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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1016
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Chapter 1016

"You are too sly," Elise exclaimed as she realized she had been duped yet again.

As the saying goes, everything has its vanquisher. Alexander was her lifeline, and he had her wrapped

around his finger.

"Then, I'll pick first. I'm betting on Zephyr. If I win, we'll have a son," Elise declared.

"Oh well, I guess I'll just have to bet on Narissa." Alexander sighed and gave off a pitiful expression.

However, in a split second, his eyes shone bright with triumph.

Elise was initially pleased with herself for being the first to bet, but she didn’t realize that Alexander

would benefit regardless of having a son or a daughter.

After half an hour, the aroma of barbecue meat wafted in the air, filling the atmosphere with piquant

wafts of herbs and spices.

Camren, who had been sleeping, was startled awake by the savory smell. He crept out of the room

while Rebecca was napping and dashed to the backyard.

There were various cuts of meat on the grill, but the sizzling wagyu beef and pepper skewers stood out

the most.

"Give me five skewers, with extra chili and spice!" Camren commanded Clement while rubbing his

hands together and gulping his saliva.

Clement silently sprinkled the chili powder on the skewers, let it roast for a while, then took a handful

and handed it to Camren.

Camren was about to bite into his skewers when a hand from the side grabbed them all.

"You're not supposed to eat these!" Rebecca cried. "Dad! Are you even aware of your current health

situation? How dare you eat the skewers? Are you not worried about dying?"

Her rambling demeanor was reminiscent of an elder reprimanding a child.

"I listen well to you these days. I also eat healthily every day. What's the matter with having a

sumptuous meal?" Camren wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and fixed his gaze on the

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meat skewer in her grasp.

"Don’t you realize that even slight negligence can lead to a major disaster? You should be cautious

about what you eat for the sake of your health."

Rebecca's assertion sounded reasonable. She then bit into a large piece of slightly charred beef on her

hand before grumbling, "It tastes so-so; nothing special."

She took another bite as she spoke, and the juice from the meat swooshed out, making her entire

mouth glisten.

Clement gave her a short glance before returning to his job.

Camren was on the verge of tears because, despite Rebecca's complaints, she devoured the meat so

deliciously. This was torturous for him!

Clink! Clink! Clink!

Jamie clinked the glass and announced, "The tournament is about to begin. Please enter the arena in

an orderly manner."

That does sound like a legitimate boxing match due to his emcee skills.

It's no surprise that Elise would suggest Jamie join the vibe builders at social gatherings.

People began to crowd around him at this point.

"Becky, let's go and watch the fun!

Camren had to experience the fun even though he couldn't enjoy the barbecue meat. He was the

fastest to grab a decent seat, making sure Rebecca was by his side as well.

At this juncture, everyone had surrounded Irvin and Raymond. They were standing across from one

another, exuding opposing auras.

Raymond took off his jacket and revealed only a white sleeveless vest. His muscles, particularly his

toned chest muscles, were more visible, adding power to his fighting spirit.

In comparison, Irvin appeared much slimmer. He stood alone with a poker face, looking handsome but

a little frail.

Camren looked around for a moment before turning to Rebecca.

"I heard they've all placed bets, Becky; how about we join in?"

"It's all stuff for teenagers. We are far too old for this." Rebecca had never shown any interest in such


"You're not getting it. If you try more new things, you will have a much younger mindset. It may also

help to prevent Alzheimer's disease. In short, there are numerous benefits. You should treat me as a

patient and play with me. Just once is enough!" Camren was sadfishing.

Women were always soft-hearted. Hence, Rebecca wouldn't be able to stand his glum expression. She

eventually succumbed to his sulky face, sighing. "Okay, fine. Only this once. How should we proceed?"

"It's simple; just bet on who you think will win, and the loser will grant the other party a wish." Camren

didn't wait for Rebecca to respond before placing his bet. "I'll go first! I'm going with Raymond."

Raymond is a muscular guy who will undoubtedly win.

Wagyu beef, pork brain, chicken wings... Please wait for me!

Camren wiped his saliva once more as he thought about the food.

"I'll bet on Irvin then." Rebecca placed a perfunctory bet, unconcerned about the outcome.

Raymond overheard their conversations and relaxed his muscles by stretching his arms.

When Camren saw Raymond, his eyes glowed with excitement. Camren was determined to win the bet

and eat his barbecue!

"Don’t worry, Young Master Irvin. I'll fight properly and not hurt you." Raymond exuded confidence.

Irvin didn't respond. Instead, he turned to face Zephyr who was standing next to him.

"Don't worry. Just remember what I taught you. You will undoubtedly win as long as you want to,"

Zephyr said as he stepped forward and patted Irvin on the shoulder.

Irvin nodded, not wanting to be the loser.

"Are both parties prepared?" Jamie presided over the competition using a wine bottle as a microphone.

"Ready, set, go!"

After the words fell, Raymond took the lead in the attack by charging at full speed toward Irvin,

punching him with his fist.

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Irvin swung to the side to avoid being struck. As a result, Raymond's fist slammed into the pillar behind

Irvin and tore a hole in it.

Raymond picked himself up and struck out again. Seeing this, Irvin continued dodging Raymond's

blows. After a few rounds, several pruned dwarf pine trees in the garden were destroyed.

As Raymond picked up speed, it became clear that he had incredible destructive power. On the other

hand, Irvin was constantly restrained and unable to fight back.

Nevertheless, Alexander stoked the flames by asking Raymond, "Raymond, why are you so weak?"

Alexander's words insinuated Raymond's failure to give his all. After hearing his father's reprimand,

Raymond's destructive power surged dramatically.

"You are indeed a wonderful father!" Elise cried sarcastically, dumbfounded by Alexander's treatment of

his son.

Alexander lowered his gaze and smiled faintly without saying anything.

Elise was unconcerned and continued to watch the tournament leisurely without much discussion.

In reality, both of them were well aware of the fact that Raymond would lose, despite the fact that he

appeared to have the upper hand in this match. This was already a huge blunder for a top boxer from

Smith Co.

Raymond was enraged by Alexander's insult and retaliated with merciless punches and violent kicks.

Although the lawn was trampled by his romping movements, Raymond had not taken down Irvin.

After a few minutes, Raymond gradually lost his best form and his agility plummeted.

The time has come!

When Irvin noticed a breathless Raymond, he approached him from behind and assaulted him with

silver needles.

Raymond noticed Irvin's sneak attack at this point. He quickly regained his composure and punched

Irvin, knocking him to the ground.

It was, however, too late. The silver needles pierced the skin on the back of Raymond's neck and the

medicinal liquid was injected into his blood vessels.

The tables were turned. Raymond felt numb all over his body, which sent him to his knees.

Irvin stooped up and patted his jacket. His eyes glowed with delight and surprise.

He actually did it.

"I lost," Raymond grumbled bitterly.