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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1056
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Chapter 1056

They were Alexander's trusted subordinates, which meant that they were vigilant and reliable in a fight.

Alexander and the children would be safe in their hands.

"Everyone else will split up to try and find Elise's whereabouts. Alexander's ill so we have to take

charge now!" Danny commanded the crowd with his booming, authoritative voice.

The Griffith men were all tough as nails.

"Leave the Hellens to me." Narissa volunteered to take on the most challenging task.

"I'll go with Narissa."

"I don't need you."

Jamie thought that it was only natural for him and Narissa to head out together, but as soon as he had

spoken, she rejected the idea. He couldn't help but suspect that something was up when he recalled

her unusual behavior this morning and saw the look in her eyes now.

Narissa didn't bother to look at Jamie. She kept her eyes forward and said, "What I mean is I can

handle things myself. The Hellens don't scare me."

Jamie had a feeling that Narissa was giving him the cold shoulder, but he couldn't figure out why. He

looked upset and aggrieved.

"You should go together." Danny had noticed that things were odd between the two, so he wanted to

give them some alone time together. "It's better to have someone to back you up."

"Whatever." Narissa walked off.

Danny eyed Jamie. Hurry up and go after her.

Jamie nodded and rushed off. "Wait for me, Narissa."

Danny shook his head and turned back to Zephyr. "I'll leave Alexander in your care, Doc."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure he stays alive, if not for anything else, then at least for the fact that he's

pretty generous," Zephyr joked to lighten the mood.

Danny smiled bitterly and helped to carry Alexander to the car.

They had just reached the foot of the mountain when Alexander woke up.

"Daddy, you're awake!" Alexia exclaimed in joy. Tears had pooled inside her eyes which made them

shimmer in the light.

Alexander stroked her hair and wiped her tears away. "Promise me that you won't cry anymore. Your

mommy's heart is connected to yours, and if you cry, she and your baby sister will be upset too. If they

get upset, they won't want us anymore."

"Okay! I won't cry!" Alexia wiped her eyes with her sleeves.

Alexander smiled faintly before turning to Zephyr. "What wish did you make to the shooting stars last

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Zephyr looked up at the sky beyond the window. "For families to reunite on the day of the full moon."

Alexander looked at the sky as well. "What's the date today, Irvin?"

"It's the twentieth, Daddy," Irvin replied.

"I meant in the lunar calendar."

"The eleventh."

"Soon, it'll be the fifteenth, when the moon is at its fullest," Alexander murmured under his breath

before losing consciousness once more.

Meanwhile, after a brief discussion, Jamie and Narissa decided to drive over to a stronghold near the


Along the way, Narissa kept staring out the window without ever turning to look at Jamie who was


Jamie couldn't stand it. Every few minutes, he tried to strike up a conversation.

"Narissa, if there's anything that's upsetting you, don't hide it from me. We're going to be married soon,

so we should shoulder everything together, right?"


"Seeing you like this makes me extremely worried. What's the matter, darling? Just tell me. I'm really

concerned about you!"


"Rissa, was it because of what I did last night when I—"

"You're getting on my nerves!"

Narissa finally exploded at the mention of last night's events. "Stop the car!"


Jamie slammed on the brakes at once and pulled up by the side of the road.

Narissa slowly exhaled before turning around and staring evenly at Jamie. "Since you're so curious to

know, I'll tell you. I wasn't the one you were with last night."

The coldness in her gaze made Jamie's heart prickle with pain.

He froze briefly before chuckling to hide how flustered he was. "Don't joke about that, darling. I wasn't

feeling well last night so I went back to our room at once. I didn't go anywhere else so I couldn't have

possibly been with the wrong person."

"But you went to the wrong room." Narissa felt as if her heart stopped beating. She heard herself

saying, "I saw Alicia helping you out of the room."

Her eyes were glistening with tears.

The teary look in her eyes seemed to drown Jamie. His throat tightened up. He couldn't say anything.

He could predict what Narissa was about to say and true enough, he was right.

"Even before we got together, Alicia was already like a boulder hovering over our heads, and after our

engagement, I kept worrying that sooner or later, the boulder would come crashing down on us and

destroy all our hopes for happiness. I thought that as long as we were careful enough, we would be

able to hide from that and have a happy ending, but in the end, the boulder came crashing down

anyway. I can see her standing between us so clearly, so vividly. I can't ignore her existence any

longer. It's over between us, Jamie."

Narissa looked Jamie in the eye as she made this statement. She didn't know whether it was due to

pain or self-deprecation, but for some reason, she thought of herself as a lunatic who was celebrating.

She knew she was sad, but at the same time, she felt as if a burden had been lifted off her shoulders.

From now on, I won't have to worry that his love for me will be taken away.

The two of them sat inside the tiny compartment of the car and stared at each other. Their eyes

reddened, and it was Narissa who withdrew her gaze first.

"To like someone and to love someone are two completely different things after all," Narissa chuckled

bitterly to herself.

She took a deep breath and got out of the car. "I'll deal with the Hellens myself."

Jamie watched in silence as she walked away. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

The journey that he and Narissa had been on together had to come to a grinding halt before they

arrived at their destination.

The moment Rylantha got home, she went to her room and called Owen.

It rang for a while before Owen answered. "What is it, Miss Abbott?"

"Why are you trying to play innocent with me, huh? You're the one who kidnapped Anastasia, right?

You f*cking b*stard! I promised to help you and yet you did a number on me. If this leaves any lingering

effects on me, I'll make you pay!" Rylantha lashed out at Owen to release the anger she felt from

Alexander's treatment of her.

"I had to be a little more heavy-handed to clear you of suspicion, didn't I? I'm sure you understand the

concept of injuring oneself to gain the enemy's trust, right, Miss Abbott?" Owen replied indifferently.

"Cut the crap. Where's she?"

"You don't need to worry about that, Miss Abbott. I'll keep a close eye on Anastasia, and for the time

being, she won't be getting in your way."

"Are you keeping your guard up against me? What do you mean by this, huh? Are you trying to turn

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your back on me now and renegade on our deal? Aren't you afraid that I'll expose you?"

"Go ahead. You won't be in the clear anyway, and when the time comes, Alexander might take his

anger out on you when he fails to find me. Don't say I didn't warn you."


Rylantha was so incensed by Owen's snarky tone that she hung up on him.

She paced in her room with her phone still in hand, her heart still pounding wildly.

Narissa lookad Jamia in tha aya as sha mada this statamant. Sha didn't know whathar it was dua to

pain or salf-dapracation, but for soma raason, sha thought of harsalf as a lunatic who was calabrating.

Sha knaw sha was sad, but at tha sama tima, sha falt as if a burdan had baan liftad off har shouldars.

From now on, I won't hava to worry that his lova for ma will ba takan away.

Tha two of tham sat insida tha tiny compartmant of tha car and starad at aach othar. Thair ayas

raddanad, and it was Narissa who withdraw har gaza first.

"To lika somaona and to lova somaona ara two complataly diffarant things aftar all," Narissa chucklad

bittarly to harsalf.

Sha took a daap braath and got out of tha car. "I'll daal with tha Hallans mysalf."

Jamia watchad in silanca as sha walkad away. Taars rollad down his chaaks.

Tha journay that ha and Narissa had baan on togathar had to coma to a grinding halt bafora thay

arrivad at thair dastination.

Tha momant Rylantha got homa, sha want to har room and callad Owan.

It rang for a whila bafora Owan answarad. "What is it, Miss Abbott?"

"Why ara you trying to play innocant with ma, huh? You'ra tha ona who kidnappad Anastasia, right?

You f*cking b*stard! I promisad to halp you and yat you did a numbar on ma. If this laavas any lingaring

affacts on ma, I'll maka you pay!" Rylantha lashad out at Owan to ralaasa tha angar sha falt from

Alaxandar's traatmant of har.

"I had to ba a littla mora haavy-handad to claar you of suspicion, didn't I? I'm sura you undarstand tha

concapt of injuring onasalf to gain tha anamy's trust, right, Miss Abbott?" Owan rapliad indiffarantly.

"Cut tha crap. Whara's sha?"

"You don't naad to worry about that, Miss Abbott. I'll kaap a closa aya on Anastasia, and for tha tima

baing, sha won't ba gatting in your way."

"Ara you kaaping your guard up against ma? What do you maan by this, huh? Ara you trying to turn

your back on ma now and ranagada on our daal? Aran't you afraid that I'll axposa you?"

"Go ahaad. You won't ba in tha claar anyway, and whan tha tima comas, Alaxandar might taka his

angar out on you whan ha fails to find ma. Don't say I didn't warn you."


Rylantha was so incansad by Owan's snarky tona that sha hung up on him.

Sha pacad in har room with har phona still in hand, har haart still pounding wildly.