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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 33
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Nora didn’t expect to meet the man’s family here.

At the sight of the gratitude on the woman’s kindly countenance, she replied unhurriedly, “I’m here

to visit relatives”

Lawrence stepped forward hesitantly and asked uncertainly, “Mrs.Anderson…?”

A smiling Melissa did the introductions.

“It’s alright now, Mr.Zimmer! This is the kind young lady that saved my husband’s life during the

emergency yesterday!”

Lawrence locked at Nora in surprise and asked, “You’re medically trained?”

Nora raised an eyebrow.

It seemed like Lawrence hadn’t taken what she said the day before seriously? During their

conversation, Justin, who heard their voices from inside the ward, came out.

Upon seeing Nora, he paused for a moment.

Then, he asked, “Are you the one who saved Uncle Simon?”

The look in his eyes as he watched Nora suddenly became deep and unfathomable, which made

one feel as though someone had seen right through them.

Nora didn’t know what he was thinking, but since she had bumped into him, she might as well just

ask him about the matter.

She asked, “Have you given my proposal from yesterday any thought, Mr.Hunt?”

Justin frowned.

What proposal? Nora could tell that he didn’t understand what she was saying.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She deliberately looked at Lawrence and said a little sarcastically, “Did you not convey my message

to Mr.Hunt, Mr.Zimmer?”

As soon as she said that, Justin’s displeased gaze fell on Lawrence! Lawrence wiped the beads of

perspiration off his brow and swallowed hard.He looked at Justin and explained, “Yesterday,

Ms.Smith said that she can treat the elderly Mrs.Hunt’s illness.”

But after he said that, he couldn’t help but add, “Even if you really are medically trained, Miss Smith,

you likely picked it up during the five years you spent abroad, so your medical experience is rather

short.I’ve asked about Mr.Anderson’s condition; his operation is considered one that’s within a

reasonable scope of difficulty.But do you know what Mrs.Hunt’s condition is?”

Nora raised an eyebrow and replied coldly, “How would you know whether I can do it or not if we

don’t give it a go.At once, Lawrence said, “Dr.Anti is currently the only person who’s capable of

performing her surgery.An inexperienced doctor like you who’s new to medical training”

“Shut up.’ Justin’s rebuke made Lawrence flinch.

After that, Justin stepped forward and stared at Nora and asked, “When will you be free, Miss

Smith? It’s not advisable to transfer the patient, so we’ll have to head to New York.So, she’d even

have to go over to New York…As expected, it really was very troublesome.

Then again, he had agreed even though she hadn’t revealed her identity yet? That man certainly

was a little narcissistic, but he was also pretty considerate, wasn’t he ? For the very first time, Nora

didn’t find him as much of an eyesore.

She thought for a moment and replied, “Let’s do it two days later.”

She needed to observe her aunt’s condition for another two days.Justin nodded.

In a deep and mellow voice, he said, “I’ll take care of the itinerary.Do you have any requests?”

It was a five-hour flight from California to New York.

Nora thought for a moment and lazily made her request: “I have to sleep during the flight, so just

make sure it’s quiet.After she spoke, she turned around to leave.However, Justin suddenly stopped


“Miss Smith.Why did you change your mind and agree to help?”

Nora paused.

Like what she had thought, he really had guessed her identity.

Thinking about it carefully again, even if she didn’t reveal her identity, it probably would have been

really hard to keep it a secret from him anyway.

She cast her eyes down and suddenly said, “I have a condition.’’

“What is it?”

“If I cure Mrs.Hunt, please help me look for someone’ “Who are you looking for?”

“I’ll tell you after I cure Mrs.Hunt.”

The anonymous email was something that she had no choice but to believe.However, she mustn’t

place her full trust in it, either.

It would be most ideal if her son showed up in front of her after she cured Mrs.Hunt, but if he


Well, Justin was capable of finding even her.

In which case, it shouldn’t be hard for him to use his connections to find her son, right? After Nora

entered Irene’s ward, Justin withdrew his scrutinizing gaze from the woman and looked at


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The realization had slowly dawned upon Lawrence when he was listening to the conversation

between the two.

His head was currently down as he said, “I was wrong, Mr.Hunt’’Justin asked coldly, “Where did you

go wrong?”

Lawrence looked at him and answered, “I was too stupid and didn’t realize Miss Smith’s true


Justin scoffed.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re stupid, but how dare you intercept her message to me?”

Lawrence was flabbergasted.

He still remembered when he had first joined the company .

Because he didn’t dare to make decisions on behalf of the company president, when a woman had

asked him to convey her message to Justin, he had done so accordingly.

At that time, Justin had called him an answering machine and asked him why he didn’t filter the

messages before dumping everything on him as if he was emptying the trash.

Therefore, during the last few years, Lawrence had acted on his own and blocked a lot of unwanted

propositions from women for Justin.

But why were things different when it came to Miss Smith ? Sob…

Justin stared at him and said frostily, “You must have too much spare time on your hands.There

happens to be a business dealing that requires attention in Burundi.Go and handle it.”

Lawrence was shocked.

What kind of place was Burundi? It was the poorest country in the world! However, he knew he was

in the wrong, so he didn’t even dare to beg for mercy! Justin turned around.

When he saw Melissa staring after Nora in a daze, he asked, “Aunt Melissa? What’s the matter va

Melissa came back to her senses.