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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 160
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160 Chapter 160: Application for Retaking the Exam If Jakeson Walker names Xaviera Evans publicly, she will definitely be exposed and probably expelled from school.

But he doesn’t care about that. It was Xaviera who cheated first, and if she gets the worst punishment, she deserves it.

Jakeson Walker is smug and arrogant: “Thanks to Mag Evans, you not only didn’t cover up for your sister, but you also actively exposed her, helping her admit her mistake. Only someone as morally noble as you deserves to be my student.” Before Mag could say anything, MadEvans couldn’t contain her amusement.

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“Mr. Walker, our Mag is of course better than that wild girl. Mag has brought honor to the Evans family. I'll personally cook dinner for you tonight. As for that little wild seed, let her stay here and apologize in front of the school!” 09 02 03 Ants Racking the Bi Mag pretends to feel sorry: “Sister, it's actually okay if you don’t know English, | can help you improve your English level, but why did you have to cheat? It's alright, since you've apologized, it means you've admitted your mistake. | can still help you in the future!” Xaviera gives her a cold, mocking look and then picks up the microphone.

It's break time, and the PA system suddenly comes on “Hello everyone, I'm Xaviera Evans from Design School Class 3.” Everyone looks puzzled.

Xaviera’s calm voice follows: “The famous translation master, Jakeson Walker, cto our school. My sister Mag Evans claimed | never learned English, so Mr. Walker checked my test paper and concluded that | cheated in the exam.” The students are stunned.

Did they hear that correctly? Xaviera cheated? 160 Chapter 160: Application for Retaking the Exam English majors are left speechless, “Who said Xaviera cheated? She translated the paper we all saw that vocabulary and skill level can’t be copied from anyone else. The entire English department can’t find anyone better than her!” The class president is also bewildered, “Yeah, | saw Xaviera’s paper too, | don’t agree that she cheated!” Professor Valley from the English Department - and a co-sponsor of the translation competition - also looks puzzled.

“How could Miss Evans have cheated? Her skills are well-known and she doesn’t seem like a person who would cheat. I'll go check it out myself. | can’t let Jakeson Walker wrongly accuse her!” In the principal's office, Jakeson Walker is smug.

He is contemplating how to spread this news online to create a bigger impact, saying the student cheated but admitted the mistake under his guidance.

Then he’d encourage Xaviera and let everyone feel that he is the ceiling of the industry.

As for Xaviera's fate, he doesn’t care - if she’s expelled, ‘s what she deserves At this moment, Xaviera slowly speaks: “Mr. Walker believes | cheated, and together with Mag, demands that | apologize in front of the school!” Mag sneers, thinking she could fight against her? What a joke! As long as Naviera cheated, she is disqualified as the Evans family heir. No prestigious school will accept such a morally corrupt teacher.

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No matter what, Naviera, the Miss Evans, will end up with a bad reputation, and only Mag would be the Evans family’s precious daughter! Mag patiently waits to see Xaviera fall from grace.

Suddenly, Xaviera raises her voice: “However, | did not cheat! | don’t understand why Mr. Walker and my sister insist on accusingof cheating without any evidence and want to cancel my scores.” The smiles on Mag and Jakeson Walker's faces suddenly disappear.

“Mr. Walker, you're a translation master. It would be effortless for you to frme, but it would cause 160 Chapter 100 Application for Retaking the Exam permanent damage to my reputation, and | will be affected for the rest of my life. Your high position doesn’t mean everything you say is true. If you want to accuseof cheating, where's the evidence?” “You!” Jakeson Walker is burning with rage, not expecting Xaviera to suddenly turn against him.

Xaviera remains calm: “Mr. Walker has no evidence, but | can prove my innocence.” She enunciates each word, her cold voice coming through the microphone: “I can retake the exam!” Mag gasps.

Jakeson Walker trembles with anger and yells: “Xaviera Evans! What more evidence do you need for cheating? Don’t blme for being ruthless if you keep persisting!” Xaviera leisurely replies: “Showthe evidence.” “How could a country bumpkin like you have such a high translation level?” Jakeson Walker blurts out, knowing from the Evans family that she had never learned English before. If she could translate like that, she would be a 49.09 56 160 Chapter 160. Application for Retaking the Exam once-in-a-century genius.

Xaviera’s voice is calm: “So, you don’t have any evidence, but | can prove my innocence. On what grounds do you object, or are you feeling guilty? Is Mr. Walker afraid that my skill level surpasses his and doesn’t dare to lettry again?” Everyone in the school hears Xaviera’s words and can’t help but exclaim— Xaviera Evans is awesome! Comment