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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1022
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Chapter 1022

Like Irvin, Alexander also wore swimming trunks that showed off his physique.

The difference was that he maintained his body better than Irvin. He was muscular but did not look as

intimidating as Raymond. Every line of his body was just right without any excess fat, making him look

like a bodybuilding champion.

"Damn..." Narissa watched without blinking. "I didn't expect Alexander to have such a good figure." She

wiped her mouth and nudged Elise with her elbow. "No wonder your relationship is so stable. It must be

that you have a happy sex life!"

Elise felt a little embarrassed and coughed. "There's a child! Don't talk nonsense."

Oh well, it's my time to save the day again. Irvin sighed and silently carried his sister into the sea, with

the others soon joining in the water fight.

Alexia couldn't swim yet, so she had to rely on a swim ring to keep afloat. Although she was repeatedly

thrown back to the shore by the waves, she kept jumping back into the sea again and again, never tired

of it.

At first, Ariel played in the water with Danny. When the sun got too hot, she hid under the parasol

beside Elise to watch the battle.

"You're busy with work even when you come out to play. Come on, spare your staff," Ariel teased

Alexander, who was busy working away on his computer.

Elise and Alexander exchanged a glance and just smiled.

Irvin was watching his sister without participating in the play. He was always on guard, looking more

like a bodyguard.

The two remaining adults decided to try surfing.

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Narissa was the queen of the waves, effortlessly performing several complex moves on the board.

Danny knew how to surf but couldn't get up, being knocked over several times by the waves and

drinking a lot of seawater.

Now that he was finally exhausted, he simply drifted on the water's surface while holding on to the

board and let the waves carry him without resistance.

Gradually, the wind on the sea died down, and the surface returned to cahn.

Narissa put away her board and took a short rest on the shore.

However, before she could get to the shore, she heard a splash behind her. She turned around and

found that Danny, who had just been lying on the board, was nowhere to be seen. Only the board was

on the water.

She waited a few seconds but didn't see him appear. "Danny, what are you doing? Stop fooling around

and come out!" she shouted.

"Mr. Danny, where are you?" Alexia shouted as well.

After a few more seconds, there was still no sign of him.

The people under the parasol noticed the situation and put down what they were doing to stand up to


Ariel's heart was racing. "Could he have fainted from cramps?"

"Not likely. Danny is good in the water. He's probably just joking around with them," Elise reassured


After dozens of seconds had passed, there was still no sign of Danny.

Narissa turned to them and said, "I'll take a look."


Suddenly, Danny popped out of the water again, gasping for breath with the board in his arms.

Everyone's anxious hearts were finally put to rest.

Her fiery temper immediately flared up. "Are you crazy? Don't joke about this kind of thing!"

"No." He struggled to wave a hand. "In the water—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he sank again.

Just as Ariel relaxed, she saw Danny sink into the water and be swallowed by the waves.

Then, he disappeared completely.

"Danny? Stop playing around!" Narissa warned with her hands on her hips. "If you don't come out, I'll

beat you up!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a figure swoosh past her.

In the blink of an eye, Ariel jumped into the water and swam in the direction where Danny had


It took more than half a minute to reach the location of the board.

She looked around but didn't see any sign of Danny. Then, she took a deep breath and dived into the


It wasn't until then that Narissa realized that something was really wrong. She told Irvin and his sister to

return to the beach before she herself followed Ariel into the water.

A minute later, they resurfaced and looked at each other from a distance, shaking their heads.

They couldn't find any trace of Danny.

Arial paused for a while before diving down again, deeper and farther than before.

Seeing this, Elise immediately contacted the local search and rescue team.

The atmosphere became increasingly heavy. Alexander couldn't wait any longer and swam toward a

further location.

However, the result was the same, and they found nothing.

In the end, they could only return to the shore.

At the same time, the search and rescue team contacted by Elise arrived. More than a dozen members

with professional equipment dived into the sea to search for the missing person.

As night fell, bright lights were set up on the beach to facilitate the rescue operation.

The sea near the shore was brightly lit, while the farther areas were dark and invisible.

Ariel was the last one to come ashore. She wrapped herself in a blanket and held Elise's cream of

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mushroom soup to drink.

If it weren't for Alexander dragging Ariel out of the water, she would have probably held on longer.

No one expected something like this to happen, and everyone was waiting for good news from the

search and rescue team, but after two hours, there was still no news of the missing person.

At this moment, Camren also arrived.

Seeing Ariel's pale face, he felt heartbroken and comforted softly, "Don't worry, Danny is a lucky guy.

He will be okay."

After patting her arm twice, he turned around and immediately put on a serious expression to command

Jessie, who had arrived with him, with a stern voice. "Go, bring that lady to me!"

Jessie had never seen Camren so angry before and felt inexplicably nervous. She swallowed nervously

and asked, "A-are you referring to Miss Rylantha?"

"What a stupid question! Who else? Hurry up!" Camren snapped.


Jessie hurried off and brought Rylantha to the beach in less than half an hour.

Originally resting at home, Rylantha felt perplexed about being dragged here. She was in her pajamas

and only had a pair of slippers on.

Along the way, she was cursing and complaining.

After meeting Camren, she calmed herself down when she saw the tense atmosphere and Ariel on the

scene. Then, she returned to her queenly attitude and complained, "What are you doing calling me out

to this godforsaken place in the middle of the night?"

"You b*stard! Kneel!" Camren turned red with anger, veins popping up his forehead.

"What's wrong with you? Why should I?" Rylantha thought she had misheard. When she saw Ariel's

friends were there, she saw red.

"Oh, I see. Camren, I'm your daughter! Are you humiliating me and making me kneel in front of so

many people just for this illegitimate child of yours? What kind of spell did she cast on you? You're

really out of your mind for her—"


Before Rylantha could finish her spiel, she was slapped by Camren so hard her face turned to the side.

"What are you talking about?! She is your sister, and Danny is your brother-in-law. What did they do to

deserve this? Are you trying to piss me off?!"