few people take her away. "Take good care of her. No

harm must come to her."

Throughout the whole time, Wendy remained seated on the chair with her eyes closed. It was as if she

was asleep.

Elise didn't strike up a conversation with her. After all, Anastasia and Wendy had nothing to talk about

with each other.

Claude walked off as well.

It was only then that Wendy slowly opened her eyes. She toyed with the prayer beads in her hands as

she remarked coolly, "Don't assume that you can rest easy now just because you have this up your

sleeve. Smith Co. took quite a number of our people again. Soon, we'll run out of manpower. You

should be prioritizing the organization's matters."

"Now that I think about it, it's so weird that tons of people willingly serve Alexander when he's such a

reticent man."