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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1028
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Chapter 1028

"Don't worry. Matthew is coming after me, so he will never harm Danny," Alexander comforted her.

A somber mood enveloped the people in the sick room at the mention of Matthew.

"The deadline is tomorrow. If we can't find Danny, do we have a solution other than doing what

Matthew said, which is live streaming the massacre?"

Matthew was asking for one hundred innocent people's lives.

What kind of term is that? He's a psycho! We are no different from him if we comply.

However, he won't release Danny if we disobey him. Choosing one among the two options will always

lead to another party's end. Narissa was upset with the limited options.

Upon hearing the question, Elise lowered her gaze and sighed. Their dilemma was a replica of the

trolley problem, which was a famous series of thought experiments in psychology.

A train without functioning brakes was speeding down its track and would eventually kill the five people

who were tied up on the current track if it continued on its path. On the other side, it could also be

diverted onto another track, where only one tied-up person was waiting, by pulling the lever. Now, you

were an onlooker and were given the option to pull the lever. Would you rather do nothing or interfere?

Every man's life had to be taken seriously. However, no matter what your choice was, another party

was bound to be killed.

Having death on your conscience would bother you for the rest of your life. At least for Elise, it was a

problem with no solution.

However, now they had to choose between one person and one hundred people.

"If things are bound to go that far, I'll do it." Tucking Elise in bed, Alexander began with a casual tone, "I

can't watch him take my younger brother's life without doing anything."

The three women in the room fell into silence at his determined words.

It wasn't that they never gave it a thought. However, their morality and conscience were bothering

them, so they forced the thoughts into the back of their minds and refrained from giving in.

On the contrary, Alexander just announced his inhumane decision with a casual tone, and it shocked

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Narissa and Ariel exchanged looks. The looks on their faces mirrored each other's thoughts as they

both believed that he meant what he said.

"Now that Alexander is here, I'll be going. We have a day to find Danny, so I'll try my luck with other

places." Planning to flee the scene, Ariel changed the topic.

"I'm coming with you." Narissa thought, I'm not gonna stay to be the third wheel. Ariel searching for

Danny on her own worries me too. Thus, the pair left together.

When they were out of sight, Elise finally withdrew her gaze and asked Alexander, "Are you really

going to do as Matthew tells you?"

Knowing Alexander, she was confident that he wasn't a person with little regard for human life.

However, he made it sound like an easy job a moment ago, so she dared say he had a plan in mind.

She was wondering how he could get away with it as he couldn't edit a live stream.

"Rest assured. I won't put our future at stake just because Matthew threatened me." he comforted her

with a gentle tone. "Right now, your priority is to look after yourself and our daughter. You don't have to

worry about Danny's safety. I'll deal with it."

Elise didn't press him further when he made the promise. At this point, all she could do was obey his


However, Alexander was somewhat making a fuss. Even though she was the one staying in the

hospital, he asked his men to prepare another bed next to hers. On the second day, he even

summoned Raymond and Clement back to his side and put them in charge of her safety.

After he got all things done, he finally left her sick room to deal with his business with reluctance.

At 10.00AM, the doctor in charge of Elise came to check on her when he was making rounds. After

getting his permission to leave the hospital, she urged Clement to check her out of the hospital.

Meanwhile, Heather had been throwing up for two days. At last, she visited the hospital without telling


Aware that someone might track her down, she avoided the hospitals in the city. Instead, she chose to

visit the one with an average reputation that was situated on the outskirts.

After a body check, her guess was proven right.

She was pregnant.

The same feeling had lasted since last week, but she couldn't quite pin it down.

She and Matthew had been together for seven years, and they had always practiced protected sex.

Besides, he wasn't fond of children. Thus, the pair never aimed for a child. This pregnancy was

unexpected, but Heather welcomed the surprise nonetheless.

This time, she could finally carry his child—the fruit of their love. She could be with Matthew for the rest

of her life once she gave birth to their child.

Lowering her head, she placed her hands on her belly and smiled at her future.

As a woman aged, her mother instinct grew stronger. The moment Heather found that she was

pregnant, she was overjoyed.

The next moment, she frowned as realization slowly dawned on her. The news blinded her judgment

that she forgot Matthew had always been the one suggesting birth control.

He proposed that as they were fugitives, a child would only drag them down. Besides, he didn't see a

future for the child of a murderer like him. Therefore, he had been forbidding her from getting pregnant.

Over the last seven years, she had five times of abortions. Thus, she didn't think this child would

survive either.

When she thought about the destined end of her child, she couldn't help but frown sadly.

"Miss Langford, are you still there?"

The doctor sitting opposite her waved before her eyes to grab her attention.

"Yes, doctor. I'm listening. What is it?"

"I was asking, have you had an abortion before?" The doctor put on a serious expression.

"Yes, a few times. Is there a problem?" Heather didn't know the reason, but it gave her the creeps.

"Of course. The abortion before has caused damage to your uterus, and the damage is irreversible.

You're lucky to get pregnant again. Thus, I suggest you keep the baby," the doctor explained.

"What?" Finding her tone agitated, she calmed down before asking again, "I mean, both my husband

and I are busy with our careers. Can't I have a child later?"

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The doctor barely refrained from rolling her eyes. "That's a dangerous idea. First of all, you're not

young anymore and are almost older than many who have their first childbirth. Getting pregnant later

will only increase the risk. Furthermore, according to your health condition, you're unable to get

pregnant for the rest of your life once you have another abortion."

"Do you mean it's my only chance to become a mother?" Heather panicked. She put her hands on her

lap and clenched her fists.

"Yes." The doctor gave her an affirmative nod. "I hope you take some time to think about it."

"There's no need to think. I'll keep the baby. Doctor, I'd like to get a prescription for anti-contraction

medication. Thank you," she replied with a firm answer.

At that moment, she was proud even though she burned her bridges.

She was determined to defend her rights to become a mother and the love between her and Matthew.

She had to keep the fruit of their love to prove that they loved each other.

Placing her hands around her belly, she tried to soothe her child.

You don't have to worry, my child. I'll convince your father to let me keep you.

And together, we'll be a happy family.

In the meantime, Elise was walking out of her sick room when she saw a yawning Narissa walking

toward her. She couldn't bring herself to comment about the dark circles under Narissa's eyes.

"You look tired."

"I know, right? I spent last night with Ariel searching for Danny and just got back. You're going home.

Here, let me help you."

Narissa simply hooked Elise's arm as they left. After all, she hadn't learned all the do's and don'ts in

treating a pregnant woman.

Elise didn't mind it. After all, she wasn't weak. Thus, she didn't need to lean against someone to carry

her weight when her goal was just to leave the hospital.

"Did you come here by yourself? Is Ariel still searching?"

"Forget about her. My friend here is more capable than she looks. Even though she hasn't slept for two

days, she can still stay sharp. You gotta give it to her."

The pair walked down the corridor having a light conversation. Just when they got out of the elevator, a

familiar figure caught Elise's eyes.

Heather? She and Matthew are basically inseparable nowadays. What is she doing here?