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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 142
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142 Chapter 142: The Promise Made During Childhood Yvette Flack feigned surprise, covering her mouth: “So, Miss Evans is not from Libanan, but from the countryside...” Without finishing her sentence, she pretended to suddenly realize her mistake and apologized shyly to Caleb: “Sorry, family head, | didn’t mean to say anything bad about Miss Evans; I'm just surprised to learn about her background.” Caleb suddenly turned to look at her. This was the first the had looked straight at Yvette since entering the room. She blushed, thinking that her words caught Caleb's attention and finally made him fed up with Xaviera.

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After all, how could someone like Caleb marry a lowly woman like Xaviera? She had heard that they got married because Xaviera took advantage of a vulnerable situation and forced Caleb to marry her at the Civil Affairs Bureau. Now that Caleb knew about the unsavory past and background of the person by 142 Chapter 142: The Promise Made During Childhood his side, he must be disgusted with her, right? “You're right. My wife indeed grew up in the countryside when she was young,” Caleb nodded slightly, agreeing with Yvette’s words.

Xaviera glanced at him unconsciously.

Yvette struggled to contain her excitement, her eyes glistening with tenderness. She glanced apologetically at Xaviera and said softly, “Really? So the rumors out there are true...” Caleb: “I heard that Miss Flack grew up in Libanan and received a noble lady’s education since childhood?” Yvette was taken aback, thinking Caleb was interested in her past and quickly nodded: “Yes, the Flack family values our children’s education, so I've always held myself to very strict standards.” Just in terms of background, she was miles above Xaviera! “Oh? Really?” Caleb chuckled, his voice devoid of any warmth, but rather filled with a faint sarcasm: “Having received such an education since childhood, yet unable to meet.

142 Chapter 142: The Promise Made During Childhood the assistant standards of the Mamet Corporation, | can’t help but question whether Miss Flack’s brain works properly. Of course, there are smart and st* pid people in this world. My wife, for example, grew up in the countryside but made sure to strive for excellence, becoming an internationally renowned designer and setting domestic records, making countless people proud.” “My wife belongs to the smart category, while Miss Flack, who received an education since childhood but couldn’t even meet the assistant standards, is just dumb. Dumb enough to be fixated on sleeping with men, offering herself to them for favors, gaining without laboring.” Though harsh, Caleb's words were satisfying to Xaviera! As a woman herself, she despised women who relied on their looks to sleep their way to the top! What she hadn't expected was that Caleb, an uncommunicative man with an explosive temper and little patience, would say such things to Yvette... She had prepared herself to counterattack.

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142 Chapter 142: The Promise Made During Childhood Regardless, she was determined not to be taken advantage of nor let anyone point fingers at her and scold her.

Yvette’s tears slid down her cheeks, overwhelmed by Caleb’s words. She was on the verge of collapse: “Caleb...” “From now on, speak less with people whose brains don’t work properly. It's a waste of time, and st* pidity is contagious. Let's stay away from her,” Caleb held Xaviera’s hand: “Let's go, we'll see grandma first.” Xaviera nodded, and before leaving, she didn’t forget to twist the knife in Yvette's heart: “Sorry, Miss Flack, my husband said not to interact too much with idiots. We'll be leaving first.” Yvette clutched her chest, tears streaming down like a waterfall. She gasped for breath: “Caleb... I... I'm not...” Before she could finish her sentence, she collapsed weakly to the ground.

Mrs. Whitman rushed forward in a panic: “Yvette, Yvette, don’t scare me!” Seeing Yvette’s tear-filled eyes, full of sadness even as she fainted, she couldn't help but scream: “Caleb! Are you really that heartless?! 142 Chapter 142: The Promise Made During Childhood Yvette has been so heartbroken for you; have you forgotten the promise you made when you were young?!” Xaviera raised her eyebrows with interest. A childhood promise? Mrs. Whitman sobbed loudly: “Caleb, you promised to look after Yvette for a lifetwhen you were young. Now that you have a new love, you don’t want the old love anymore? Yvette has been longing to be with you, and for your sake, she refused countless outstanding men... When she heard the news of your marriage, she was heartbroken and passed out from crying. Later, she didn’t ask for anything, only wanting to stay by your side, but you spoke such cruel words. Caleb, are you even human?!” Unfortunately, Caleb left without a backward glance.

No matter how much Mrs. Whitman cried and wailed behind them, he seemed not to hear her at all.