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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1651
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“Yes, I certainly don't live up to my words.” Stanley squinted his eyes. “That's because I

didn't realize what truly falling for someone feels like, nor did I realize that I love Joyce. But

now I do, and naturally, I won't make the same mistakes again, so of course, I am


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of breaking glass outside the


Stanley couldn't help but frown. He slightly moved his phone away from his ear and looked

sternly toward the door. “Who's out there?”

The ward's door was closed, and he couldn't see who was outside, so he had to ask

through the door.

However, he had a hunch of who it was, and an inexplicable glint flashed across his eyes.

Joyce, standing right outside the door, naturally heard Stanley's question. She bit her lip

and wanted to respond but couldn't bring herself to say anything.

She didn't know how to answer because what she had just heard completely threw her off

balance. Her mind was in a mess, and his words kept repeating in her head, preventing

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her from thinking clearly.

Did he just say that he's in love with me? Hah! How is that possible? That's absolutely


Biting her lip, Joyce lowered her head and turned toward the direction of the elevator, not

caring about the glass she had just broken on the ground.

Her mind was in chaos, and she needed to find a place to calm down. Otherwise, she

thought she might go insane.

Stanley heard no sound from outside, and his eyebrows furrowed slightly. He lifted the

covers and, enduring the pain, limped toward the door.

On the other end of the phone, Sean had also heard the sound.

Shrewd as he was, he could guess who it was. The sound of the breaking glass was very

timely, appearing just as Stanley declared his love for Joyce. Obviously, the person who

heard those words was either Joyce herself or her family.

Only they would be so emotional as to break the glass.

If it were someone else, they wouldn't have reacted that way at all.

With that thought, Sean mercilessly taunted, “Stanley, it seems like you have trouble over


Naturally, Stanley knew what Sean meant and narrowed his eyes as he sneered, “You

don't need to remind me.”

“I'm not reminding you. I'm just saying. All right, I won't disturb you anymore. I'll contact

you before I have the final showdown with Shane,” Sean said and hung up the phone.

Stanley looked at his phone and snickered. He has the audacity to tell me directly that he

wants to hurt Natalie. Isn't he afraid I'll tell Shane and have him hide Natalie away?

After that, Stanley put away his phone and opened the ward's door.

He had thought that the woman outside would be stunned by his words and remain rooted

to the spot for a long time.

To his surprise, there was no one outside after he opened the door. The only thing that

greeted him was the sight of broken glass fragments on the floor.

She actually left?

Stanley narrowed his eyes.

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He had underestimated her. She had regained her senses so quickly and left the scene.

In truth, he thought she would be dazed and stay outside for a long time.

It seemed that he really couldn't use his past understanding of her to predict her actions


She was unpredictable to him now. There was no telling what she would do.

Of course, if it were the old her, she would definitely not leave upon hearing his admission

of feelings. Perhaps she would be so overjoyed that she would cover her face and stand at

the door.

Stanley rubbed his temples and quickly regained his composure.

It doesn't matter. It won't take long for me to turn her back to how she used to be.

After all, he already knew who hypnotized Joyce.

Of course, this matter wasn't urgent. At least, he needed to handle some things before

taking action.

“Mr. Quinn.” A nurse pushing a cart approached and politely greeted him, interrupting his


Stanley's eyes flickered. He collected his thoughts and turned to the nurse, nodding

slightly. “Hello.”