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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 112
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112 Chapter 112: It Was
Unintentional for Sister as Well
Just as Xaviera Evans finished her class, her phone vibrated twice. She checked it out... her eyebrows knitted in surprise. Caleb
Mamet, that dog of a man, had actually reached out to her, promising a surprise for her the next day?
For some reason, Xaviera felt it might not be a
pleasant surprise, but a fright. As she was leaving the classroom with this in mind, she noticed a silhouette standing outside the
“What’s wrong, Mag Evans? Please don’t cry. Did someone bully you?”
A few girls huddled outside, trying to comfort Mag. Tears welled up in Mag’s eyes as she leaned against the wall, “Nothing
happened. My sister is in trouble and I want to apologize to her.”
Jessi Whitman said harshly, holding onto Mag: “Why do you always worry about that bitch, Xaviera? You consider her your sister,
but it doesn’t mean she sees
112 Chapter 112: It Was Unintentional for Sister as Well
you as her real sister! I heard that the Evans Group has recently ran into problems because of Xaviera, that bitch! She offended
a business partner and still refuses to apologize, leaving the Evans Group to clean up her

The students had been hearing about the financial issues at the Evans Group, apparently due to offending someone... They
didn’t know that Xaviera was the cause of the trouble! She wasn’t even living in the Evans‘ house anymore and verbally
condemned all ties to the Evans family, but they still had to clear up her mess. How unlucky the Evans family was to have such a

When the company’s problems were mentioned, Mag sighed and defended her sister, “Xaviera didn’t mean to cause trouble.
She’s just used to being reckless because she’s Miss Evans. She often doesn’t
distinguish right from wrong... But it’s ok. Our company will get through this. Regardless of whatever mess Xaviera creates, our
father will handle it. Once dad retires when he’s weary, I will be there.”
This statement touched the students around her. They all said how they wished they had such a kind and
112 Chapter 112: It Was Unintentional for Sister as Well
lovely sister. They also commented how Xaviera didn’t appreciate how good of a sister she had.
Xaviera: “...”
She wanted to tell those students to take her sister
and enjoy. Who would want to treasure a sister who
often made sarcastic remarks about her and even
wanted to kill her? Was she tired of living?

The instant Mag lifted her head to see Xaviera, she walked over to her through the crowd. “Sorry, sister. It was my fault just now.
Can you forgive me?”
Xaviera raised an eyebrow, not knowing what kind of trick Mag was going to play next. According to her, Mag’s reputation in
school was already good. Every student would say that she was a gentle goddess, with a pleasant attitude... So she really didn’t
need to step on her to elevate her own status.
Noticing Xaviera’s impatience, Mag quickly explained, “Don’t worry, sister. I’m not forcing you to forgive me. I just want to express
my apology. You can reject it if you like. However, I want to make it up to you, do you think it’s possible?” She carefully looked at
Xaviera, with her innocent eyes, like a deer in the forest. The

112 Chapter 112 Was Unintentional for Sister as Well
people around would love to force Xaviera into forgiviness with that expression.
Unfortunately, they can only think so in their hearts. Xaviera exudes such a strong aura, that even a single glance can scare
them into backing off. So forcing her into saying something is not possible. They don’t have the audacity.
All they could do was admire Mag’s goodness while comparing her to Xaviera.
Xaviera laughed and shook her head. Clearly, it was Mag’s wrongdoing. Her apology was expected. However, after Mag’s
maneuvers, it seemed like Xaviera was committing an unforgivable sin by not accepting Mag’s request. Mag said she wasn’t
forcing her to forgive, yet in reality she was trying to make her forgive?
Her little sister was truly talented at manipulating
“Go ahead, what kind of compensation? Is it money or a store?” Xaviera asked in a nonchalant way, with her arms crossed. Of
course, she said this to piss off Mag. Mag and her mother believed everything that
112 Chapter 112. It Was Unintentional for Sister as Well
belonged to the Evans family was theirs, and it was best if Xaviera, the original owner of the Evans family, did not get anything.

So, Xaviera didn’t think Mag would give her any substantial compensation, but she definitely didn’t expect that Mag’s proposal
for compensation would be this!
“Sister... The head of the Mamet family invited Moore and me to the Lowen Clubhouse as guests. You know that Moore and I
are getting married, so I guess the family head wants to meet me. Can I bring you with me? I’m afraid I’ll be too shy to go
alone...” Mag exaggeratedly said this.
The people around widened their eyes in disbelief. The Lowen Clubhouse!? The head of the Mamet family?! Inviting Mag as a
guest?! Oh my God!
Xaviera: “..”
She just wanted to exclaim, “my gosh!”
113 Chapter 113 Sister Really Likes the Mamat Fa