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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1709
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Chapter 1709 He Stopped Me From Telling You

Lina quickly leaned backward. “Please do not falsely accuse me. I intended to tell you

earlier, but Mr. Thompson saw through my intentions in advance and stopped me from

informing you.”


Natalie widened her eyes, confused.

Lina shrugged and said, “What else could it be? It's such a straightforward reason that all

of us could have understood from the beginning. You are simply so fixated on the idea of

staying that you can't understand. Mr. Thompson's intention is quite simple - he wants you

to figure it out on your own. After all, understanding it by yourself is much better than

having someone else tell you. At least, you'll be able to appreciate Mr. Thompson's efforts


Lina's words left Natalie speechless. She was indeed right.

Truly grasping something through personal understanding would always carry more

conviction than merely hearing it from others.

Shane wanted Natalie to figure it out on her own, so he stopped the latter.

Natalie looked at Lina and asked, “Why did you suddenly decide to clear things up with me


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Lina sighed. “I didn't want to say anything, but I couldn't help myself. You two have been

giving each other the silent treatment for several days now, and it's giving me a headache

even though I'm just an outsider. Furthermore, the longer this silent dispute between the

two of you persists, the more confused you become. I can't bear it any longer, so I feel

compelled to tell you directly. If this continues, your relationship with Mr. Thompson will

truly be at risk. Honestly, Nat, you have the ability to understand and figure out so many

things, so why is it that this particular matter has been so difficult for you to


Lina quickly leaned backward. “Please do not falsely accuse me. I intended to tell you

earlier, but Mr. Thompson saw through my intentions in advance and stopped me from

informing you.”

Natalie lowered her eyelids. “Perhaps it's because of what happened with Shane before. It

truly frightened me, so this time...”

After that, she didn't respond anymore.

On the other hand, Lina suddenly nodded in realization. “I see. I understand now, and I

can empathize with you. That incident indeed gave all of us quite a scare, so it's also

normal for you to have such an intense reaction. After all, you care deeply for Mr.


Natalie responded with a hum, “Yeah.”

Since she cared too much about him, she was unwilling to take a step back.

But now, it seemed that she had no choice but to back down.

“Nat, what do you plan to do now?” Lina asked, looking at Natalie.

Natalie pinched the bridge of her nose and said, “What else can I do? I have to

compromise. You've already made it so clear, and I also understand that if I don't leave, I

will cause a lot of trouble for Shane. So, of course, I will choose to walk away and not

burden him.”

“That's right.” Lina breathed a sigh of relief and nodded with a smile.

Natalie pursed the corners of her lips and picked up a spoon, absent-mindedly stirring the

porridge in the bowl.

Lina asked again, “So, when do you plan to talk to Mr. Thompson and explain your


“Let's wait for him to come back,” Natalie said.

Lina nodded. “You're right. I completely forgot that Mr. Thompson went out. You were even

holding your phone, looking very worried about him just now.”

“Who's worried about him?” Natalie's face flushed red as she immediately retorted.

Lina glanced at her sideways. “Still won't admit it, huh? If you're worried, then be worried.

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After all, he's your husband. What's there to be shy about?”

“Go away.” Natalie huffed and glared at Lina angrily.

Lina laughed heartily and said, “All right, all right, I won't say anything more. However, Mr.

Thompson did leave quite early today in a hurry. There must be something going on. If

you're genuinely worried, you should ask him. Otherwise, you won't feel at ease. And if

something did happen, you might regret not asking him now.”

Natalie fell silent once again.

Yeah, it's better to ask him now. If something truly happens, it'll be too late to do anything

about it.

Noticing Natalie's expression softening, Lina smiled and handed her the phone. “That's

enough. Go ahead and call Mr. Thompson. Ask him what he's up to. This call can serve as

an icebreaker to resolve the cold war between the two of you.”

“I got it. No need to rush me,” Natalie said, feeling embarrassed as she glared at her

friend. She then accepted her cell phone from Lina and unlocked it, preparing to call


However, when she found Shane's phone number, she hesitated and couldn't bring herself

to dial it.

Upon seeing this, Lina rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Are you seriously concerned about

losing face? Come on, Nat, that's your dear husband we're talking about. Sometimes, you

have to set aside your ego and be shameless when necessary. Otherwise, how are you two

supposed to foster a happy marriage?”