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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 190
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190 Chapter 190: Treating Illness with Acupuncture Xaviera Evans's cheeks turned red and she looked embarrassed, hiding her thoughts behind a sunile, “Mr.

President, don’t overthink it. I'm here to treat you” Caleb Mamet chuckled lightly, his eyes drooping slightly, “Mrs. Mamet, you don’t have to.” Xaviera’s face fell instantly, “Caleb, your blindness at night is actually due to poisoning!” Caleb's face remained calm, showing no surprise, “I know.” Xaviera was taken aback, “You knew, then why...” Caleb's eyes were ice-cold, “This poison has no cure, and acupuncture is even more useless.” He glanced at the bag of acupuncture tools, his face grim, “So it’s unnecessary” He had foreseen this day when he discovered he was poisoned, so there was no point in fighting.

Xaviera shivered inwardly, looking at Caleb with a tinge of estrangement. His eyes were filled with desolation and cold disdain, as if being blind or not was irrelevant to him.

She fell silent for a moment, and sighed helplessly.

The man turned around, his eyes falling on her.

Xaviera pouted her lips, “Caleb, I've married you now. If you get blind, it'll be too miserable for me!” Caleb raised his eyebrows.

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Xavicta complained with a pitiful look, “I'm such a weak woman, if you can’t protect me, and you have so many enemies, they will definitely targetfirst!” Caleb lowered his eyes, turned his face away, his voice carrying a hint of helplessness, “...I'll undress, you can start your treatment.” Xaviera was pretending to be weak to treat him. Although it was almost certainly useless, he couldn't bear to see her upset.

It was just acupuncture, as long as it makes her happy.

Xaviera removed Caleb's sleeping robe, causing her pupils to contract because his back was covered with scars, both new and old, crisscrossing each other.

Swere whip marks, swere marks from acupuncture sessions, making Xaviera’s heart ache. He must have tried treatments, but they were completely useless, so he had given up.

Her heart squeezed painfully, sending waves of pain through Xaviera’s body.


That influential Caleb, the revered head of the Mamet family, the inan standing at the pinnacle of society, had endured endless pain in secret, a fact that probably no one knew about.

Xaviera forced herself to remain calm, holding the silver needle in her hand, slowly injecting it into his skin.

190 Chapter 190 Treating illness with Acupuncture An hour later, the acupuncture session ended. Caleb’s forehead was covered in sweat, his eyes tightly shut, and his breathing heavy.

Xaviera packed up the acupuncture tools, her voice gentle, “Yesterday, | checked the medical books and planted sherbs in the backyard. You'll need to take the medicine every day, which will help This was not ordinary medicine, but rare medicine inherited from her grandfather. While it could not completely detoxicate him, it could at least suppress the poison and have a miracle effect on restoring eyesight.

Caleb had seen her planting something in the yard, so it turned out to be healing herbs. He nodded, “I'll inform the butler.” “Madam! Madam!” The butler rushed in, his face filled with anxiety, “Mrs. Coriell and Miss Coriell are here. They drove straight into the backyard, and those herbs are...

Xaviera’s expression remained calm, tidying up the bag of acupuncture tools, leaving one needle out.

She looked icy cold, Vita Coriell had actually destroyed the medicinal herbs she had planted to treat Caleb? The rare medicine was priceless. She had just left sseeds, they were about to be ready for use, all killed by Vita Coriell? “Where is Vita Coriell?” Xaviera asked.

“When | saw them destroying your herbs, | immediately sent someone to stop them and rushed to report to you.

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They're still in the backyard, but I'm afraid those herbs are ruined...

The butler looked at Xaviera, her expression getting increasingly colder, his heart trembled, “Madam, please calm down, herbs can be replanted, but killing people is illegal!” Xaviera raised her eyes slightly, “Did | say | was going to kill anyone?” The butler, “... your eyes tellyou very much want to kill someone right now.

Xaviera handed the bag of acupuncture tools to the butler, “Tim going to check it out, Caleb, you rest” With that, Xaviera turned and left, and the butler ordered the servants to tidy up the things and hurriedly followed Xaviera to the backyard.

The bedroom was quiet, Steve Price walked in, worried, “Mr. President, you don’t look so well. Why didn’t you tell Mrs.

Mainett The poison in Mr President’s body is not ordinary poison, acupuncture can’t cure it, instead, it will agy elerate the onset of poison.

Only a miracle doctor known as Saint Hand or his descendants, using unique acupuncture techniq cod suppress the poison. Any other method of detoxification is just drinking poison to quench he ch’s expression was calui, le slowly put on his sleeping one. It deesn’t matter fituated or if not money in later die penson will take offri the effect 190 Chapter 190: Treating Illness with Acupuncture Steve Price frowned, “But...” “Don’t let her know.” Caleb closed his eyes wearily, “If she thinks there is still a chance, at least she can be happy for a while.” Xaviera worrying about him and doing acupuncture was more than enough for him, his eyesight was lost anyway.

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