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Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chapter 968
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Chapter 968 Heart Nearly Explode “Mr. Lund... How... How did you get here?” The moment Matteo laid eyes on Emrys, his heart nearly exploded.

The man standing before him was none other than the renowned Sky Devourer Lord! Ever since the battle at Sky Devourer Peak, the fof Sky Devourer Lord had grown even more formidable than before.

There was no reason for Matteo not to be afraid.

Emrys shot Matteo a cold glance, his voice commanding yet calm. “Why do you think | would clooking for you? Don’t you have any idea?” “Are you here for that matter concerning the Xanthos family, Mr. Lund?” Matteo had already been in contact with Sky Devourer Palace and had a rough idea about the situation.

He was aware that a defector from Chanaca Martial Arts Alliance had fled to the Xanthos family in Jetroina.

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At the time, Sky Devourer Palace intended to have Matteo negotiate with the Xanthos family. However, Matteo responded that he was, in fact, powerless to do anything.

He thought it was his dismissive attitude that had infuriated Sky Devourer Lord.

However, poor Matteo was truly innocent as the Xanthos family was simply too powerful for Hidden Fighters Alliance to offend.

Emrys spoke coldly. “Seems like you're well aware, aren’t you? Go ahead, explain what exactly happened.” “Mr. Lund, | wouldn't dare to deceive you. The truth is, this Xanthos family is not to be trifled with. They are not just an ordinary samurai family, they are...” Matteo swallowed nervously before he carefully uttered, “The immortal family!” The fact that he, the leader of Hidden Fighters Alliance, was frightened to that extent showed just how terrifying the power of the Xanthos family truly was.

Emrys, however, grinned. “A family of immortals? Haha, so now even the immortal families are involved. How intriguing.” “Mr. Lund, I'm not joking with you. It really is a family of immortals,” Thinking that Emrys didn’t believe him, Matteo immediately expressed with apprehension.

Emrys waved his hand dismissively. “No need to be anxious, continue speaking!” wouldn't dare to make such a joke in his presence.

Before coming to Jetroina, Emrys had speculated that the Xanthos, family was extraotdiory, Perhaps already surpassing the realm of martial artists, similar to the totem families in Chanaea. Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to disregard the warnings from Sky Devourer Palace.

While smight have claimed they were immortals, Emrys believed that was complete nonsense and that it was just a form of address.

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Matteo took a moment and then slowly narrated the origins of the Xanthos family, his expression filled with deep reverence. “In Jetroina, there are several immortal families.

Their status is far above that of Hidden Fighters Alliance, and even our emperor wouldn't dare to offend them lightly. The Xanthos family is one of the several The immortal they worship is the White Snake Immortal.

It was said that Ragnar was incredibly arrogant when he was young and had an insatiable thirst for battle. He would often visit other people's samurai schools to challenge them. More importantly, after he won, he had this peculiar habit of stripping off his opponent's clothes, claiming them as his trophies of victory. Hence, he made a lot of enemies. Once, during a chase by his sworn enemies, he accidentally fell into a cavern. Not only did he survive, but he also stumbled upon an unexpected fortune — a mysterious and immense power. Relying on that power, he had taken his revenge on all his past adversaries. Moreover, he was audacious enough to challenge those long-established immortal families.

The exact outcremained unknown to all. It was only known that Ragnar had survived, and he even established what is now known as the Xanthos family... Emrys asked in surprise, “How do you know all these details?”

Matteo stated, “Ragnar penned an autobiography. Everything | mentioned is from his own book. It was only after reading this autobiography that we cto know that back then, Ragnar had fallen into cave, where he encountered the White Snake Immortal. Astonishingly, he was even accepted as a disciple by the immortal. Additionally, the book mentions that several katanas belonging to the Xanthos family have been nurtured by the immortal powers of the White Snake Immortal.

This made it much easier for them to form a sword soul. Those katanas, in the hands of key members of the Xanthos family, had brought great honor and glory. As a result, the Xanthos family, as the newly risen immortal prestigious family, quickly grew in strength and influence.”