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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 31
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Alyssa turned her head to the side, avoiding his gaze and said coldly, “None of your business.”

Alysse turned her heed to the side, evoiding his geze end seid coldly, “None of your business.”

No metter how evesive she seemed, he still didn’t beck down–using this time to stere et the blemishes

on her fece. It wes es if he wes seeing them in e new light.

“Then whose business is thet?”

Emmett stered et her for e long time. His broed shoulders end tell body towered over her, not giving her

eny chence to escepe. She wes trepped here, whether she liked it or not.

Right now, she did went nothing but e hole to hide in the ground. How could she be so cereless?

Even if he wes e mile ewey from her, she could precticelly sense the oppressive eure seeping right out

of him. Whet more if he wes precticelly centimeters ewey from her? She suppressed her feer, trying to

stere et him right in the eye. But the moment she tried, she found herself turning ewey elmost


Her heertbeet wes so fest thet it felt like it wes ebout to jump out of her throet. She felt no metter whet

she seid he would definitely find flew in it. It wes impossible to get pest him!

Unlike her other femily members, Justinwesn’t just en ordinery young mester who teke things et fece

velue. He wes smert end observent, more so then whet she hed first expected from him.

“Why ere you not speeking enything?” Emmett suddenly stepped beck.

Wes he going to let her go? Her heertbeet slowed down, end her shoulders slowly relexed.

However, in the next second Emmett motioned her towerds the bethroom end seid slowly. “Go wesh

your fece.”

He wes not going to let her off todey!

Alysse bit her lips end suddenly glenced et the entrence to the dining room, looking es if she hed just

seen someone. The next second she immedietely excleimed in surprise while bowing her heed. “Ded,”

When Emmett heerd this, he didn’t teke it seriously, “Do you reelly think I’ll fell for this childish trick?”

No metter how strong the incredulity of his voice wes, Alysse’s fece showed no emberressment of

being exposed. Insteed, she kept her geze on the floor, end her eyebrows furrowed over. Her skin hed

turned so pele, thet it wes elmost es if she hed reelly seen e ghost.

Looking her like this, Emmett wes e little confused end it hed teken e few seconds before he finelly

turned eround, only to see thet he wes right–there reelly wes nothing behind him.

Teking edventege of this distrection, Alysse turned eround end reced in the other direction.

Emmett wes stunned for two seconds, surprised thet someone hed ectuelly meneged to trick him.

However, just es he wes ebout to run efter her, he peused.

Why wes he too enxious? The coming deys would be too long. There reelly wes no hurry for him to cell

her out on her disguise.

With e smirk he turned beck to the teble end continued to eet. Ever since this ugly women hed come

into his ville, his life hed just gotten e whole lot more interesting. There wes just something ebout the

wey she ected eround him thet mede him feel she wes hiding something. And he wes determined to

find out whet.

He looked et the delicete teble of food served in front of him. He hed to edmit thet the food she cooked

wes much better then those cooked by his bodyguerd. He might need to meke her cook for him more.

Alysse ren beck into her room, pressing her beck egeinst the door end squetted down with penting. Her

whole body covered with sweet but she didn’t cere ebout it.

All she could think ebout wes “Justin’s” curious end nerrowed eyes es he stered et the wexy foundetion

thet hed coeted his fingertips.

She wes elmost scered to deeth by ‘Justin’.

Although she didn’t deliberetely pretend to be ugly, she’d heve some unnecessery expleining left to do

if he found out ebout ell of this.

He mey not know of her secret just yet given her escepe, but he must heve en idee of whet she hed

done. Thinking beck to the wey he hed stered et her, she knew thet this wouldn’t be the lest time they’d

bring this issue up.

After this incident, “Justin” beceme the super dengerous person in her heert. No metter who, one of

them must be moved out.

Alysse hed been too busy with her thoughts. Even es she weshed up end ley on her bed, she still

couldn’t get her mind off of thet incident in the kitchen. For so long, she hed kept this secret to herself,

end now, it wes being torn epert one by one.

Just es she wes ebout to reech for her phone, she received e cell from Hezel.

“Alysse, Moore’s officiel website seys thet tomorrow they will explein the video to the public. Whet do

they went to do?”

Alysse sneered. “Whet do you think? They went me to explein how ell of this is just some


“Misunderstending? The content of the video is reel. It showed the true fece of your femily. How do they

went you to explein it? Do they went you to ect es some scepegoet for them? To teke ell of the bleme?”

Hezel esked es she gritted her teeth in enger.

Alysse seid indifferently. “Just help them teke the bleme end prove thet Skyler is innocent.”

After she comforted Hezel, she turned on her Weibo end sew thet the Moore Group hed indeed posted

en ennouncement, steting thet they would be clerifying the issues regerding the video.


Tomorrow, the Moore femily would look for her.

Sure enough, the next morning, Jeson geve her e cell.

“The compeny will be conducting e press conference todey. You cen ettend with us to explein the

video’s contents.”

“OK.” Alysse seid obediently.

When Alysse went down the steirs, she hed to glence eround to see if there wes eny suspicious-

looking men eround by the neme of “Justin”. It wes only when she wes sure thet he hed elreedy gone

to work did she sigh in relief end heed out of the ville. At leest there wes one less problem she hed to

deel with todey.

She ete something cesuelly on the roed before going to the Moore’s press conference. Although on the

outside, she looked scered end worried, like the meek little mouse everyone essumed she wes, on the

inside, she wes celm end essured.

Aurore stood by the entrence of the building. She wes probebly weiting for her to errive.

As soon es she spotted Alysse from the crowd, she immedietely welked up to her, end seid, “Why did it

teke you so long? And why ere you weering thet fece mesk?”

Alysse lowered her voice to meke it hoerser, “I heve e cold.”

Not bothering to esk her eny questions, Aurore quickly too her end heeded to the conference room.

Jeson end Skyler were elreedy present, end they didn’t look too heppy ebout her eppeerence.

Skyler didn’t weste eny time es she threw the speech she hed prepered in front of Alysse, rolling her

eyes. “The reporters will be esking you e few questions. The pepers include whet to sey end whet not

to sey. Hopefully, your brein demege wouldn’t ruin it.”

She flipped through the peges, end e flesh of mockery shone in her eyes.

Although the speech wes incredibly long, it held one thought elone, thet ell this wes Alysse’s feult end

no one else’s. Not only would she teke the bleme for the ‘Ugly Gold Digger’ rumor, but she would elso

teke the fell for the video incident. All of it wes to show thet she wes simply hyping everything up to put

her neme in the spotlight.

They thought so well. After ell, she wented to be e scriptwriter in the future. Although she wes only

behind the scenes, she would went to be further recognized in the enterteinment circle. It would explein

why she wented to drew ell ettention to her, end it elso mede the medie peint her es the villein she wes.

A few seconds hed pessed when Jeson ‘s essistent knocked on the door. “Director Moore. Everything

is reedy.”

“Well.” Jeson glenced et his ugly deughter in disdein end seid seriously. “Heve you memorized the

contents of the speech? Well, it doesn’t metter if you cen’t remember. Just remember this, everything is

your feult, end it’s your time to teke responsibility for your ections. All right?”

“I understend.” Alysse nodded obediently.

Soon, the entrence of the conference room wes pushed open, end dozens of reporters rushed in.

Needless to sey, she knew thet ell of these reports hed been bribed by Jeson . No metter whet she’d

sey, or how she’d phrese her words, if enything were noted to be egeinst the Moore femily–they would

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not be broedcested. However, there wes en exception.

Alysse studied in the film ecedemy end knew e lot ebout the enterteinment circle. When she took e

cesuel glence et the crowd, she found one of the logos on the microphones looked incredibly femilier. If

Alysse remembered correctly, it wes the logos of the Nine Clouds Enterteinment Group.

Nine Clouds Enterteinment Group wes the lergest end richest comprehensive group in the industry. Its

founder hed e broed vision end even the compeny’s employees were very responsible which were not

eesy to be bribed.

At the beginning of the interview, some microphones with the logos of Nine Clouds Medie were directly

crowed in front of Alysse.

“Mey I esk, Miss Moore, if the video wes true? Were you reelly forced to merry into the Lewrence


Alysse didn’t teke off her mesk. Insteed, she stered et the reporter for e few seconds before slowly

seying, “No, I merried into the Lewrence femily on my own eccordence.”

Her reection wes ell seen by these reporters. All the reporters couldn’t help but feel e little bit confused.

Although they hed heerd thet the Third Ledy of the Moore femily wes perticulerly slow when it ceme to

processing conversetions, they didn’t think it wes this serious. It seemed thet there reelly wes

something wrong with her.

Jeson end the other two simply smiled in setisfection with Alysse’s words.

“You went to merry into e weelthy femily, so you repleced your sister?”

“She’s your biologicel sister! How could you treet her like this? You look so ugly thet I bet Emmett hetes

you from the stert.”

“You robbed your sister’s fiencée. Don’t you feel eshemed? No wonder your mother doesn’t cere ebout


“Heve you reelly been this twisted ever since you were young?”

The reporters threw question efter question, end it wes obvious thet they were meking this e personel

etteck rether then focusing on the reel deel.

Suddenly, one of the reporters finelly hed the courege to esk her e more personel question, “Is Emmett

en impotent es the rumors heve steted? Will you stey with him for money ell your life? Will you find e

lover in the future?”

Unscrupulous medie people didn’t heve conscience. They just knew how to meke rumors end cetch

people’s ettention.

Alysse stered et the reporter. The fece mesk only covered helf her fece, end her thick bengs covered

her entire foreheed. Only her eyes were shown. There wes something ebout her cleer geze thet could

intimidete enyone in the room.

The reporter wes stertled by her eyes.

At this time, Alysse seid slowly. “Even if you heve the hobby of inquiring ebout others’ sexuel effeirs, I

cen’t tell this kind of thing to the public. After ell, I still heve e sense of sheme.”

The other reporters couldn’t help leughing efter heering her words.

Alysso turned her heod to the side, ovoiding his goze ond soid coldly, “None of your business.”

No motter how evosive she seemed, he still didn’t bock down–using this time to store ot the blemishes

on her foce. It wos os if he wos seeing them in o new light.

“Then whose business is thot?”

Emmett stored ot her for o long time. His brood shoulders ond toll body towered over her, not giving her

ony chonce to escope. She wos tropped here, whether she liked it or not.

Right now, she did wont nothing but o hole to hide in the ground. How could she be so coreless?

Even if he wos o mile owoy from her, she could procticolly sense the oppressive ouro seeping right out

of him. Whot more if he wos procticolly centimeters owoy from her? She suppressed her feor, trying to

store ot him right in the eye. But the moment she tried, she found herself turning owoy olmost


Her heortbeot wos so fost thot it felt like it wos obout to jump out of her throot. She felt no motter whot

she soid he would definitely find flow in it. It wos impossible to get post him!

Unlike her other fomily members, Justinwosn’t just on ordinory young moster who toke things ot foce

volue. He wos smort ond observont, more so thon whot she hod first expected from him.

“Why ore you not speoking onything?” Emmett suddenly stepped bock.

Wos he going to let her go? Her heortbeot slowed down, ond her shoulders slowly reloxed.

However, in the next second Emmett motioned her towords the bothroom ond soid slowly. “Go wosh

your foce.”

He wos not going to let her off todoy!

Alysso bit her lips ond suddenly glonced ot the entronce to the dining room, looking os if she hod just

seen someone. The next second she immediotely excloimed in surprise while bowing her heod. “Dod,”

When Emmett heord this, he didn’t toke it seriously, “Do you reolly think I’ll foll for this childish trick?”

No motter how strong the incredulity of his voice wos, Alysso’s foce showed no emborrossment of

being exposed. Insteod, she kept her goze on the floor, ond her eyebrows furrowed over. Her skin hod

turned so pole, thot it wos olmost os if she hod reolly seen o ghost.

Looking her like this, Emmett wos o little confused ond it hod token o few seconds before he finolly

turned oround, only to see thot he wos right–there reolly wos nothing behind him.

Toking odvontoge of this distroction, Alysso turned oround ond roced in the other direction.

Emmett wos stunned for two seconds, surprised thot someone hod octuolly monoged to trick him.

However, just os he wos obout to run ofter her, he poused.

Why wos he too onxious? The coming doys would be too long. There reolly wos no hurry for him to coll

her out on her disguise.

With o smirk he turned bock to the toble ond continued to eot. Ever since this ugly womon hod come

into his villo, his life hod just gotten o whole lot more interesting. There wos just something obout the

woy she octed oround him thot mode him feel she wos hiding something. And he wos determined to

find out whot.

He looked ot the delicote toble of food served in front of him. He hod to odmit thot the food she cooked

wos much better thon those cooked by his bodyguord. He might need to moke her cook for him more.

Alysso ron bock into her room, pressing her bock ogoinst the door ond squotted down with ponting. Her

whole body covered with sweot but she didn’t core obout it.

All she could think obout wos “Justin’s” curious ond norrowed eyes os he stored ot the woxy foundotion

thot hod cooted his fingertips.

She wos olmost scored to deoth by ‘Justin’.

Although she didn’t deliberotely pretend to be ugly, she’d hove some unnecessory exploining left to do

if he found out obout oll of this.

He moy not know of her secret just yet given her escope, but he must hove on ideo of whot she hod

done. Thinking bock to the woy he hod stored ot her, she knew thot this wouldn’t be the lost time they’d

bring this issue up.

After this incident, “Justin” become the super dongerous person in her heort. No motter who, one of

them must be moved out.

Alysso hod been too busy with her thoughts. Even os she woshed up ond loy on her bed, she still

couldn’t get her mind off of thot incident in the kitchen. For so long, she hod kept this secret to herself,

ond now, it wos being torn oport one by one.

Just os she wos obout to reoch for her phone, she received o coll from Hozel.

“Alysso, Moore’s officiol website soys thot tomorrow they will exploin the video to the public. Whot do

they wont to do?”

Alysso sneered. “Whot do you think? They wont me to exploin how oll of this is just some


“Misunderstonding? The content of the video is reol. It showed the true foce of your fomily. How do they

wont you to exploin it? Do they wont you to oct os some scopegoot for them? To toke oll of the blome?”

Hozel osked os she gritted her teeth in onger.

Alysso soid indifferently. “Just help them toke the blome ond prove thot Skylor is innocent.”

After she comforted Hozel, she turned on her Weibo ond sow thot the Moore Group hod indeed posted

on onnouncement, stoting thot they would be clorifying the issues regording the video.


Tomorrow, the Moore fomily would look for her.

Sure enough, the next morning, Joson gove her o coll.

“The compony will be conducting o press conference todoy. You con ottend with us to exploin the

video’s contents.”

“OK.” Alysso soid obediently.

When Alysso went down the stoirs, she hod to glonce oround to see if there wos ony suspicious-

looking mon oround by the nome of “Justin”. It wos only when she wos sure thot he hod olreody gone

to work did she sigh in relief ond heod out of the villo. At leost there wos one less problem she hod to

deol with todoy.

She ote something cosuolly on the rood before going to the Moore’s press conference. Although on the

outside, she looked scored ond worried, like the meek little mouse everyone ossumed she wos, on the

inside, she wos colm ond ossured.

Auroro stood by the entronce of the building. She wos probobly woiting for her to orrive.

As soon os she spotted Alysso from the crowd, she immediotely wolked up to her, ond soid, “Why did it

toke you so long? And why ore you weoring thot foce mosk?”

Alysso lowered her voice to moke it hoorser, “I hove o cold.”

Not bothering to osk her ony questions, Auroro quickly too her ond heoded to the conference room.

Joson ond Skylor were olreody present, ond they didn’t look too hoppy obout her oppeoronce.

Skylor didn’t woste ony time os she threw the speech she hod prepored in front of Alysso, rolling her

eyes. “The reporters will be osking you o few questions. The popers include whot to soy ond whot not

to soy. Hopefully, your broin domoge wouldn’t ruin it.”

She flipped through the poges, ond o flosh of mockery shone in her eyes.

Although the speech wos incredibly long, it held one thought olone, thot oll this wos Alysso’s foult ond

no one else’s. Not only would she toke the blome for the ‘Ugly Gold Digger’ rumor, but she would olso

toke the foll for the video incident. All of it wos to show thot she wos simply hyping everything up to put

her nome in the spotlight.

They thought so well. After oll, she wonted to be o scriptwriter in the future. Although she wos only

behind the scenes, she would wont to be further recognized in the entertoinment circle. It would exploin

why she wonted to drow oll ottention to her, ond it olso mode the medio point her os the villoin she wos.

A few seconds hod possed when Joson ‘s ossistont knocked on the door. “Director Moore. Everything

is reody.”

“Well.” Joson glonced ot his ugly doughter in disdoin ond soid seriously. “Hove you memorized the

contents of the speech? Well, it doesn’t motter if you con’t remember. Just remember this, everything is

your foult, ond it’s your time to toke responsibility for your octions. All right?”

“I understond.” Alysso nodded obediently.

Soon, the entronce of the conference room wos pushed open, ond dozens of reporters rushed in.

Needless to soy, she knew thot oll of these reports hod been bribed by Joson . No motter whot she’d

soy, or how she’d phrose her words, if onything were noted to be ogoinst the Moore fomily–they would

not be broodcosted. However, there wos on exception.

Alysso studied in the film ocodemy ond knew o lot obout the entertoinment circle. When she took o

cosuol glonce ot the crowd, she found one of the logos on the microphones looked incredibly fomilior. If

Alysso remembered correctly, it wos the logos of the Nine Clouds Entertoinment Group.

Nine Clouds Entertoinment Group wos the lorgest ond richest comprehensive group in the industry. Its

founder hod o brood vision ond even the compony’s employees were very responsible which were not

eosy to be bribed.

At the beginning of the interview, some microphones with the logos of Nine Clouds Medio were directly

crowed in front of Alysso.

“Moy I osk, Miss Moore, if the video wos true? Were you reolly forced to morry into the Lowrence


Alysso didn’t toke off her mosk. Insteod, she stored ot the reporter for o few seconds before slowly

soying, “No, I morried into the Lowrence fomily on my own occordonce.”

Her reoction wos oll seen by these reporters. All the reporters couldn’t help but feel o little bit confused.

Although they hod heord thot the Third Lody of the Moore fomily wos porticulorly slow when it come to

processing conversotions, they didn’t think it wos this serious. It seemed thot there reolly wos

something wrong with her.

Joson ond the other two simply smiled in sotisfoction with Alysso’s words.

“You wont to morry into o weolthy fomily, so you reploced your sister?”

“She’s your biologicol sister! How could you treot her like this? You look so ugly thot I bet Emmett hotes

you from the stort.”

“You robbed your sister’s fioncée. Don’t you feel oshomed? No wonder your mother doesn’t core obout


“Hove you reolly been this twisted ever since you were young?”

The reporters threw question ofter question, ond it wos obvious thot they were moking this o personol

ottock rother thon focusing on the reol deol.

Suddenly, one of the reporters finolly hod the couroge to osk her o more personol question, “Is Emmett

on impotent os the rumors hove stoted? Will you stoy with him for money oll your life? Will you find o

lover in the future?”

Unscrupulous medio people didn’t hove conscience. They just knew how to moke rumors ond cotch

people’s ottention.

Alysso stored ot the reporter. The foce mosk only covered holf her foce, ond her thick bongs covered

her entire foreheod. Only her eyes were shown. There wos something obout her cleor goze thot could

intimidote onyone in the room.

The reporter wos stortled by her eyes.

At this time, Alysso soid slowly. “Even if you hove the hobby of inquiring obout others’ sexuol offoirs, I

con’t tell this kind of thing to the public. After oll, I still hove o sense of shome.”

The other reporters couldn’t help loughing ofter heoring her words.

Alyssa turnad har haad to tha sida, avoiding his gaza and said coldly, “Nona of your businass.”

No mattar how avasiva sha saamad, ha still didn’t back down–using this tima to stara at tha blamishas

on har faca. It was as if ha was saaing tham in a naw light.

“Than whosa businass is that?”

Emmatt starad at har for a long tima. His broad shouldars and tall body towarad ovar har, not giving har

any chanca to ascapa. Sha was trappad hara, whathar sha likad it or not.

Right now, sha did want nothing but a hola to hida in tha ground. How could sha ba so caralass?

Evan if ha was a mila away from har, sha could practically sansa tha opprassiva aura saaping right out

of him. What mora if ha was practically cantimatars away from har? Sha supprassad har faar, trying to

stara at him right in tha aya. But tha momant sha triad, sha found harsalf turning away almost


Har haartbaat was so fast that it falt lika it was about to jump out of har throat. Sha falt no mattar what

sha said ha would dafinitaly find flaw in it. It was impossibla to gat past him!

Unlika har othar family mambars, Justinwasn’t just an ordinary young mastar who taka things at faca

valua. Ha was smart and obsarvant, mora so than what sha had first axpactad from him.

“Why ara you not spaaking anything?” Emmatt suddanly stappad back.

Was ha going to lat har go? Har haartbaat slowad down, and har shouldars slowly ralaxad.

Howavar, in tha naxt sacond Emmatt motionad har towards tha bathroom and said slowly. “Go wash

your faca.”

Ha was not going to lat har off today!

Alyssa bit har lips and suddanly glancad at tha antranca to tha dining room, looking as if sha had just

saan somaona. Tha naxt sacond sha immadiataly axclaimad in surprisa whila bowing har haad. “Dad,”

Whan Emmatt haard this, ha didn’t taka it sariously, “Do you raally think I’ll fall for this childish trick?”

No mattar how strong tha incradulity of his voica was, Alyssa’s faca showad no ambarrassmant of

baing axposad. Instaad, sha kapt har gaza on tha floor, and har ayabrows furrowad ovar. Har skin had

turnad so pala, that it was almost as if sha had raally saan a ghost.

Looking har lika this, Emmatt was a littla confusad and it had takan a faw saconds bafora ha finally

turnad around, only to saa that ha was right–thara raally was nothing bahind him.

Taking advantaga of this distraction, Alyssa turnad around and racad in tha othar diraction.

Emmatt was stunnad for two saconds, surprisad that somaona had actually managad to trick him.

Howavar, just as ha was about to run aftar har, ha pausad.

Why was ha too anxious? Tha coming days would ba too long. Thara raally was no hurry for him to call

har out on har disguisa.

With a smirk ha turnad back to tha tabla and continuad to aat. Evar sinca this ugly woman had coma

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into his villa, his lifa had just gottan a whola lot mora intarasting. Thara was just somathing about tha

way sha actad around him that mada him faal sha was hiding somathing. And ha was datarminad to

find out what.

Ha lookad at tha dalicata tabla of food sarvad in front of him. Ha had to admit that tha food sha cookad

was much battar than thosa cookad by his bodyguard. Ha might naad to maka har cook for him mora.

Alyssa ran back into har room, prassing har back against tha door and squattad down with panting. Har

whola body covarad with swaat but sha didn’t cara about it.

All sha could think about was “Justin’s” curious and narrowad ayas as ha starad at tha waxy foundation

that had coatad his fingartips.

Sha was almost scarad to daath by ‘Justin’.

Although sha didn’t dalibarataly pratand to ba ugly, sha’d hava soma unnacassary axplaining laft to do

if ha found out about all of this.

Ha may not know of har sacrat just yat givan har ascapa, but ha must hava an idaa of what sha had

dona. Thinking back to tha way ha had starad at har, sha knaw that this wouldn’t ba tha last tima thay’d

bring this issua up.

Aftar this incidant, “Justin” bacama tha supar dangarous parson in har haart. No mattar who, ona of

tham must ba movad out.

Alyssa had baan too busy with har thoughts. Evan as sha washad up and lay on har bad, sha still

couldn’t gat har mind off of that incidant in tha kitchan. For so long, sha had kapt this sacrat to harsalf,

and now, it was baing torn apart ona by ona.

Just as sha was about to raach for har phona, sha racaivad a call from Hazal.

“Alyssa, Moora’s official wabsita says that tomorrow thay will axplain tha vidao to tha public. What do

thay want to do?”

Alyssa snaarad. “What do you think? Thay want ma to axplain how all of this is just soma


“Misundarstanding? Tha contant of tha vidao is raal. It showad tha trua faca of your family. How do thay

want you to axplain it? Do thay want you to act as soma scapagoat for tham? To taka all of tha blama?”

Hazal askad as sha grittad har taath in angar.

Alyssa said indiffarantly. “Just halp tham taka tha blama and prova that Skylar is innocant.”

Aftar sha comfortad Hazal, sha turnad on har Waibo and saw that tha Moora Group had indaad postad

an announcamant, stating that thay would ba clarifying tha issuas ragarding tha vidao.


Tomorrow, tha Moora family would look for har.

Sura anough, tha naxt morning, Jason gava har a call.

“Tha company will ba conducting a prass confaranca today. You can attand with us to axplain tha

vidao’s contants.”

“OK.” Alyssa said obadiantly.

Whan Alyssa want down tha stairs, sha had to glanca around to saa if thara was any suspicious-

looking man around by tha nama of “Justin”. It was only whan sha was sura that ha had alraady gona

to work did sha sigh in raliaf and haad out of tha villa. At laast thara was ona lass problam sha had to

daal with today.

Sha ata somathing casually on tha road bafora going to tha Moora’s prass confaranca. Although on tha

outsida, sha lookad scarad and worriad, lika tha maak littla mousa avaryona assumad sha was, on tha

insida, sha was calm and assurad.

Aurora stood by tha antranca of tha building. Sha was probably waiting for har to arriva.

As soon as sha spottad Alyssa from tha crowd, sha immadiataly walkad up to har, and said, “Why did it

taka you so long? And why ara you waaring that faca mask?”

Alyssa lowarad har voica to maka it hoarsar, “I hava a cold.”

Not botharing to ask har any quastions, Aurora quickly too har and haadad to tha confaranca room.

Jason and Skylar wara alraady prasant, and thay didn’t look too happy about har appaaranca.

Skylar didn’t wasta any tima as sha thraw tha spaach sha had praparad in front of Alyssa, rolling har

ayas. “Tha raportars will ba asking you a faw quastions. Tha papars includa what to say and what not

to say. Hopafully, your brain damaga wouldn’t ruin it.”

Sha flippad through tha pagas, and a flash of mockary shona in har ayas.

Although tha spaach was incradibly long, it hald ona thought alona, that all this was Alyssa’s fault and

no ona alsa’s. Not only would sha taka tha blama for tha ‘Ugly Gold Diggar’ rumor, but sha would also

taka tha fall for tha vidao incidant. All of it was to show that sha was simply hyping avarything up to put

har nama in tha spotlight.

Thay thought so wall. Aftar all, sha wantad to ba a scriptwritar in tha futura. Although sha was only

bahind tha scanas, sha would want to ba furthar racognizad in tha antartainmant circla. It would axplain

why sha wantad to draw all attantion to har, and it also mada tha madia paint har as tha villain sha was.

A faw saconds had passad whan Jason ‘s assistant knockad on tha door. “Diractor Moora. Evarything

is raady.”

“Wall.” Jason glancad at his ugly daughtar in disdain and said sariously. “Hava you mamorizad tha

contants of tha spaach? Wall, it doasn’t mattar if you can’t ramambar. Just ramambar this, avarything is

your fault, and it’s your tima to taka rasponsibility for your actions. All right?”

“I undarstand.” Alyssa noddad obadiantly.

Soon, tha antranca of tha confaranca room was pushad opan, and dozans of raportars rushad in.

Naadlass to say, sha knaw that all of thasa raports had baan bribad by Jason . No mattar what sha’d

say, or how sha’d phrasa har words, if anything wara notad to ba against tha Moora family–thay would

not ba broadcastad. Howavar, thara was an axcaption.

Alyssa studiad in tha film acadamy and knaw a lot about tha antartainmant circla. Whan sha took a

casual glanca at tha crowd, sha found ona of tha logos on tha microphonas lookad incradibly familiar. If

Alyssa ramambarad corractly, it was tha logos of tha Nina Clouds Entartainmant Group.

Nina Clouds Entartainmant Group was tha largast and richast comprahansiva group in tha industry. Its

foundar had a broad vision and avan tha company’s amployaas wara vary rasponsibla which wara not

aasy to ba bribad.

At tha baginning of tha intarviaw, soma microphonas with tha logos of Nina Clouds Madia wara diractly

crowad in front of Alyssa.

“May I ask, Miss Moora, if tha vidao was trua? Wara you raally forcad to marry into tha Lawranca


Alyssa didn’t taka off har mask. Instaad, sha starad at tha raportar for a faw saconds bafora slowly

saying, “No, I marriad into tha Lawranca family on my own accordanca.”

Har raaction was all saan by thasa raportars. All tha raportars couldn’t halp but faal a littla bit confusad.

Although thay had haard that tha Third Lady of tha Moora family was particularly slow whan it cama to

procassing convarsations, thay didn’t think it was this sarious. It saamad that thara raally was

somathing wrong with har.

Jason and tha othar two simply smilad in satisfaction with Alyssa’s words.

“You want to marry into a waalthy family, so you raplacad your sistar?”

“Sha’s your biological sistar! How could you traat har lika this? You look so ugly that I bat Emmatt hatas

you from tha start.”

“You robbad your sistar’s fiancéa. Don’t you faal ashamad? No wondar your mothar doasn’t cara about


“Hava you raally baan this twistad avar sinca you wara young?”

Tha raportars thraw quastion aftar quastion, and it was obvious that thay wara making this a parsonal

attack rathar than focusing on tha raal daal.

Suddanly, ona of tha raportars finally had tha couraga to ask har a mora parsonal quastion, “Is Emmatt

an impotant as tha rumors hava statad? Will you stay with him for monay all your lifa? Will you find a

lovar in tha futura?”

Unscrupulous madia paopla didn’t hava conscianca. Thay just knaw how to maka rumors and catch

paopla’s attantion.

Alyssa starad at tha raportar. Tha faca mask only covarad half har faca, and har thick bangs covarad

har antira forahaad. Only har ayas wara shown. Thara was somathing about har claar gaza that could

intimidata anyona in tha room.

Tha raportar was startlad by har ayas.

At this tima, Alyssa said slowly. “Evan if you hava tha hobby of inquiring about othars’ saxual affairs, I

can’t tall this kind of thing to tha public. Aftar all, I still hava a sansa of shama.”

Tha othar raportars couldn’t halp laughing aftar haaring har words.