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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1053
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Chapter 1053

"Are you toying with me? Or does this mean you don't plan on taking responsibility at all?" Alicia felt as

if she had been mocked.

Since he didn't ask any questions, it means that he knows what happened. He knows that I came here

to stand up for Suella, and yet he has the gall to say such things! It's as if he's certain that I can't do

anything to him! It's just like what Suella said.

"What does this have to do with me?" Danny was rather affronted. Did a person have to take

responsibility for enjoying the show?

"Suella said you forced herself on to her, so you tell me whether or not it has something to do with you."

"I can't believe it! Here I am minding my own business when all of a sudden, I get thrown under the

bus?" Danny almost wanted to cry. "That's a baseless accusation! Suella walked out of Maverick's

room, the one opposite ours, so how can I be the one to blame?"

Alicia glanced at Room 205 behind her. She felt a little uncertain. "Suella said so herself. I don't think

she would make a mistake about something like that."

"If you put it that way, my memory's flawless too. I was with my fiancee last night and we spent the

whole night together. I won't be misremembering things," Danny huffed and shamelessly declared.

What kind of nonsense is this?! By the time I woke up, Suella was already all wrapped up like a burrito.

I only saw her when we moved her into Maverick's room, and all I saw were her feet! This is a blatant

attempt to hit me with a false accusation!

Alicia had a long night prior to this, and she spent a long time tussling with Suella over this. Danny's

attitude was also giving her a headache. "Mr. Danny, you should know that I only came to talk to you

because you said we're friends. I hope you know that for situations like these, I can just go right ahead

and make a police report."

She hoped that both parties would be upfront about this instead of trying to shirk responsibility. If drugs

or sedatives had been involved in some way, she was willing to go on his behalf and seek Suella's

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forgiveness, but his attitude disappointed her.

"Back at you. It's only because I consider you my friend and my savior that I'm willing to listen to this.

Trust me, Miss Heidelberg. Had it been anyone else who came to my door out of the blue to slander

me, I would've thrown them out right away." Danny shrugged.

Though he did seem like an irresponsible guy, it didn't mean that he was one.

"All right. I get what you're saying." Alicia gave up trying to debate this with him. After giving it some

thought, she said, "Suella tried to take her own life just now. I stopped her and promised that I'll help

her seek out an appropriate amount as compensation. Since you said you didn't do it, I'm sure you

won't be forking out the money. I can provide the money, but I hope you can cooperate with me and

make a show of apologizing to her anyway. I'll transfer the money to you and you can give it to her.

How's that?"

As soon as she said that, Ariel came over and declared, "We won't be giving any money or putting on

any show either. If Suella doesn't even know whose bed she came down from, that means she's a fool.

Our money doesn't grow on trees and our time is just as precious. We have no reason to sacrifice

anything for the sake of her stupidity."

Alicia frowned. "Miss Whitney, I know you don't like Suella, and I admit that she's problematic in many

ways, but she's still my friend. If you're going to be this cold and indifferent, I have no choice but to get

my lawyer to talk to you."

"It's good to have a sense of righteousness, but you should also be discerning and see whether the

person you're trying to help is worth standing up for or not," Ariel said pointedly. "Feel free to sue us,

but don't forget to remind her to get her medical report done at an established medical institution. We

won't accept any reports from some unknown hospital in the middle of nowhere."

Then, she opened her hand to reveal the two strands of hair that had been wrapped separately in

tissue. She had been holding onto them for quite some time now. "Here are two DNA samples. The

longer one belongs to Maverick and the shorter one belongs to Danny. I'm sure you'll have use of it."

She had been the first to wake up last night, so she made sure to plan for possible situations to avoid

arguments like the one today, but she didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

Danny felt his hair. "When did you cut it? Why didn't I notice anything?"

Ariel and Danny's frank manner made Alicia a lot less suspicious of them, but she took the hairs

anyway. "I hope the outcome won't make things ugly between us."

She took the strands of hair and left using the stairs.

"That's weird. Why did she take the stairs instead of using the perfectly functional elevator?" Danny


Before Ariel could reply, he spoke up again. "Who cares about her? You're so smart, Honey. Here's a


"Hold it." Ariel pressed her finger against his lips. "Your name hasn't been cleared yet. Suspects will

have to stay six feet away from me."

She turned around and went back into the room.

Danny tagged along behind her.

"I was falsely accused, Honey!"

"Why do you keep attracting all these women's attention?"

"It's not my fault that I'm handsome."

Ariel was speechless.

By the time the sun was about the set, everyone was well-rested and began getting ready to head


Danny and Ariel didn't bring much with them, so they went down earlier to wait for the others. Once

everyone had gathered in the lobby, they sent a text to Elise to ask her to meet them downstairs and

head off.

Elise and the two kids were about to go down when Rylantha stood in their way to stop them.

It was a little awkward seeing her blocking the doorway of Room 204.

"Are you free? I'd like to speak to you alone about something," Rylantha said.

"What's there for us to talk about?" Elise didn't think they had anything in common to discuss.

Rylantha pursed her lips impatiently before moving in to whisper in Elise's ear, "Owen Morgan asked

me to talk to you."

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Elise's eyebrows raised ever so slightly. My, my. Owen's no slouch. He even managed to use Camren

Abbott's daughter.

He's a senior authority figure in a terrorist organization, alright. His ability to fool others cannot be


Elise smiled faintly and dismissed the two children. "Irvin, take your sister downstairs first. I'll be right


"Okay." Irvin took his hand out of his pocket and obediently held Alexia's hand before heading out of

the room.

Once the kids went inside the elevator, Elise turned back and closed the door behind her.

"What does Owen want with me?" Elise got straight to the point.

Rylantha sat down on the couch and set her purse down. "I never would've thought you'd be as bold as

to cheat on a man like Alexander Griffith. No wonder you're friends with a b*tch like Ariel Whitney."

Elise didn't hold back at all as she countered, "I can't possibly compare to how broad-minded you are.

It must have been exciting to sleep with the man who nearly became your brother-in-law, right?"

"Why, you!" Rylantha nearly walked out right there and then, but when she recalled the reason why she

came, she forced herself to stay calm. "Your tongue is just as sharp as ever. Miss White. Do you think

Alexander would still allow you to go about this arrogantly if he found out about your relationship with


Elise stared at Rylantha with an unreadable expression. "What's there for me to fear? Since you came

to deliver a message from Owen, it means that we're on the same side. How would Alexander find out

if neither one of us said anything?"

Rylantha nodded. "I'll admit that you're a smart woman. No wonder you can have two remarkable men

wrapped around your fingers. Owen said it's not that he doesn't want to come and see you, but he's

caught up in a tricky situation so it'll be a while before he can come over. When the time comes, he'll

bring you a gift."

"What gift?"