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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1708
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Chapter 1708 Realization

She hadn't thought about it before, but now that Lina had mentioned it, she suddenly

realized the potential consequences of staying by Shane's side.

Sean was always cunning, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals. She would

never be so selfish as to believe that Sean's love for her would prevent him from hurting


Sean had feelings for her, but those feelings were definitely not very deep, at least

nowhere near as deep as Shane's.

Shane loved her so deeply that he would risk his life for her sake.

If faced with a choice between her life and his own, Shane would undoubtedly choose to

save her.

She was confident that Shane would do that.

However, Sean wouldn't do such a thing. Faced with such a choice, he would not choose

her, but rather, he would choose himself.

It was because Sean had always been clear-headed about love. He believed love existed,

but it would never be more important than himself.

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To put it nicely, such people were looking out for their own interests.

To put it bluntly, it was out of selfishness.

Although Sean's actions were not wrong, they still made people uncomfortable.

In other words, even if Sean had feelings for her, he would not hesitate to abandon her for

his goals and even use her.

Just like now, Sean wanted to duel with Shane. To kill Shane, it was entirely possible that

Sean would attack her first, seeking a breakthrough from her to defeat him.

She hadn't thought about it before, but now that Lina had mentioned it, she suddenly

realized the potential consequences of staying by Shane's side.

Firstly, by doing this, Sean could avoid directly confronting Shane.

After all, Shane's influence was originally much more significant than Sean's. If they were

to confront each other directly, the probability of Sean being unable to kill Shane would be

much higher, as the gap in their power was evident.

So, Sean definitely wouldn't want to confront Shane head-on. After all, Sean was no fool.

He knew his strengths and limitations.

He hated Shane so much that he definitely wanted him dead. Therefore, Sean would

surely not choose to confront Shane directly. If he did so, the possibility of Sean's failure

would be extremely high.

So if she were Sean, she would target Shane's weaknesses, preferably those with the most

significant impact.

Natalie and her children were Shane's largest weaknesses.

Shane was so intelligent that he naturally thought of those. That was why he sent the

children away in advance and considered sending her away.

However, she just didn't want to leave.

Although Sean's influence was not as significant as Shane's, his power was not

insignificant. As long as he didn't confront Shane directly, it would be much easier for him

to do something, with a much higher success rate. For example, kidnapping her to

threaten Shane or even killing her.

Although it was troublesome and difficult, it was still much easier than dealing with Shane


At least she knew that Sean would target Shane's soft spot. This way, he could avoid

confronting Shane directly while striking at his most vulnerable point. It was like killing two

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birds with one stone. It was a perfect plan.

Thinking of all this, Natalie couldn't help but bite her lip hard.

She probably understood why Shane was so determined this time and why he would give

her the cold treatment instead of giving in to her wishes.

Because of these, Shane had thought of it upfront, but she hadn't.

She wholeheartedly wanted to be with him, to face everything together, without

considering any other outcomes, but he had thought everything through.

From this perspective, it can be seen that she didn't think far enough ahead, lacking

Shane's broader vision.

Shane saw things further ahead, but she only wanted to be with him without considering

the consequences.

It seems that Shane must have thought I was making trouble out of nothing for the past

two days.

Thinking about all this, Natalie couldn't eat her breakfast anymore. She put down her

spoon and massaged her temples. “Lina, did you think of all this a long time ago?”

Lina nodded. “Yes. I thought of it the day after you two argued.”

“Why didn't you tell me?” Natalie looked at her with a resentful expression.