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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 123
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123 Chapter 123: How Dare I Not
Give Mrs. Mamet Face
Upon hearing these words, Moore Mamet immediately panicked. He hadn’t forgotten that before he left, his parents had grabbed
his ears and made him promise not to make the family head angry. If he was kicked out now, not only would his parents be
ridiculed by the other family members, but he also could not accept this outcome – it would be too humiliating! It was really too
And the cause of all this trouble was Mag Evans. If she hadn’t been talking nonsense, they wouldn’t have
offended Mrs. Mamet!
With that thought, he quickly turned his head and scolded: “Mag, hurry up and apologize to Mrs. Mamet!”
Mag’s face flushed and then paled, biting her lower lip unwillingly. Why should she apologize to this woman! But she also knew
that if she was really driven away by Caleb Mamet, the consequences would be
123 Chapter 123: How Dare 1 Not Give Mrs. Mamet Face
If she were driven out of Lowen Clubhouse by Caleb Mamet... Moore would definitely look down on her. Even Moore Mamet’s
mother would have an opinion about her. And when others heard this news, they would wantonly laugh at her ...
Mag comforted herself in her heart, it didn’t matter, she would bow her head this once, and sooner or later,
she would return this humiliation!
With a livid face, she gritted her teeth and whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Xaviera Evans had no reaction, picking at the fruit plate and eating the grapes by herself.

At this moment, the steward approached: “Madam, don’t blame Miss Mag Evans. She was betrayed by her sister just a while
ago. I heard that her sister wanted to steal away her fiancé. Perhaps years of fear from venomous bites, she’s afraid when she
sees you, madam, looking so beautiful that’s why she spoke out to drive you away.”
Xaviera blinked her eyes. Was the steward indirectly complimenting her beauty by blowing a rainbow fart? Wow... The steward’s

move was really clever!
123 Chapter 123: How Dare 1 Not Give Mrs. Mamet Face
Caleb Mamet glanced at the steward, seemingly not knowing when his serious steward had become like
Under the watchful gaze of the two, the steward remained calm and composed, very professional.
Xaviera threw away the grape skin and used a graceful posture to pull a tissue to clean the grape juice off her fingertips, “So
Miss Mag Evans mean to say, your sister seduced your fiancé, is that right?”
Mag looked pitifully at Moore Mamet, tears rolling down her beautiful eyes: “Yes, but all of this is in the past. I think my sister
didn’t intentionally try to take my fiancé; it’s just that the living environment made her become greedy for wealth and power,
which led her to do the wrong thing and seduce Moore. She even became another man’s mistress...”
At this point, she suddenly covered her mouth, realizing that she had said something she shouldn’t have. She hurriedly tried to
fix the situation: “No, no, my sister didn’t become a mistress.”
She created an illusion as if she had said it by mistake, not intentionally exposing her sister’s shortcomings.
123 Chaptor 123: How Dare I Not Give Mrs. Mamet Face

Xaviera sighed, looking at Mag sympathetically, “So that’s how it is. You’re really pitiful. Caleb, brother, let’s not quarrel with her
anymore, okay?”
With a slight raise of his eyebrows, Caleb Mamet picked up a grape, slowly peeled it, and placed it to Xaviera’s mouth,
whispering, “Of course, since Mrs. Mamet has spoken, how dare I not give face?”
The grape stuck in her mouth, whether to eat or not to eat. In a place where others couldn’t see, she fiercely glared at Caleb
Mamet, then opened her mouth to swallow the grape and, with feigned curiosity, looked at Mag: “But how come I remember that,
Caleb brother you told me last time that Moore
Mamet’s fiancée was called Xaviera Evans? Did I
remember it wrong? Or did she change her name to Mag Evans?”

Mag’s heart jolted, and her face went white in an
The living room fell into a dead silence, no one spoke, and Mag’s body shook like a sieve. Those who had previously
sympathized with her being betrayed by her
123 Chapter 173 How Dam! Not Give Mrs Mamet Fark
sister were now curiously looking at her, wanting to know what was going on.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Xaviera looked around in confusion: “What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong? But I remember you told me that before, and I
even felt that the name Xaviera Evans was very good.”
Caleb: “...” Don’t put gold on my face like that.
Complaints aside, in front of outsiders, this husband and wife were still united. Caleb’s eyes were
indifferent: “You didn’t remember it wrong, her name
is indeed Xaviera Evans.”
Mag wanted to speak up subconsciously, but Xaviera beat her to it. She pushed her sunglasses and exclaimed, “Oh, so I didn’t
remember it wrong. So, did you change your name? Xaviera Evans is such a nice name, why call yourself Mag Evans? It sounds
mediocre, makes people uncomfortable.”
Mag: “... With a twisted expression, she didn’t dare to say anything and could only clutch her palm tightly.
But Xaviera wasn’t finished yet. She propped her chin and sighed, “I remember I saw Xaviera Evans from a distance once, and
at first glance, I was amazed. But
123 Chapter 123: How Dare I Not Give Mrs. Mamet Face
now when I look at you, I don’t feel the same way.
You’re not as good–looking as the Xaviera Evans I saw that day, nor do you have her temperament ... Did you have plastic
surgery? Such a beautiful face transformed into this looks like such a waste.”
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124 Chapter 124: Exposing the Truth in Public.