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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 171
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171 Chapter 171: Translation Genius “Xaviera Evans! You cheated! Where did you get the questions?” @ There was dead silence throughout the venue.

The judges looked uneasy. Since Jakeson Walker raised doubts, they had to pay attention.

But with Xaviera’s level, even if she plagiarized, whose work could she copy? There was a moment of silence, then Jakeson Walker roared madly, “She stole the questions! She must have cheated; | have been studying translation for decades, how could | be surpassed by a twenty-something woman! This is absolutely impossible! Xaviera Evans! Admit it quickly-" “| can prove that Miss Xaviera Evans did not cheat! And she doesn’t need to cheat!” At this point, a very magnetic voice cout.

Someone exclaimed in surprise, “Mr. Nick from the International Translation Organization is here!” 171 Chapter 171 Translailon Ciemos Mr. Nick actually came! And he even defended Xaviera.

Jakeson Walker's face darkened. He wondered why even Mr. Nick had to help Xaviera. She must have used smeans! He was infuriated: “Mr. Nick, you don’t know that Xaviera Evans is from the countryside. She's never learned English; how could she translate? If it's not cheating, what else could it be?” Nick glanced at him indifferently and snorted, “Rural people can’t study translation, and someone like you is worthy of being a translation master?” Then, he turned to the audience and announced loudly, “I can explain why Miss Xaviera Evans would not cheat.” As soon as he finished speaking, a video of the translation contest appeared on the big screen.

Nick waved his hand, and the video started playing. It showed a very young-looking girl with a face very similar to Xaviera’s.

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Subsequent videos played, showing the girl gradually 09.21 2/7 losing her naiveté and becoming increasingly stunning, her eyes calm and unwavering.

Xavieral Unexpectedly, she had participated in several translation contests and, in each competition, the final scene showed her standing on the awards podium, calmly holding a trophy.

Such a young girl, who managed to win first place every tshe entered a competition.

Just now, everyone was amazed at Xaviera’s translation of the poem. Now they were utterly dumbfounded.

Jakeson Walker didn’t even qualify to participate in international competitions, yet Xaviera refused several invitations to be a judge.

Mr. Nick's face was solemn, “You all saw the video, didn’t you? Miss Evans has won the Translation Contest several times; why would she need to cheat on such simple questions? And especially since they were questions from Jakeson Walker?” In other words, Jakeson Walker's level wasn’t even guy 171 Chapter 171: Translation Genius qualified to give Xaviera questions! What a joke! Jakeson Walker's mind went blank.

At this point, Mag Evans looked sullen, staring intently at Xaviera on stage.

Xaviera-how could she be the translation genius? They must have gotten it wrong! Mag should be better than Xaviera in everything; how could she lose to Xaviera in translation...

Xaviera remained calm and composed.

Her icy gaze fixed on Jakeson Walker, who was violently trembling and could hardly stand.

“The winner of the Translation Contest, impossible! The Evans family said she is a rural girl who has never learned English, it's impossible!” Jakeson Walker knew he had lost completely; he had bet his whole life on this.

He turned and fled in panic, not daring to look at anyone's expression.

#331 171 Chapter 171: Translation Genius “Stop! Mr. Walker, are you just going to leave like this?” Nick ordered his subordinates to stop Jakeson Walker, then loudly rebuked, “Indeed, someone cheated in today’s competition, but it was not Miss Xaviera Evans; it was you!” At this point, a video played on the screen, showing a sneaky figure entering the Translation Contest’s archive room.

Jakeson Walker's eyes widened in disbelief.

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Everyone gasped.

The person in the video was Jakeson Walker.

He took advantage of the situation to enter the archive room, found the competition questions, and eftin a hurry.

But what he didn’t expect was that all of this was aptured clearly by the surveillance cameras.

So the person who cheated was him! And then he had he nerve to accuse Xaviera of cheating!” akeson Walker was pretending to be a translation aster, but he’s just a selfish and jealous old fool!” 171 Chapte. 171 frantation Cinkus.

“Well, Jakeson Walker could only get a 7.9 after stealing the questions, but Xaviera scored a perfect 10. That's enough to show the difference in their abilities!” “What qualifications does such a disgrace like Jakeson Walker have to participate in the Translation Contest? Get lost!” Jakeson Walker felt a buzzing in his ears as the curses and ridicule around him threatened to drown him. He glared at Xaviera viciously..

Then he rolled his eyes and fainted straight onto the ground.

Everybody moved away, and no one stepped forward to help. In the end, medical personnel carried him away, and the competition continued.

Jakeson Walker cheated in the international competition, and perhaps even cheated in previous contests, scoring good results and therefore becoming a famous translation master.