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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 148
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148 Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Eight: What Is Love Steve Price was taken aback, “But your eyes...” Mr. Caleb Mamet's eyes would becblind in the dark, such a dark place as a dark cell...

“It’s alright.” Caleb Mamet closed his eyes: “She would be scared to be there alone.” Steve Price did not try to persuade him anymore. He believed that Mr. Mamet had already slipped in, and was now willing to go into the dark cell for his wife.

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In the dark cell, Xaviera Evans was leisurely talking with Albert, while silently calculating the tof Yvette and her group’s poison onset. At that moment, a ray of light cfrom the entrance of the cell, accompanied by a man’s deep voice, “Xaviera.” It was Caleb.

Xaviera was surprised. Was she hallucinating? Did she just hear Caleb’s voice? Wasn't he in a meeting? The 148 Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Eight: What Is Love kind of meeting that would last for several hours.

Yet, from over there ca clear voice again: “Xaviera, are you there?” Having seemingly received no response for a long time, the person outside lost their patience and directly pushed the door and entered. Xaviera was stunned for a moment, looking at the figure that stumbled into the dark cell, she felt a bit perplexed.

If she remembered correctly, Caleb would becblind in the dark right? Knowing his condition, why would he cin? Not getting a response from Xaviera for a while, Caleb furrowed his brows. Could it be she’s already left? Was she taken away by Mrs. Mamet to be dealt with by the family law? Caleb's breathing suddenly grew ragged, “Xaviera!” Hearing the strange tone in his voice, Xaviera stopped being stunned and immediately stood up and walked towards him, “Don’t worry, I'm here...” Before she could finish speaking, she was suddenly embraced by him. His hot breath was on her neck, as 148 Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Eight: What Is Love Caleb inhaled her familiar scent his rapidly beating heart slowly calmed down.

Feeling his large hand tightly around her waist, Xaviera uncomfortably moved her body, but did not struggle to break free, feeling helpless she could only maintain this strange posture and ask, “Why are you here? Did you chere especially to fetch me?” Caleb originally wanted to say “Why are you so st* pid, got trapped in a dark cell by that old woman Mrs.

Mamet”, but after hearing what Xaviera had to say, he wisely swallowed down his words.

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At this moment, he doesn’t want to say much, as long as he confirmed that she was safe, his heart would be at peace. Xaviera felt a bit embarrassed, she could sense that Caleb was actually worried about her, but entering the dark cell was part of her plan to deal with Yvette and the others... what she did not expect was that Caleb would be this concerned about her.

Not knowing what to say for the moment, Xaviera stammered out, “Didn't you have a meeting? You didn’t just leave halfway through did you? Don’t worry, I'm fine. Mrs. Mamet doesn’t dare to keephere for too 148 Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Eight: What is Love long, at most a few hours, she will definitely letout before you return.” Hearing her say this only made Caleb even more angry, “What if | return very late? Xaviera, you're now my wife. If you're in danger, as your lawful husband, it's my duty to protect you.” Xaviera opened her mouth to say that’s not how it is, they were only a superficial couple, there is no need to act like a real loving couple with the one giving the other one support, this kind of situation does not need to occur between them.

But given the circumstances were too special, Xaviera felt that if she was to voice out these thoughts, it would definitely make Caleb angry, and so, she swallowed these words She curled her fingers, not knowing why, but upon hearing Caleb’s voice and knowing he had left the meeting to find her, an emotion named happiness began to permeate deep into her heart.

Xaviera suddenly thought of Yvette’s treacherous ways, “Caleb, in order to have you, Yvette wouldn't hesitate to harm herself and pushaway, is that 148 Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Eight: What Is Love what love is?” Caleb let out a light scoff, scoffing, “No.” “Then what is love?” Caleb slowly closed his eyes, feeling the warmth from Xaviera, his chaotic emotions slowly calming down, “I don’t know what love is. But Xaviera, remember, you can’t obtain love by hurting yourself. If I love you, | would take better care of myself, not letting myself get hurt, because | knowbeing hurt will hurt you.” “At the stime, if you love me, you also need to take good care of yourself, because if you get hurt, | will hurt even more. Love acquired by attempts to harm oneself isn’t love, but selfishness.” Caleb gently stroked Xaviera’s hair, his voice low, “Xaviera, Yvette’s actions are not because she loves me, and | certainly do not love her.” Xaviera felt a shiver in her heart.