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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 161
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161 Chapter 161: Cheating by Just One Point Jakeson Walker was a famous translation master, and even though Xaviera Evans was a translation prodigy, she was still a nobody compared to Walker. Yet, she dared to mock him, “Mr. Walker is scared!” Jakeson'’s face turned red with anger, and he trembled as he clutched his chest, “You!” “Sister, we're not trying to fryou. I'd be happy if you didn’t cheat, but...” Mag Evans looked worried, pretending to be innocent.

But Xaviera didn’t buy her act: “Then | want to retake the test, you shouldn't object, right?” Mag immediately squeezed out a few tears and choked, “Sister... just forget it. Let's take the exam again when your skills improve. Please don’t be impulsive, I'm begging you, okay?” “] don’t need you!” Xaviera coldly interrupted, and then looked at Principal Hayek, “I want to retake the exam!” 141 Onaptur 101 Cheating by Just One Point Before Jakeson could roar in objection, a group of people suddenly rushed into the principal's office, “Principal, we support Xaviera Evans!” “If Xaviera wants to prove herself, why not give her a chance?” “Mr. Walker, you may be a famous translation master, but that doesn’t mean all your opinions are correct. You can’t accuse Xaviera of cheating without evidence. She wants to apply for a retest, and you must agree!” Jakeson'’s chest heaved with anger, and he was nearly out of breath.

He was a top figure in the translation world, yet he was being questioned like this.

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Even if Xaviera had cheated, what more evidence did they need? If she had been wronged, she should admit it for the sake of his reputation as a translation master. How could she join forces with a group of people to defy him? Jakeson gritted his teeth in hatred, “So you want a retest! Fine, | agree. But in order to prevent you from cheating again, I'll personally set the questions this timel” He had to think carefully about what kind of questions would be difficult for Xaviera, Xaviera appeared nonchalant: “Alright, once Mr. Walker has set the questions, notifyfor the exam.” Mag, sneered secretly, not expecting things to take a turn.

Let it be. Let Xaviera catch her breath for a moment. Mr. Walker will definitely cup with the hardest questions. When Xaviera fails to answer them, her cheating will be confirmed, and her final outccould be worse than it is now! That afternoon, Jakeson finished setting the questions. He chose shighly specialized articles that were very difficult to translate, which even native speakers might not be able to accurately translate.

Professor Valley of the English Department glanced at the questions and frowned, “Mr. Walker, aren't these questions a bit too difficult? Xaviera isn’t a student in 161 Chapter 161: Cheating by Just One Point this major, how can she translate them?” Jakeson sneered, “It’s Xaviera who wants to retake the test, and she agreed to letset the questions. Whether she can translate them or not has nothing to do with me. If she can’t answer them, it means she cheated!” Professor Valley was at a loss for words, just about to argue back when- Xaviera walked in, glanced at Jakeson indifferently, and asked slowly, “Can | take the test now?” Jakeson arrogantly raised his head, showed a sinister smile, and knocked on the table, “Xaviera, to prevent you from cheating, I've decided to sit in as an invigilator alongside Professor Valley. Do you agree?” Xaviera glanced at him, then looked around the classroom and indeed found several cameras, “No problem.” She sneered in her heart, the more people watching, the better; it would avert further accusations of cheating.

Now, under everyone's scrutiny, let's see if Jakeson 101 Chapter 101: Cheating by Just One Point dares to accuse her of cheating again! After the announcement of the start of the exam, Xaviera sat down and began the test without any hesitation.

Jakeson laughed scornfully, “Xaviera, if you can’t score full marks this time, it means you cheated on the last exam.” Professor Valley becangry in an instant, “Jakeson Walker, you're going too far! This test is obviously much more difficult than the last one. It's unfair to do this!” “Hm.” Xaviera nodded, then slowly raised her eyes and blinked, “Full marks it is!” Jakeson burst into laughter, Xaviera was too audacious! Even he wouldn't be able to score full marks on this test, let alone Xaviera.

He would just quietly watch Xaviera boast! After a while, Xaviera put down her pen, reviewed the paper, and said, “I'm finished. Professor Valley, Mr. Walker, please grade my paper.” 161 Chapter 161: Cheating by Just One Point dares to accuse her of cheating again! After the announcement of the start of the exam, Xaviera sat down and began the test without any hesitation.

Jakeson laughed scornfully, “Xaviera, if you can’t score full marks this time, it means you cheated on the last exam.” Professor Valley becangry in an instant, “Jakeson Walker, you're going too far! This test is obviously much more difficult than the last one. It's unfair to do this!” “Hm.” Xaviera nodded, then slowly raised her eyes and blinked, “Full marks it is!” Jakeson burst into laughter, Xaviera was too audacious! Even he wouldn't be able to score full marks on this test, let alone Xaviera.

He would just quietly watch Xaviera boast! After a while, Xaviera put down her pen, reviewed the paper, and said, “I'm finished. Professor Valley, Mr. Walker, please grade my paper.” 9. 09.

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161 Chaptor 6 Cheating by Just One Point At that moment, the principal standing in front of Xaviera let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing Xaviera's confident gaze, it should be fine.

But Jakeson didn’t think so. With disdain all over his face, he sneered, “Xaviera, I'll say it now: even if you miss one point, it means you cheated last time. You finished in just half an hour. You didn’t just scribble randomly, did you?” Xaviera didn’t expect that the famous translation master would have such a despicable character. She only smiled, “How can Mr. Walker know | wrote randomly without even looking?” Having said that, Xaviera stood up, nodded to Professor Valley and the principal, and then turned around to leave.

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