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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 89
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89 Chapter 89: Can’t Bear to Let
Her Go to Jail
“Alright, the banquet is about to begin, everyone please proceed to the front hall.” Mrs. Coriell kindly reminded everyone with a
smile, “Xaviera, if you’d like to admire ‘Fleeting Time‘ a bit longer, Vita, you can accompany her. I’ll go ahead and lead the others
to the
front hall.”
After all, the object in question belonged to the Coriell family. Once Mrs. Coriell had spoken, even those who wanted to look a
little longer didn’t have the nerve to stay. In an instant, everyone turned their backs to Xaviera and walked toward the front hall.
Only Xaviera and Vita Coriell remained by the dress. From an angle where others couldn’t see, Vita smirked triumphantly at
Xaviera, who was intently admiring the dress. This foolish girl, so engrossed in a
counterfeit item, had no idea what she was about to face, did she?
In just a moment, Vita would make sure this woman would never show off again!
89 Chapter 89. Can’t Bear to Let Her Go to Jail
Vita’s gaze quickly shifted, her face malicious as she suddenly pulled something out of her pocket. Seizing the opportunity while
Xaviera was distracted, she forcefully shoved the object into Xaviera’s hand and swiftly cried out in fear, “Xaviera, what are you
thinking? Are you really trying to destroy ‘Fleeting Time‘? No, stop that at once!”
Everyone instinctively turned around, just in time to see Xaviera holding a small knife, its tip pointing towards ‘Fleeting Time‘!.

With fearful haste, Vita rushed forward, using her body to block Xaviera, pleading, “Xaviera, please stop! That’s ‘Fleeting Time,
there’s only one in the whole world! Even if you don’t like it, you can’t destroy it!”
Deliberately clutching Xaviera’s hand, Vita displayed the glinting knife blade for everyone to see.
The guests‘ breath caught, they exchanged puzzled glances, “Didn’t they say that no one attending the banquet could carry
knives? I even got searched when I came in.”
“Well... Mrs. Coriell and Miss Coriell kindly invited
Xaviera to admire the dress, yet she wants to destroy
89 Chapter 89: Can’t Bear to Let Her Go to Jail
it? If she came with that intent, she probably hid the knife quite well, making it difficult to find during the search.”
“Damn, this woman must be so malicious! Is she just unhappy with the dress or jealous that the Coriell family has such a
beautiful dress?”
They felt the latter was more likely.
Mrs. Coriell’s expression quickly changed, and she rushed back, “What’s going on? What did you just say, Vita?”
The crowd was no longer in a hurry to go to the front hall but waited for Xaviera to explain.

Tearfully, Vita said, “Earlier, I kindly let Xaviera get closer to the dress for a better look. Who would have expected that she’d
suddenly pull out a knife and slash the dress! I heard the sound of tearing fabric and immediately turned my head to stop Xaviera
from damaging the dress further. Mom, what should we do? What’s going to happen to the dress...?”
Mrs. Coriell examined the dress and, upon seeing the cut, lamented, “Xaviera, we, the Coriell family, invited you with nothing but
good intentions, and this is how

89 Chapter 89: Can’t Bear to Let Her Go to Jail
you repay us? The banquet rules strictly forbid carrying knives, yet you carried one regardless. Why? Did you plan this from the
start, aiming to destroy ‘Fleeting Time“?”
Xaviera toyed with the knife in her hand, her lips curving into an amused smile.
Naomi Whitman was the first to jump out and shout furiously, “I knew you had ill intentions coming to the Coriell family! Do you
even know how much this dress is worth? Eight hundred million dollars! You’re deliberately damaging someone else’s property,
I’m calling the police! This amount of money is enough to have you rot in jail!”
The others came to their senses and thought about how Mrs. Coriell and Miss Coriell had treated Xaviera. Then, considering the
knife in Xaviera’s hand, they felt nothing but displeasure.
“The Coriell family treats her as an honored guest, yet she destroys ‘Fleeting Time‘? How could there be such a person in this
“I think Miss Whitman is right; we should call the police right away. The amount of money involved in
89 Chapter 89: Can’t Bear to Let Her Go to Jail
this incident is enormous; the police won’t ignore it.”
Mrs. Coriell pondered, seemingly considering the possibility of calling the police.
Vita let out a bitter laugh, “Forget it, mom, let’s not call the police. If the police truly get involved, Xaviera’s life would be ruined,
right? Even though she’s wrecked ‘Fleeting Time‘, I can’t bear to watch her spend the rest of her life behind bars.”
Mrs. Coriell sighed, “Vita, I know you’re kind–hearted, but the trouble Xaviera has caused this time is too

“Mom!” Vita cried out in anguish, “Please, mom, don’t you see that Xaviera might have just been acting on impulse? Surely a
dress can’t be worth more than a life! Let’s give Xaviera another chance; I can’t bear to see her go to jail.”
Mrs. Coriell shook her head helplessly, “Fine, we’ll do as you say and let Xaviera off this time. But I don’t want to see her at the
banquet any–longer. Miss Evans, please leave.“