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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1057
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Chapter 1057

Owen first made contact with Rylantha back at the basement parking lot. He claimed that he could help

her take her revenge.

At the time, Anastasia and Narissa had been standing up for Ariel, and Rylantha was so pissed off that

she agreed to work with Owen.

Yesterday, Owen asked her to deliver a message to Anastasia and she agreed without giving it much

thought. Alas, she didn't expect to be caught up in Owen's plan and be used as his pawn to get

Anastasia away from her bodyguards.

All I did was say a few harsh things about Anastasia and Alexander nearly killed me. If he finds out

about this, there's no way I'll be walking away with my life.

A chill ran down Rylantha's spine as she recalled Alexander's icy glare, and she shuddered


At some point, Maverick came into the room. Rylantha was still caught up in her thoughts when he

suddenly hugged her from behind.

"Hey, babe."


"Babe, it's me! Maverick!"

Rylantha jumped in fright and slapped Maverick when she registered what was happening. "Who

allowed you to come in?"

Maverick's face whipped to the side. The smile on his face instantly vanished and his gaze darkened.

Even though she was the more dominant one in their relationship now, he was still a man. There was

no way he could still keep a smile on his face when he had just been treated this way. Otherwise, it

would make him an utter loser with no dignity.

Rylantha's palm was stinging too and she realized she had hit him too hard, so she quickly changed

her tune and apologized. "I didn't know it was you. Anyway, about the proposal you brought up the

other day, get one of your people to come to the office someday to discuss things."

"I got it," Maverick responded curtly before walking off.

When he got into his car, he finally released his pent-up emotions by slamming his fist into the steering


Maverick looked up at Rylantha's room. His eyes were flashing viciously.

A slap for a deal, huh? I'm going to remember this, Rylantha. Sooner or later, I'll make sure you get a

taste of this humiliation too!

Owen didn't waste any time as he hurried down the mountain. He used a dirt bike to pass through two

mountains before switching to the gray Volkswagen he was currently in to continue making his escape.

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Elise had been tossed into the trunk with her hands and feet tied up to stop her from moving.

She grumbled to herself over Owen's ungentlemanly behavior. Anastasia is known as a soft and gentle

woman. How can he be this rough and callous with her?

The sky turned dark. It had been quite a few hours now and Elise was getting drowsy when Owen

finally stopped the car.

When the car door opened, Elise caught a familiar sleazy chuckle.

"Hahaha. I knew I could count on you, Owen. You did what you said you were going to do. It has only

been a few days and you've managed to bring her to me already!"

Why is it Stenson? Where's Wendy?

Owen and Stenson are completely at odds with each other, so how did they come together on this?

Elise originally thought she could use this chance to find out about Wendy's whereabouts, so that was

why she played along with the scheme and pretended to faint. Yet, from the looks of it now, she had

made the trip for nothing.

Owen studied the place behind Stenson and asked, "Are you sure Alexander won't be able to find this


"Don't worry. It's perfectly safe in this abandoned dugout. It's a complete maze inside there. Even if the

people from Smith Co. get here, the time they'll have to spend going in circles inside there is enough

for me to get what I want!" Stenson declared smugly.

"Guess that means you finish up pretty quickly," Owen remarked irritably with an unreadable


Stenson's grin faltered awkwardly, but since Owen had brought him Alexander's woman, he didn't blow

up at Owen. He simply chuckled and said, "I was just speaking hypothetically."

"Yeah, whatever. I did my part so it's time for me to go. Go ahead and have fun. Don't forget about our


"Don't worry. From today onward, we're buddies, and what's mine is yours. We'll deal with Alexander

together and we'll f*ck the sh*t out of him!"

Owen smirked bitterly before getting back into the car. Once Stenson hauled Elise out, Owen slammed

on the accelerator and drove off.

Stenson watched as Owen went back down the mountain before he eagerly carried Elise into the


The fish she was after had escaped, and Elise was no longer in the mood to play this game. As soon

as Stenson came toward her, she opened her eyes and stared at him with an emotionless expression.

Stenson's hair stood on end when he saw the look in her eyes. He instinctively retreated as he

stuttered, "W-Why're you awake?"

I thought the plan was for me to do her while she was unconscious before sending her back without

anyone finding out about it! Didn't Owen sedate her?

She's seen me now. Should I go on with it?

One glance was all it took for Elise to know that Stenson was having second thoughts, so she offered

him an olive branch. "Don't even bother weighing your options. Alexander won't go easy on you for

kidnapping me, but if you're willing to cooperate with us to catch Owen and the person behind him,

then I can promise that Alexander won't go after you."

As she spoke, she took out the knife hidden in her sleeve and started cutting the rope around her


However, after hearing what Elise said, Stenson's thoughts became clearer. "Do you think I'm a fool?

Alexander already has it out for me, and if Owen's no longer around to hold him back, wouldn't it be

even easier for him to get rid of me? In any case, there's no way for us to bury the hatchet now, so I

might as well have my way with you first before killing you and burning your body to get rid of the

evidence. I shall see what he can do to me if he can't even find your dead body!"

He undid his belt and flung it onto the ground arrogantly.

Elise shook her head regretfully. "You could've taken the easy way out and yet you choose to take the

path to hell. You brought this on yourself."

"That's right. This is the road to hell, alright. Once you've gotten a taste of a man like me, you'll know

what it means to mess with the demon!"

Stenson stared at her with hungry eyes and a diabolical leer.

Elise's eyes flashed sharply as she stared right back at him. "Your eyes disgust me. I feel nauseated."

"Just you wait. I'll make you feel real good!"

Stenson had no idea that he was walking to his own doom. He ripped his shirt off as he made his way

over to her. His eyes were glued to her. He didn't want to miss a single second of this by blinking.

Today, he was going to make up for all the suffering he went through at Alexander's hands by having

his way with this woman!

He kept his eyes fixed on her like a predator closing in on his prey when all of a sudden, there was a

cold glint near his eyes. By the time he reacted, he could no longer see out of his right eye.

"Arghhh! My eye! What did you do to me?!"

Stenson thrashed about the room clutching his eye. Blood oozed out between his fingers and trailed

down his hand. It made him look even more pathetic.

Amid his agonized cries, Elise slowly undid the rope around her ankles. Then, she stood up and stared

at him with a neutral expression.

"I could've taken out both your eyes, but for the sake of my child, I don't want to go too far. I'll let you

keep your remaining eye for now but remember this. Even if a woman is weak and helpless, you have

no right to force her into doing anything she doesn't want to do."

Stenson glared at Elise in fury. The veins on his forehead were bulging from the pain which made him

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look grotesque.

"I'll kill you!"

He couldn't accept the fact that he had lost to a woman, so he charged toward her in a frenzy.

However, at the very next second, he crumpled to the ground. He couldn't even hold his injured eye

anymore. He could only lie on his back and stare hazily at the ceiling.

Howavar, aftar haaring what Elisa said, Stanson's thoughts bacama claarar. "Do you think I'm a fool?

Alaxandar alraady has it out for ma, and if Owan's no longar around to hold him back, wouldn't it ba

avan aasiar for him to gat rid of ma? In any casa, thara's no way for us to bury tha hatchat now, so I

might as wall hava my way with you first bafora killing you and burning your body to gat rid of tha

avidanca. I shall saa what ha can do to ma if ha can't avan find your daad body!"

Ha undid his balt and flung it onto tha ground arrogantly.

Elisa shook har haad ragratfully. "You could'va takan tha aasy way out and yat you choosa to taka tha

path to hall. You brought this on yoursalf."

"That's right. This is tha road to hall, alright. Onca you'va gottan a tasta of a man lika ma, you'll know

what it maans to mass with tha damon!"

Stanson starad at har with hungry ayas and a diabolical laar.

Elisa's ayas flashad sharply as sha starad right back at him. "Your ayas disgust ma. I faal nausaatad."

"Just you wait. I'll maka you faal raal good!"

Stanson had no idaa that ha was walking to his own doom. Ha rippad his shirt off as ha mada his way

ovar to har. His ayas wara gluad to har. Ha didn't want to miss a singla sacond of this by blinking.

Today, ha was going to maka up for all tha suffaring ha want through at Alaxandar's hands by having

his way with this woman!

Ha kapt his ayas fixad on har lika a pradator closing in on his pray whan all of a suddan, thara was a

cold glint naar his ayas. By tha tima ha raactad, ha could no longar saa out of his right aya.

"Arghhh! My aya! What did you do to ma?!"

Stanson thrashad about tha room clutching his aya. Blood oozad out batwaan his fingars and trailad

down his hand. It mada him look avan mora pathatic.

Amid his agonizad crias, Elisa slowly undid tha ropa around har anklas. Than, sha stood up and starad

at him with a nautral axprassion.

"I could'va takan out both your ayas, but for tha saka of my child, I don't want to go too far. I'll lat you

kaap your ramaining aya for now but ramambar this. Evan if a woman is waak and halplass, you hava

no right to forca har into doing anything sha doasn't want to do."

Stanson glarad at Elisa in fury. Tha vains on his forahaad wara bulging from tha pain which mada him

look grotasqua.

"I'll kill you!"

Ha couldn't accapt tha fact that ha had lost to a woman, so ha chargad toward har in a franzy.

Howavar, at tha vary naxt sacond, ha crumplad to tha ground. Ha couldn't avan hold his injurad aya

anymora. Ha could only lia on his back and stara hazily at tha cailing.