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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1713
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Chapter 1713 Here To Help

During this period, Stanley called her twice, but both times were for Joyce.

He did not know what he wanted from Joyce.

Upon hearing Natalie's exclamation, Lina, who was nearby, also put down her tablet and

looked over. “Was it Stanley? What does he want now?”

Lina asked cautiously.

Due to Joyce's involvement, she had absolutely no fondness for Stanley.

Natalie shook her head. “I don't know. Keep quiet for now and let me do the talking.”

“Okay.” Lina nodded.

Natalie swiped the screen and put the phone to her ear, answering the call seriously,

“Hey, Stanley.”

“Natalie, where are you guys?” Stanley asked as he walked. On the other end of the

phone, he had just gotten off the plane and was currently walking out of the baggage

claim area toward the airport exit.

Natalie was momentarily stunned before finally reacting. “Are you asking where we are?”

“Yes.” Stanley nodded.

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Natalie became even more puzzled. “Why are you asking this?”

“I've come to the country where your competition is taking place. I have something

important to discuss with Shane. Shane will be up against Sean, and I am here to provide

support for Shane.” Stanley stood in the waiting area outside the airport, speaking calmly.

Natalie realized his intentions and said, “So that's how it is.”

She recalled that Shane had indeed mentioned this matter.

“Have you arrived, Stanley?” Natalie heard the sound of car horns and airplane engines

through the phone, guessing that Stanley was no longer at the hospital where Joyce

stayed but at some airport.

During this period, Stanley called her twice, but both times were for Joyce.

From this, it was clear that Stanley was on his way to find them.

Sure enough, when Stanley heard her question, he responded with a hum. “Yes, I've

arrived in the country where your competition is being held. I'm at the airport now. Send

me the address of where you're staying, and I'll come find you.”

“Okay, just wait a moment. I'll have someone come pick you up,” Natalie said directly.

Stanley did not refuse either. He agreed and then hung up the phone.

Nowadays, Stanley's attitude toward her could be described as extremely cold compared

to the past.

However, Natalie was not sad at all. She did not love Stanley, after all.

On the contrary, Stanley's indifferent attitude toward her allowed her to breathe a sigh of


Stanley's love was ultimately too oppressive, suffocating, and terrifying. Being loved by

someone like that was actually quite unfortunate.

Of course, this would be different assuming Stanley's mental health had improved.

Now that Stanley had fallen in love with Joyce, Natalie wondered how he was doing


However, it was impossible to come up with a concrete answer for this kind of situation.

If Stanley did not talk about it, no one would know his mental state and how well he has

truly recovered.

Moreover, he could be considered a psychologist himself. If he wanted to conceal his own

mental state, he had plenty of ways to do so. It was perfectly normal for others not to


Therefore, outsiders simply could not understand what his mental state was really like.

Instead of guessing, it was quicker to ask him directly.

After the call ended, Natalie put down her phone, called her bodyguard, and asked him to

drive to the airport to pick up Stanley.

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The bodyguard nodded and immediately went to do as instructed.

Afterward, Natalie thought momentarily and wrote a short message to send to Shane.

Although Shane knew Stanley would come to help, Natalie still felt the need to inform

Shane when Stanley arrived.

Shane's response came quickly, with just a brief message. Understood, Mrs. Thompson. I

shall inform Mr. Thompson.

It was clear Shane was still busy and had not seen the message. The person who saw the

message and replied was Silas.

Natalie was not really disappointed. As long as Shane was not deliberately avoiding her,

she would not mind what he was busy with.

Lina saw Natalie put down her phone and could roughly guess what was going on. She

asked, “Mr. Thompson hasn't finish work, huh?”

“No.” Natalie shook her head.

Lina pondered momentarily and patted her shoulder. “Don't be disheartened. When Mr.

Thompson returns, make him compensate you properly.”

Natalie chuckled lightly. “I'm not upset. He's just busy. It's not like he's deliberately

ignoring my messages, so why should I feel down? I'm not the type to make a fuss over
