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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1013
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Chapter 1013

"Are you doubting Dr. Lorwhal's professionalism?" Alicia responded helplessly.

"Well, you have a point. Zephyr is the best doctor there is without question." Jamie murmured to


"You should trust Dr. Lorwhal even if you don't trust me. From now on, you and I are nothing more than

best friends, so don't let your guilt weigh you down. Moreover, I've fully recovered from my condition.

On the other hand, it's you who needs to make way, or you're only going to stress me out." Alicia

smiled, her eyes lit up as if the two of them had gone back to the time when they first knew each other.

Upon hearing that, Jamie finally believed that Alicia had indeed recovered from her condition. At that

moment, he felt happy that she wished him well. "Thank you so much, Alicia." Jamie expressed his

gratitude to Alicia.

"You're welcome." Alicia reacted like she was coaxing a child. "So, can I carry on with my competition?"

"Yeah, sure. Of course."

In the end, Jamie sat through the competition until the end. As Alicia said, she was an excellent rock

climber who managed to win the competition and walked away with the prize. When it was over, both of

them parted ways, whereupon Jamie went to Narissa's favorite shop and bought her some yogurt milk.

Then, he slipped into her home at the interval and decided to give her a surprise. "Taa daa!"

At that moment, Narissa was sitting on the couch when a bottle of yogurt milk suddenly fell on her lap.

The next second, she snapped out of her trance and saw Jamie sitting right next to her. "You've been

craving this a long time ago, haven't you? Come on, help yourself." Jamie wrapped his arms around

her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

As soon as Narissa took the yogurt milk, she asked in an absent-minded manner, "Weren't you cooking

at home? How come you have a bottle of yogurt milk here?"

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Damn it! My cover is blown. Jamie acted restless as if there were ants in his pants, retracting his arm

from her while stammering, "Yeah, that's a good question. I-I was cooking. Then, I went out to the yard

where I saw the guards. Yes, the guards. I told them to buy it for me." Jamie sighed as he explained.

"The guards?" Narissa looked at the man as if she was interrogating a criminal.

"Yeah." Jamie didn't dare to look Narissa in the eye. "It cost me quite a lot of money."

"Are you sure?" Narissa sensed something wrong with Jamie.

"Oh shoot!" Jamie started to panic and stood up anxiously. After pausing for a second, he ran out the

door at lightning speed. "It's about time for my lunch. Also, Raymond is going to show up anytime soon.

I have to go, or I'm going to get exposed. See you some other time, Honey!" He disappeared in a split

second as soon as he finished his words.

Meanwhile, Narissa was seen with a glacial look on her face, taking a sip of the yogurt milk without

feeling happy about it. After all, she managed to catch the fragrant scent that wafted from Jamie and

was able to identify it as Alicia's favorite perfume.

Meanwhile, Alexander returned home after work and saw Elise glued to her laptop in a serious manner.

"What are you looking at? You seem engrossed with it." Alexander took off his jacket and placed his

hand on the couch.

"I'm tracking Owen's whereabouts in the past few days," Elise replied. She then put the laptop aside

and wrapped her arms around Alexander's neck as soon as he sat down beside her. "How was your

day? Are you tired?"

"Nothing unusual." Alexander had nothing much to share about his mundane lifestyle. "Did you notice

something?" he asked.

"Speaking of that, there is something worth paying attention to." Elise sat up straight and added, "I

realized Owen visited a place in the middle of nowhere around 4.00AM, and my intuition tells me that

something can’t be right for a man to go to a place like that at an ungodly hour."

"I see. Let's get Raymond to do a little scouting around that area then," Alexander replied.

"No, we can't do that. I understand something doesn't seem right about that place, but everything we

know now is based on nothing more than our speculation. For instance, we have no idea how many

people are guarding that area, so whomever we send there is only going to find himself in danger

without any prior preparation. Therefore, we must first think of a way to divert those people away." Elise

appeared to have a plan to handle the situation.

"Are you thinking of creating a distraction?" Alexander seemingly knew what was in Elise's mind.

Elise nodded. "Owen has been listening in for quite a while, and it's about time to let him taste a little

success. Furthermore, I just happened to receive a text from him. He wants to meet me in person

tomorrow. I think this is a good opportunity." After hearing Elise's words, Alexander grabbed his phone

and ran off. "Hey, where are you going?" Elise called out to Alexander.

"To get what I need so that I can play my part in your plan."

Without Alexander's contribution, Elise would not succeed in tricking Owen no matter how perfect her

plan might be. Soon, Alexander arrived in his study with his phone and took Owen's eavesdropping

device from the signal jammer. Then, he held his cell phone near his mouth and said, "That's right. The

goods will arrive tomorrow night, and it's important to make sure nothing goes wrong. Raymond and I

will be there to receive them by then." After that, an affirmative hum was heard shortly before the

eavesdropping device was shut down.

In the meantime, Owen and his henchmen were excited when they learned about the news. "Mr.

Morgan, Raymond is Smith Co.'s best fighter, which means this is a huge deal." Owen's henchmen

were excited that they finally had the chance to have their revenge on Smith Co. as Triune had been

suffering from a humiliating defeat by them over the past few years.

"Relax..Owen was sensible enough not to let the rush of excitement turn his head. "Let's decide what

to do after I sound Anastasia out tomorrow." It's always better to have insurance.

"What a wise move, Mr. Morgan!"

The next day, Owen and Elise met up at a cafe. As soon as Elise sat down, she let out a sigh. "What's

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wrong? Did Alexander piss you off again?" Owen acted as if he cared about Elise.

"Today is my birthday, but Alexander said he had some business to attend to and left. Not only did he

refuse to keep me company, but he also didn't prepare any presents for me. He said he was too busy

meeting a client, but honestly, I don't believe he is that busy. I'm just not his priority. That's all. Alas, it

hurts!" Elise covered her face and pretended to be heartbroken.

"Well, since you're sure you don't love him anymore, you should just let him go and move on." Owen

comforted Elise and asked, "Who is that client by the way? Did Alexander mention that to you?"

"No, he didn't." Elise retracted her arm and continued with a confused look, "I heard him mention

bringing some weapons and guns when he was talking on the phone earlier. Do you think he could be

referring to the..." Elise then mouthed the word, 'guns', silently before continuing, "Ever since we came

to Wegas, Alexander has become a different person, and his henchmen are always armed with guns."

Owen's eyes brightened up when he heard that. Weapons? Smith Co.? Well, I'm pretty sure something

big is going on now!

Meanwhile, Elise knew their plan had succeeded when she saw Owen's expression. However, she

continued to play dumb and asked, "What am I going to do? I can't really be of help, can I?"

"It's alright. You've helped me a lot." When Owen snapped out of his trance, he took a diamond

necklace out of his pocket and continued making up his story. "I couldn't take my eyes off this necklace

when I first saw it in an auction. So, I decided to buy it, but it is only now that I finally understood why I

did that. It's all because—it's destined to be your birthday present." He then showed the necklace along

with its case to Elise. "Happy Birthday. Do you like it?"

Seriously? Only a girl who hasn't seen the world will fall for a necklace like this one. "Oh, yes, of

course! This is my first present of the day. Thank you, Owen!" Elise was forced to act as if she was

really surprised despite her frustration.

"Let me put it on for you." Owen circled around Elise and carefully fastened the necklace around her

neck, winking at her flirtatiously several times throughout the process. At the same time, he was

laughing at Alexander for his foolishness, thinking the latter had no idea Elise was betraying him. Oh,

poor Alexander. You're going to be so surprised when you find out the one who betrays you is the

woman you love so dearly.