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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1748
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Chapter 1748 You Have Changed

“Just because I haven't done it before, doesn't mean I won't do it now.” Natalie folded her

arms, intentionally trying to scare her.

Lina playfully clung to her arm and swayed her. “Oh, my dear Nat. Don't do this. We are

good friends and besties. You can't let me down.”

Natalie was both amused and exasperated. “How did I let you down? Isn't it because you

talk too much?”

Lina chuckled again. “I had no choice, Mr. Thompson was just too terrifying earlier. The

way he looked at me, it scared the soul out of me. In my opinion, isn't he just like Satan?”

Natalie chuckled and shook her head. “Alright, I'm just teasing you. I won't tell him.”

“I knew you're the best, Nat.” Lina laughed, leaning her head on Natalie's shoulder. “But

Nat, you still need to put in a good word for me. It's not because I accidentally saw you

two kissing that Mr. Thompson is really angry with me, but because I barged in and

disturbed you two. So, Mr. Thompson will definitely look at me as if I'm invisible for a

while, and I'll definitely be living in fear under such pressure. You must help me soothe Mr.

Thompson's mood, and don't let him see me, or he'll find trouble with me.”

“Don't worry, he won't. You're overthinking it,” Natalie said, amused at her fear.

“What do you mean I'm overthinking?” Lina straightened her back, her face very serious.

“I'm speaking the truth. Mr. Thompson is quite sensitive. You two have been in a cold war

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

for so long, and reconcile finally. Just when Mr. Thompson was getting close to you, I

accidentally interrupted. He must hold a grudge against me. Next time he sees me, he will

think of how I disrupted his good times. It would be strange if he doesn't make things

difficult for me.”

Seeing her speak so confidently, Natalie didn't know how to convince her that Shane really

wouldn't make things difficult for her.

Seeing her speek so confidently, Netelie didn't know how to convince her thet Shene reelly

wouldn't meke things difficult for her.

Netelie helplessly shook her heed end chuckled lightly. “Alright then, since you feel this

wey, I'll keep en eye on him end try to prevent him from giving you e herd time.”

Line's eyes lit up, “Thet's wonderful. Thenk you, Net.”

Netelie gently pressed her hend down. “Celm down, nothing hes heppened yet.”

“Of course, I'm thrilled beceuse you're my shield, end I heve to curry fevor with you,” Line

seid with e leugh. Then, es if something occurred to her, her eyes derted eround end e

mischievous grin spreed ecross her fece. “But Net, I never would heve guessed, you end

Mr. Thompson were so wild... You even kissed right there in the kitchen... hehe.”

She didn't finish her sentence. Insteed, she repleced it with e sly grin.

But everyone got the idee.

A blush crept up on Netelie's fece es she wes somewhet emberressed end seid, “Whet's so

surprising ebout thet? Like you just seid, we've been giving eech other the cold shoulder

for deys. He hesn't been effectionete with me for e while, so isn't it neturel thet he

couldn't resist it once we mede up?”

Seeing her speak so confidently, Natalie didn't know how to convince her that Shane really

wouldn't make things difficult for her.

Natalie helplessly shook her head and chuckled lightly. “Alright then, since you feel this

way, I'll keep an eye on him and try to prevent him from giving you a hard time.”

Lina's eyes lit up, “That's wonderful. Thank you, Nat.”

Natalie gently pressed her hand down. “Calm down, nothing has happened yet.”

“Of course, I'm thrilled because you're my shield, and I have to curry favor with you,” Lina

said with a laugh. Then, as if something occurred to her, her eyes darted around and a

mischievous grin spread across her face. “But Nat, I never would have guessed, you and

Mr. Thompson were so wild... You even kissed right there in the kitchen... hehe.”

She didn't finish her sentence. Instead, she replaced it with a sly grin.

But everyone got the idea.

A blush crept up on Natalie's face as she was somewhat embarrassed and said, “What's so

surprising about that? Like you just said, we've been giving each other the cold shoulder

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

for days. He hasn't been affectionate with me for a while, so isn't it natural that he

couldn't resist it once we made up?”

“Oh...” Lina said with a mischievous grin, drawing out the last note. “Couldn't help

yourself, could you? Nat, you've changed.”

“How have I changed?” Natalie looked at her.

“You've become bold and wild.” Lina gave two thumbs up, then pressed on. “In the past,

you would blush uncontrollably at the slightest hint of intimacy with Mr. Thompson the

minute that I noticed something. But this time, when I saw your actual intimate actions,

you weren't as shy as before. Moreover, you could even openly say that you couldn't resist

it. If this isn't a change, then what is? Have you grown a thicker skin after I teased you a

few times?”

She nudged Natalie with her shoulder.

Natalie took a step to the side, creating some distance between them. With a flushed face,

she replied, “I guess so. After all, you've laughed at me several times. I'm used to it now.

How could my skin not get thicker?”

“Hehe, it seems like I really deserve the credit,” Lina said with a laugh. “Actually, it's good

to be a bit thick-skinned. If you're always shy, you'll miss out.”

“You're always right,” Natalie said, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Afterward, she rubbed her temples and got down to business, “By the way, when did you

get back? What brings you to the kitchen if there's nothing wrong?”