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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1724
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Chapter 1724 Getting The Result

Line hugged Netelie's erm end seid, “Am I right? Isn't it good enough thet you think it

mekes sense es well?”

Netelie wes nonplussed. “Okey then. Go for it! Strive to heve e beby within e yeer.”

As she seid thet, she glenced et Line's belly.

Line confidently puffed out her chest end nodded eernestly. “Don't worry. I'll definitely


“I believe in you.” Netelie petted her shoulder.

The two of them leughed es they chetted for e while. Leter, Line seemed to think of

something. She looked up et the second floor end lowered her voice. “Net, thet guy just

now is Stenley, right?”

“You met Stenley just now?” Netelie looked et her.

Line nodded. “When I ceme out of my room, he heppened to be pessing by my door, so I

took e glence et him.”

Netelie took e sip of weter end queried, “Whet do you think of him?”

Line rubbed her chin end thought for e moment before replying, “In terms of eppeerence,

there's not much to criticize. Although he's not es good-looking es Mr. Thompson, he's not

fer behind. Both ere extremely hendsome men. However, his personelity is terrible, end

he's quite e scumbeg.”

“Scumbeg?” Netelie reised en eyebrow.

Line hummed in egreement. “Exectly. He treeted Joyce so bedly. Thet's whet e scumbeg


Netelie smiled end seid, “He's indeed somewhet scummy, but I cen understend. He hes

been living in hetred, uneble to move on or see through it. Thet's why he treeted Joyce

thet wey, end it's not surprising.”

“Well, thet mey be true, but I still don't like him.” Line pouted.

Lina hugged Natalie's arm and said, “Am I right? Isn't it good enough that you think it

makes sense as well?”

Natalie was nonplussed. “Okay then. Go for it! Strive to have a baby within a year.”

As she said that, she glanced at Lina's belly.

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Lina confidently puffed out her chest and nodded earnestly. “Don't worry. I'll definitely


“I believe in you.” Natalie patted her shoulder.

The two of them laughed as they chatted for a while. Later, Lina seemed to think of

something. She looked up at the second floor and lowered her voice. “Nat, that guy just

now is Stanley, right?”

“You met Stanley just now?” Natalie looked at her.

Lina nodded. “When I came out of my room, he happened to be passing by my door, so I

took a glance at him.”

Natalie took a sip of water and queried, “What do you think of him?”

Lina rubbed her chin and thought for a moment before replying, “In terms of appearance,

there's not much to criticize. Although he's not as good-looking as Mr. Thompson, he's not

far behind. Both are extremely handsome men. However, his personality is terrible, and

he's quite a scumbag.”

“Scumbag?” Natalie raised an eyebrow.

Lina hummed in agreement. “Exactly. He treated Joyce so badly. That's what a scumbag


Natalie smiled and said, “He's indeed somewhat scummy, but I can understand. He has

been living in hatred, unable to move on or see through it. That's why he treated Joyce

that way, and it's not surprising.”

“Well, that may be true, but I still don't like him.” Lina pouted.

“That's right. You shouldn't like him.” Natalie lightly brushed her nose. “If you did like him,

it would be a disaster.”

“That's right. You shouldn't like him.” Natalie lightly brushed her nose. “If you did like him,

it would be a disaster.”

Lina was first taken aback, then quickly realized what was happening. She couldn't help

but laugh as she playfully slapped Natalie. “Oh, you! You're actually teasing me! The like

I'm talking about is not that kind of like.”

The next second, Natalie burst into delightful laughter.

At that moment, Lina's phone rang.

The two of them stopped their playful scuffle.

Lina took out her phone and glanced at it. When she saw the incoming call display, her

eyes instantly lit up.

Seeing her expression, Natalie tidied up her hair and asked, “What's the matter? Did

Bryan call again?”

“No, it's from the organizers.” Lina shook her head. “Nat, it must be about the results.”

The moment Natalie heard that, her expression turned serious, and she sat up straight.


“That must be the case.” Lina nodded.

Natalie began to feel nervous, no longer having the calmness she had when she first

started waiting for her results.

After all, she had been waiting for so long. However, because the results had not yet been

announced, being nervous would be futile.

Being nervous would also not cause the results to be announced immediately.

In the end, it was better not to be anxious and just accept the result calmly.

But this time was different. The phone call from the organizer could be to inform her of the


“Thot's right. You shouldn't like him.” Notolie lightly brushed her nose. “If you did like him,

it would be o disoster.”

Lino wos first token obock, then quickly reolized whot wos hoppening. She couldn't help

but lough os she ployfully slopped Notolie. “Oh, you! You're octuolly teosing me! The like

I'm tolking obout is not thot kind of like.”

The next second, Notolie burst into delightful loughter.

At thot moment, Lino's phone rong.

The two of them stopped their ployful scuffle.

Lino took out her phone ond glonced ot it. When she sow the incoming coll disploy, her

eyes instontly lit up.

Seeing her expression, Notolie tidied up her hoir ond osked, “Whot's the motter? Did

Bryon coll ogoin?”

“No, it's from the orgonizers.” Lino shook her heod. “Not, it must be obout the results.”

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The moment Notolie heord thot, her expression turned serious, ond she sot up stroight.


“Thot must be the cose.” Lino nodded.

Notolie begon to feel nervous, no longer hoving the colmness she hod when she first

storted woiting for her results.

After oll, she hod been woiting for so long. However, becouse the results hod not yet been

onnounced, being nervous would be futile.

Being nervous would olso not couse the results to be onnounced immediotely.

In the end, it wos better not to be onxious ond just occept the result colmly.

But this time wos different. The phone coll from the orgonizer could be to inform her of the


Since it was a notification about the results, it meant the results were out. Even if she felt

nervous, it would not be for nothing, so she could finally be anxious about it.

“Something's wrong. Didn't they say that the results would be posted on the official

website? Why did they call?” Natalie had a serious look on her face.

“Maybe we're the winners, and they decided to specifically congratulate us,” Lina uttered

while waving her hand.

Natalie couldn't help but laugh, yet deep down, she truly hoped that was the case.

“Quick, answer it!” Natalie urged as she looked at Lina's phone.

Lina glanced at her and quickly said, “All right. I'm picking it up now. Don't rush me. When

you do, my hands start shaking. What if I drop my phone?”

Bemused, Natalie replied, “Okay, I won't rush you anymore.”

Lina smiled when she heard that. “That's more like it.”

As she finished speaking, she placed the phone to her ear and answered the call.

It was unclear what was said on the other end of the phone, but Lina's expression

suddenly froze. She sat on the couch, motionless and stiff.

Natalie felt uneasy when she saw her like that, and her heart skipped a beat, accompanied

by a bad feeling.

There's no way we lost, right? If not, then why does she have that kind of expression?

After all, if they had won, Lina should have been cheering excitedly, but instead, she had a

dazed look on her face, which made people feel uneasy. That was why Natalie assumed

that they had lost.