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Complete Martial Arts Attributes-Novel

Chapter 2190 Using Such A Method Is Truly Despicable! (2)
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Chapter 2190  Using Such A Method Is Truly Despicable! (2)

Such beings have their dignity and wouldn't aimlessly target a cosmos-stage martial warrior.

Even if they belonged to hostile factions, it wouldn't be practical for an eternal-stage figure to directly confront a cosmos-stage martial warrior.

"But the nof this martial technique seems a bit hasty," Wang Teng remarked, glancing at the attributes board.

Reverse Slash! It was appropriate but the style was lacking.

It appeared that the predecessor, much like himself, was not particularly skilled in naming things.

The last two attribute bubbles were the TDomain.

This was an extremely rare attribute bubble.

Among the domains Wang Teng currently possessed, there was no domain related to time. Obtaining the power of such a domain was truly a pleasant surprise.

Immediately, the relevant insights fused into his mind, rapidly enhancing his mastery of the TDomain.

TDomain: 400/2000 (second-rank)

Wang Teng was surprised. He hadn't expected that his insights into the TDomain would surpass the first rank, reaching the second rank.

Considering that his Space Domain was currently at the first rank.

His TDomain actually caught up.

Although tand space were considered the two most powerful laws in the universe, mastering tproved to be more challenging than space to sextent.

Otherwise, why would there be relatively more powerhouses who mastered space than time?

After his TDomain reached the second rank, Wang Teng's understanding of timproved significantly.

However, he discovered that using the TDomain consumed more terrifying amounts of power of tand caused even more severe erosion to his Origin Of Soul and Origin Of Life.

Only by increasing the rank could he potentially reduce sof the backlash.

Of course, this meant that when using the smethods, the higher the mastery of the domain, the lower the backlash.

However, generally speaking, as the mastery of the domain increased, the techniques employed would also becmore powerful, leading to a more formidable backlash.

It was all relative.

In essence, everything depended on the individual's ability to withstand the level of backlash.

Despite the lengthy explanation, it only took a short moment. After collecting the attribute bubbles, Wang Teng turned his gaze back to the time-element legacy star, contemplating for a few moments.

With such a good opportunity, why not pick a few more bubbles?

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Just a few more, it wouldn't waste too much time.

At this moment, it seemed as if a voice was constantly repeating in Wang Teng's mind, urging him to stay and continue collecting the attributes.

So… Wang Teng decided to stay.


Since he decided to stay, Wang Teng wasted no time. He condensed his spiritual power into a "stick" and fiercely stabbed at the time-element legacy star.

The power of tspread from the star, permeating the surroundings.

Attribute bubbles emerged one after another.

Wang Teng directly picked them up without examining them closely. he continued stabbing.

Thud! Thud! Thud…

Continuous sounds echoed. The time-element legacy star got harassed by Wang Teng continuously.

[○・`Д ́・○]

"What is this guy doing?" The lightning god-stage martial warrior exclaimed.

"He didn't accept the legacy but keeps stabbing it like that. Is he playing?" The fire god-stage marital warrior said with bewilderment.

Even the president had a stream of black lines on his head, unable to comprehend Wang Teng's unusual operation.

At their level, not understanding the actions of a cosmos-stage martial warrior was truly embarrassing.

The three god-stage presences dared not disclose what was happening here.

Wang Teng "stabbed" for about a dozen times. The attribute bubbles dropping from the time-element legacy star becfewer, but he continued his persistent "stabbing."

He was a professional at farming attribute bubbles!

However, the time-element legacy star no longer gave him the opportunity. The surrounding space suddenly fluctuated, and the star directly escaped.

Wang Teng: …

Time-element legacy star: I can run away!

"You deserve it!" The lightning god-stage martial warrior spat out the words uncontrollably when he saw this scene.

Even he thought Wang Teng went overboard, allowing a rare and precious time-element legacy star to escape. Was this something a person would do?

"In that case, we can't tell if he has the TTalent or not." The fire god-stage marital warrior frowned.

"Let it be, there's no need to insist. If he truly possesses a talent for time, he will expose it sooner or later. What we need to do is keep an eye on him, ensuring he doesn't fall prematurely. Such a genius belongs to our Seventh Stellar Academy. It's truly fortunate, hahaha," the president said, laughing heartily and appearing quite pleased.

"That's true. Regardless, he is a member of our Seventh Stellar Academy," the two god-stage entities agreed.

"Hehe, with this young man, when the tcomes for the Seven Stellar Academies to compete, our Seventh Stellar Academy will surely rise. It seems like there's something to look forward to in this generation." The lightning god-stage martial warrior chuckled.

"In the past competitions, our Seventh Stellar Academy has always been at the bottom. How unfortunate," the fire god-stage marital warrior remarked.

"Having only him is not enough." The president shook his head. "I hope he becomes the disruptor in our Seventh Stellar Academy, stirring up the other students."

"Oh?" The two god-stage entities expressed surprise, then nodded in admiration. "President, you're thinking ahead."

Wang Teng looked at the empty void before him. The time-element legacy star had long vanished without a trace, leaving him somewhat speechless.

Did it have to run away like that?

It made him look like sunforgivable villain.

All he did was "stab" it a few times.

Full of grievances, Wang Teng shook his head regretfully and glanced at the attributes board.

Chronicles of Time: 3000/10000 (well-versed)

Reverse Slash (heaven stage): 4100/10000 (well-versed)

TDomain: 500/3000 (third-rank)

Fortunately, the harvest was good. Because he stabbed it a few more times, all three types of attribute values increased by one level.

Without dwelling on it further, Wang Teng, after choosing a direction, swiftly dashed towards a distant location.

Earlier, when he sensed the time-element legacy star, he also sensed the presence of space legacy stars somewhere in the distance.

There were two of them!

He sensed two space-element legacy stars just now.

These two stars were in different directions, but generally speaking, both were on the route Wang Teng was currently taking—one on the left and one on the right.

He decided to head towards the right space-element legacy star first.

The one he sensed on the other side seemed to be more intense, and the better things should be saved for later.

Soon, Wang Teng arrived at his destination.

A peculiar legacy star appeared before his eyes. This star was entirely silver-white, and judging by its size, it should belong to the cosmos stage.

"Cosmos stage!" Wang Teng rubbed his chin, preparing to give it a "poke" first.

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He congregated his spiritual power and stabbed it out. With a loud bang, a powerful space fluctuation swept out.

Wang Teng was much calmer than when he encountered the time-element legacy star. With a flicker, he disappeared from his original position.

He had no problem resisting cosmos-stage space fluctuations.

But, there was no need for him to forcefully endure it.

As the attribute bubbles fell, Wang Teng's spiritual power rushed into the still lingering spatial fluctuation, retrieving the attribute bubbles.

Chronicles of Space*1300

Chronicles of Space*1600

Space Domain*100

Space Domain*80

Several attribute bubbles merged into Wang Teng's body, transforming into insights that he absorbed.

"Chronicles of Space?!" Wang Teng's expression turned strange.

Chronicles of Time, Chronicles of Space, how many chronicles are there? These are high-level insights. Can you be a little more serious?

Chronicles of Space: 2900/3000 (foundation)

There were 2,900 points of attributes in total. It was only enough for Wang Teng to reach the foundation stage.

The problem was that the foundation stage required 3,000 attribute points, just 100 points short. Wasn't this tempting him to continue poking the star?

Damn it!

Using such a method is truly despicable!

Wang Teng looked at the other attribute bubbles. He received 180 points of Space Domain. It wasn't a lot.

But, considering that this was only a cosmos-stage legacy star, it was already impressive that the other party could grasp the domain.

Space Domain: 980/1000 (first-rank)

Wang Teng: …

Are you kidding me?

System, you must be kidding, right?

He felt utterly powerless to complain. The Space Domain just reached the critical point, lacking only 20 attribute points to break through to the second rank.

Was it really a coincidence?

He couldn't believe that there was no foul play involved.


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