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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 127
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.127 Chapter 127: Betting to Kowtow and Call Him Daddy
On Monday, Xaviera Evans went to school as usual, but she didn’t expect to hear that Mag Evans had taken leave. Was the
incident from the day before really that upsetting for her?
Tsk, tsk, she must have a pretty weak ment*l fortitude.
“Teacher, we have the Englis”
Class leader: “.”
If I don’t stress, it’d be strange!
Great English Skills
Jessi Whitman had the confidence to call herself the
best in her grade because Mag Evans didn’t participate in the English exam this time.
In the past, Mag would always take first place in exams, with Jessi in second place.
At the Academic Affairs Office, Mag was in the company of Rose Campbell to take a leave of absence. The director of academic
affairs chuckled and said,
“It’s not a big deal to miss an exam. Mag has always had good grades, and missing this one due to health reasons won’t affect
much. It’s just a pity that the student who ranks first this time will be recommended
for the International Translation Competition.”

Mag’s expression froze for a moment before sighing, “It can’t be helped. My body is so uncooperative.” She chose to take a
leave of absence and not take the test
because she heard that the competition was happening. In the past, she had always had someone else take the English exams
for her, so she could

128 Chapter 128. My Sister Has Great English Skills.
maintain her top ranking. International competitions have strict requirements that wouldn’t allow her to cheat, so she pretended
to be sick and skipped the
She chuckled softly, “Although I can’t take the exam, my sister Xaviera Evans should be able to. You remember her, right?”
The director of academic affairs nodded, “Of course, she’s the teacher from the Design College. I remember she became a
special invitee teacher at the school at a young age, but she comes and goes mysteriously and doesn’t spend too much time
Mag said, “Yes, my sister is very talented; otherwise, she wouldn’t have become a teacher at the school at the same age as me.
If there isn’t a particularly outstanding student in this exam, maybe you can consider recommending my sister. With her talent,
she could certainly bring honor to the school in the international competition.”
The director’s eyes lit up. That’s right; he was worried about what to do if Mag took leave of absence at this
crucial time. Xaviera was not much older than Mag, and if Xaviera could participate in the competition....

Seeing the director wavering, Mag added, “However, we can’t give her special treatment just because she’s a teacher. Why don’t
you let her take this exam as well?”
The director hesitated for a moment, “I’ll have to
discuss this with Miss Xaviera Evans and see if she’s
willing.” Teachers are different from students; if Xaviera doesn’t agree, he can’t force her to accept.
After saying that, he remembered another matter, “I just heard that a student in Xaviera’s class is going to compete with Jessi
Whitman in English, with a heavy bet at stake, involving kneeling and shouting ‘daddy.’ That’s why sometimes the school doesn’t

teachers who are too young; they’re impulsive and don’t think about the consequences.”
Rose Campbell’s eyes widened in shock, “You mean that bitch Xaviera is going to compete with Jessi in English?”
The director had a good impression of Rose, thinking
she was an elegant noblewoman. But her loud voice startled him as he looked at her blankly. This...
elegant? Where’s the elegance? She’s more like a ferocious tigress.
He was taken aback by the difference in her behavior, stumbling in his response, “Yes, yes, it seems they are indeed competing
in English.”
“That waste of space! If she loses, won’t she disgrace the Evans family? She’s already brought enough misery to the family. That
bitch!” Rose gritted her teeth in anger, “If I had known she was such trouble, I would have married her off early and saved all this
What’s going on? Didn’t Mag just say that Miss Evans had good grades? But why did Mrs. Campbell make it seem like Xaviera
was a waste? Who was telling the

The director opened his mouth, wanting to say something to ease the situation when he heard Rose say sinisterly, “Why hasn’t
that bitch gone to die yet? Why is she causing trouble here? Doesn’t she feel
guilty for dragging the Evans family down like this? She still has the audacity to teach at the school. If I were her, I’d have
apologized with death by now!”
Rose was extremely irritable today. When she thought of how Xaviera ruined Mag’s hard–earned chance to go to the Lowen
Clubhouse, she wanted nothing more than to skin Xaviera alive. Without Xaviera, Mag would I be the real Miss Evans, and she
wouldn’t be called a
“bastard” girl or have offended Mrs. Mamet!
She blamed all the mistakes on Xaviera.
Mag knew her mother was upset, but she didn’t expect her to explode like this. Seeing the director’s bad expression, she
hurriedly grabbed Rose’s arm, “Mom, I know you’re worried about my sister.”