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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1037
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Chapter 1037

"You can't! Having children makes a person's life complete. Why don't you both want a child? I can't

wait to have grandchildren! I object!" Camren immediately announced.

"Objection overruled." Ariel refused to back down. "If you want grandchildren, get the other daughter of

yours to bear you some. She'll be more than happy to oblige."

"You and she are different. None of you can avoid this responsibility!" Camren said determinedly.

At that, Ariel muttered assertively, "It is entirely up to me whether or not to have children, so your words

count for nothing."


"That's enough. Just have your meal. The children will think for themselves and you don't need to be

worried about them."

Camren wanted to say more but after Rebecca chastised him, all he could do was stare at them and


Seeing this, Alexia brought her bowl over to him to appease him. "Don't be upset, Grandpa Camren.

Have some dumplings," she said while feeding him.

Camren cooperatively ate the dumplings and he beamed until wrinkles formed around his eyes. "Thank

you, Lexi. You're so thoughtful. I'm not upset at all with you around me."

He then paused for a moment before continuing, "I like you more and more as I look at you. Lexi, do

you want to be my granddaughter-in-law in the future?"


Before Alexia could say anything, Alexander and Irvin both rejected Camren's suggestion at the same


Camren immediately turned around, only to see the father-son duo had vigilant and menacing

expressions on their faces, much like a lion protecting its cubs.

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The ambiance became a little awkward.

"Tsk!" Narissa shook her head. "With such a protective father and brother, it would be difficult for Alexia

to marry in the future."

"She doesn't need to marry, then," Alexander said.

"Is she going to rely on you for the rest of her life? What if you're gone?" Camren persisted in his


"She'll have me," Irvin added.

Camren was rendered speechless. He then intentionally diverted the subject by asking, "With such a

father and brother, is it still possible for Alexia to have a taste of love?"

Everyone exchanged glances and smiled.

Camren was worrying for nothing. Of course, Alexander and Irvin would not make it impossible for

Alexia to marry. However, with them around, men would surely find it more difficult to marry her.

Suddenly, Raymond walked into the hallway and said, "Boss, Captain Gleeman is here."

"Invite him in," Alexander instructed as he walked away from the dining table and into the living room.

As Elise had finished her food, she followed him as well.

Alexander pulled her to her feet. When Jackson walked in, they all exchanged greetings before taking

their seats.

"Are you in Wegas for a mission, Captain Gleeman?" Alexander cut right to the chase.

Alexander had a diverse group of friends, ranging from prominent figures to street beggars and

ruffians. Danny and the others were used to it, so they were unconcerned about Jackson's presence

and simply continued their breakfast.

On the other hand, Jackson remained reserved and said nothing.

Alexander saw through his thoughts and told him, "Everyone here is trustworthy. You can say whatever

you want, Captain Gleeman."

Jackson nodded, looking relieved.

"I'll get to the point, then. As you might have guessed, I'm here on a mission. Over the last seven

years, Smith Co. has provided us with substantial evidence of Triune's criminal acts. I asked my

superior for permission to conduct an arrest operation on Triune two weeks ago and it was granted.

However, Wendy appears to have learned about it. She had left for a seminar abroad and has yet to

return. I am concerned that she'll be alerted if we start arresting their members now. I'm here this time

for Wendy, as well as to see if there's any chance of retrieving the group of scientists."

Wendy must have had a reason to settle in Wegas. Either this place had what she was looking for, or

she had left something here in the past.

Being a fellow of the Institute of Physics, everything about her was related to Cittadel's advancement of

science and technology. As such, Jackson had signed a confidentiality agreement for his current


Alexander nodded when he heard that. "So, you intend to lure Wendy back and catch all of them


"That's right," Jackson replied. "Wendy is, after all, a well-known figure in the field of science and

technology. If we openly offer a reward for her arrest, it will cause social panic. I've been told to keep

this matter private and to settle it quietly. As a result, I've come to ask you if you have any suggestions,

Mr. Griffith."

When he was speaking, he looked at Elise, his eyes full of politeness.

Elise had heard about Jackson from Alexander's letters over the years as well. She knew briefly that

Alexander had assisted Jackson in resolving a number of major cases and that they both had turned

from foes to friends.

Subsequently, both of them join forces to investigate Triune. It had been seven years since then, and

there was finally hope of destroying it.

"A cunning person will usually have multiple hiding places. Wendy tried hard to leave Cittadel and she

is unlikely to return easily," Alexander reasoned.

"But if there's a big enough bait to entice her, it'll be different," Jackson countered. "You've known

Triune longer than I have. What do you think will entice her to take the bait?"

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Alexander pondered for a moment and in the end, he provided Jackson with an answer. "Smith Co. will

provide our full cooperation. However, I'm afraid that I can't tell you what the plan is for the time being,

Captain Gleeman. For now, I would need to first seek your assistance."

"Just speak up," Jackson said as he listened closely.

He had seen a lot of Alexander's underhand measures throughout the past seven years. Though there

were things he couldn't approve of, he had to admit that the world needed people like Alexander and

Smith Co. to solve problems that legal means couldn't.

Jackson, too, had doubts about whether he was becoming more like Alexander after working with him

for so long. However, every time he saw wrongdoers punished and it provided comfort to the victims'

families, all of his doubts faded away.

If justice could be served, he was willing to turn a blind eye to the methods used.

"Matthew is in my house now. I hope you can escort him back to the country to face the law, Captain

Gleeman," Alexander said calmly.

Since Matthew was so dissatisfied with the Griffith Family, Alexander now wanted him to know how

benevolent the Griffith Family was to him.

Matthew would only realize how heinous his actions were after spending some time in jail.

All these years, Alexander was the one who gave Matthew his freedom. Since the latter did not

treasure it, Alexander decided to take it back.

"Should I then record him as turning in on himself?" Jackson was aware of Matthew and Alexander's

relationship, but he was uncertain whether Alexander wanted him to treat Matthew leniently.

"No. Just treat him like any other criminal," Alexander stated.

"That means I'll be credited for something I didn't do again. In the last seven years, I've already been

promoted five times. Sometimes I wonder whether you are trying to attract public officers to be on your

side," Jackson jokingly mentioned, but it was heartfelt words.

"Well, I'd like to. Captain Gleeman, do you want to be on my side?" Alexander attempted to sound

Jackson out.

"No," Jackson refused outright.