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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 94
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94 Chapter 94: Why does she
This woman is framing others for her own mistakes and pretending to be magnanimous by saying she’ll forgive Xaviera Evans!
How can there be such a hypocritical and vicious woman in this world!
The guests couldn’t stand it anymore, “The Coriell family is obviously just picking on Xaviera Evans because she has no
background and is isolated, right? Thankfully, the Mifo Hotel has hidden cameras; otherwise, she would have been taken away
by police and served many years in prison!”
“How many years in prison? Eight hundred million. dollars for a dress, that’s enough to wear out the jail’s floor!”
Everyone felt a chill down their spines. Vita Coriell seemed so kind on the surface, but in secret she was doing her best to
destroy people.
Listening to the ridicule of the crowd, Vita’s face
turned pale and green. She wished she could tear
94 Chapter 94: Why does she resist?
Xaviera Evans apart!
She yelled at the manager, “You’re clearly a member of the Coriell family, and this is a hotel under the Coriell’s name, so why are
you siding with Xaviera Evans!”

The manager kept smiling and stepped back to explain, “I’m sorry, Miss Coriell, but I believe in being conscientious. I can’t frame
innocent people just to protect my own job.”

People around had already started laughing. Weren’t the manager’s words implying that Vita had no
conscience? Vita was furious and devastated; this was the first time in her life that she had been laughed at by so many people.
She wanted to shout at them to stop laughing, but she was too angry to speak and could only glare at everyone mocking her.
Bitch, they’re all bitches!
“Xaviera Eyans, are you having an affair with the hotel manager? You’re shameless, luring the manager into speaking for you!”
Vita couldn’t understand why the manager would help Xaviera Evans, so she could only assume that Xaviera slept with the
manager to get his help.
94 Chapter 94: Why does she resist?
The others didn’t expect Vita’s mind to be so dirty, and couldn’t help but speak out, “Miss Coriell, the manager has already said
that he released the surveillance footage because his conscience wouldn’t allow him to watch your family bully a girl with no
background or connections. Besides, it was your friend who said she wanted to release the surveillance, and the manager was
just following her request. What does that have to
do with Xaviera Evans?”
“The Coriell family’s upbringing is really surprising. Instead of apologizing for their wrongdoing, they’re trying to shift the blame
and throw dirt on others.”
Their words made Mrs. Coriell’s face change drastically, “Vita!”
Unfortunately, Vita had already lost her reason and couldn’t hear her mother’s warning. With her eyes red from anger, she stared
at Xaviera Evans and shouted, “Xaviera Evans, tell me, did you sleep with the manager? You’re such a bitch! Bitch!”

Mrs. Coriell gritted her teeth and slapped Vita’s face, “Wake up! Are you foolish? Even if it’s a joke, you
94 Chapter 94: Why does she resist?

should know your limits! Have you ever considered how your words might make Xaviera uncomfortable?”
Upon hearing Mrs. Coriell’s words, Xaviera Evans chuckled. Was Mrs. Coriell seriously trying to pass off Vita’s slanders as a
joke? Where could there be such a good thing in this world?
“Mom, you hit me, you actually hit me because of that bitch, Xaviera Evans!“.
Mrs. Coriell looked at Vita, who was tearfully breaking down, her hands clasping her chest in heartache. But she couldn’t let Vita
continue to act like a lunatic in the banquet hall, or else all her years of building a good image would be ruined.
“Vita, apologize to Xaviera. It’s gone too far, and the situation is beyond your expectations. You need to apologize for the harm
you’ve caused her.”
Vita held her face, on the verge of collapse. She had been wronged so much, and they still expected her to apologize? Why?!]
Mrs. Coriell swept her eyes across the crowd and adjusted her breathing. At this point, all she could do was make Vita apologize
first. As for whether Xaviera
94 Chapter 94: Why does she resist?
would accept, she had plenty of ways to make her

As long as Xaviera accepted, others wouldn’t gossip, and if the incident was seen as a joke between the two girls, Vita’s
reputation would remain intact.
Unluckily, Vita couldn’t understand her mother’s actions, and she wiped her tears viciously, “I will never apologize! I will never
apologize to her! Mom, why should I apologize when I’ve been wronged? Everything is Xaviera’s fault. I framed her, and she
should suffer quietly. Why should she fight back? What gives her the right to resist?”
Upon hearing Vita’s irrational words, Mrs. Coriell
almost ran out of breath. Was this really her daughter?
How could she be so st* pid?!
Unable to contain herself any longer, she glared and commanded again, “Apologize! Now!”