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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 169
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169 Chapter 169: Green Tea Skill Upgrade Derek Evans's face was gloomy: “It’s still Mag who thinks about the overall situation. Now that things have cto this, let's see what Xaviera can cup with. In the translation competition in two days, we must go to see, and absolutely cannot let Xaviera disgrace the Evans family!” Mag nodded her head and smiled wickedly, “Yes! Dad.” Two days later, at ten o'clock.

The venue for the translation competition has been set up, and people entered one after another.

The audience was excited because, this time, Xaviera was going to challenge the translation master Jakeson Walker.

Moreover, this Xaviera was the cheating student mentioned in Jakeson Walker's Twitter post, which makes people even more eager to see the outcof this competition.

16e Chapter 169 Green Tea Skill Upgrade Netizens were also very concerned about the outcof the competition, with several cameras broadcasting live during the translation contest, and sjournalists allowed in for interviews.

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Caleb Mamet's car slowly cto a stop, and he looked at Xaviera, “Mrs. Mamet, are you sure you want to go yourself?” Xaviera knew that Caleb, the dog-man, liked weak women. If he saw her on the field, he would probably be shocked, so she refused immediately.

She smiled softly, “I can go by myself, just wait for my good news!” Caleb raised his eyebrows, “Fine.” Xaviera nodded and quickly got out of the car.

She had participated in several International Translation Competitions before, always winning first place. Jakeson Walker was no match for her.

As soon as Xaviera entered, she saw Mag.

“Sis! | thought you weren't coming!” Mag wore a pink princess dress, a crystal crown on The Chapter 109. Green Tea Skill Upgrade her head, and enthusiastically greeted Xaviera.

Moore Mamet stood beside her, looking at Xaviera with disdain.

Mag asked worriedly, “Sister, you can still back out now. If you really lose, dad will definitely be furious!” With those words, the surrounding people cast astonished glances.

“Mag, who is she? Is she also a contestant?” Those who participated in the translation competition in previous years had familiar faces, but they had never seen Xaviera before.

Mag’s eyes flashed a hint of malice, but she turned around and enthusiastically introduced, “This is my sister Xaviera Evans.” Everyone was stunned.

‘So it’s her! She's the one who challenged Mr. Walker! | heard her last two scores were fake, how shameless to how up here?” Mr. Walker has already let the matter go, yet she still von’t give up. She really doesn’t know when to quit!” 169 Chapter 189 Green Tea Skill Upgrade Mag pretended to be nervous, “Stop, stop talking, my sister...she’s just...” She deliberately acted as if she wanted to explain for Xaviera but didn’t know where to start, eventually turning red-eyed, “My sister can translate, don’t say such things about her!” Everyone snorted coldly, thinking Mag was too kind-hearted and that’s why she was defending Xaviera.

Xaviera: “..."” Mag’s green coffee skills upgraded? She should have been an actress! At this moment, excited voices and journalists. swarmed from outside as Jakeson Walker slowly walked in.

As Jakeson Walker passed by Xaviera, he was full of pride.

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The live broadcast officially began, and the first match | was between Jakeson Walker and Xaviera.

“The first match contestants, Jakeson Walker and Xaviera Evans!” The person in charge of the translation 189 Chapter 109. Green Tea Skill Upgrade competition announced loudly.

Jakeson Walker looked at Xaviera disdainfully. He was determined to win this competition because he had already obtained the test questions and had translated the most perfect answer.

Could his answer, prepared for two days, be worse than Xaviera’s on-the-spot translation? After he defeated Xaviera, he would make her apologize publicly and announce her withdrawal from the translation world forever.

This time, the translation topic was a complicated poem from England. They had to translate it within ten minutes, with accurate words and beautiful sentences.

Everyone thought that Jakeson Walker could translate it, but Xaviera definitely couldn't.

Jakeson Walker soon translated the answer, and the audience applauded excitedly after hearing it.

‘Mr. Walker is so amazing!” “He can translate such difficult and obscure poetry in such a short time. Mr. Walker truly deserves to be a 169 Chapter 169: Green Tea Skill Upgrade domestic translation master!” “Poetry is difficult to understand in the first place, and this poem has never been translated before. Mr. Walker reached this level in just a few minutes!” “Xaviera dares to compete with Mr. Walker, she’s definitely going to get a face slap this time!” “Look at her pretending to be calm. She probably can’t understand a single word. Does she really think that just because she’s learned sEnglish, she can compare herself with Mr. Walker?” Moore Mamet frowned, “Xaviera, just admit defeat. Don’t let Mag lose face. You've been living in the countryside since you were little, you haven't even learned English!” “Mag can't eat or sleep because of you. How can you be so selfish!” Xaviera slowly looked up and glanced at Jakeson Walker.

This is considered a good translation? They really have no vision.