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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 107
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Chapter 108

After Natalie finished her sentence, she tapped on Jasmine’s shoulder and entered into the conference


Casting a skeptical gaze at Natalie’s back, Jasmine couldn’t help but rack her brain to rule out the

meaning behind her words.

What show is she referring to?

Jasmine stood right where she was and turned the idea over in her brain, but her effort was to no avail.

In the end, she sneered and decided to neglect Natalie’s words, making her way into the conference

room as well.

As soon as she walked into the conference room, she caught a glimpse of Silas standing behind a

woman in a wheelchair at the corner of the conference room. The pale and haggard woman in the

wheelchair could barely sit upright and had an IV pole by her side.

What’s going on?

Jasmine was taken aback and almost brought herself up from her seat when she saw her mother—she

couldn’t figure out the reason Silas brought Susan over.

Natalie smiled as she detected Jasmine’s anxious look. After a few seconds, using a mic, she

announced, “Hello, everyone. I believe all of you are curious about the reason we invite Mrs. Smith

from Smith Group to take part in the conference of Thompson Group.”

Everyone present nodded in return.

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As Natalie approached Susan, Silas walked away from Susan and returned to Shane’s side.

Natalie smiled courteously because she was aware Silas was trying to do her a favor. Soon, she placed

her hand on Susan’s shoulder.

In return, Susan stared at her wide-eyed and tried to shrug Natalie’s hand off her shoulder, yet the

latter held on to her firmly and fastened her grip as she announced, “Allow me to explain everything! I

was irritated because Ms. Jasmine over there lodged a police report and told the police officers I have

pushed and injured Mrs. Smith. Therefore, I begged Mr. Shane to invite Mrs. Smith to join us in order to

prove myself innocent. Since she has regained consciousness, I believe she should tell us the truth of

the entire incident!”

After Natalie finished her sentence, Jasmine got up from her seat abruptly as she detected the former’s

wry smile.

“Natalie, why are you looking at me? Are you trying to imply I was the one who had pushed her?”

Smirking, Natalie asked rhetorically, “Isn’t it obvious? Are you trying to deny your responsibility?”

The moment the room heard their conversation, they were shocked and engaged themselves in

another round of heated discussion with those by their sides.

As there was a round of commotion in the conference room, Shane got irritated and tapped on the

table. “Silence! Please!”

Everyone finally regained their composure and kept their mouth shut as requested.

Jasmine clenched her fists and rebuked, “Stop accusing me! Do you have any evidence to prove your


Susan nodded and played along with her daughter. “She’s right! How dare you accuse others? As the

victim of the incident, I’m aware of the identity of the culprit!”

Those from the design department nodded and asserted, “Actually, they are right. Do you have any

evidence to prove your words?”

Natalie shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and announced, “Since everyone seems to have their fair

share of doubts, let’s cut the small talk. I’ll show all of you the evidence you guys have been longing



Jasmine and Susan were on pins and needles when they heard Natalie’s words. They felt a chill

running down their spines as they were engulfed by a strong sense of guilt.

Taking a peek at the anxious mother and daughter duo, Natalie plugged in the USB drive she brought

along with her to the mainframe of the company.

A few seconds later, a video popped up on the screen behind her.

The video lasted for half an hour and those who were involved, including Susan and Jasmine, showed

up and departed one after another. In short, the entire incident had been recorded.

After they finished watching the video, everyone in the conference room fell silent for a few minutes. It

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took them some time to collect their thoughts.

A few minutes later, someone broke the silence and said, “It turns out Ms. Natalie has been accused!

She didn’t seduce Mr. Shane either! All this while, Mrs. Smith and Ms. Jasmine were the ones pulling

the string behind the scene to frame Ms. Natalie.”

“That’s right! Have you guys seen Ms. Jasmine’s expression when she tried to push Ms. Natalie? Oh,

God! It’s so horrifying!”

“I know, right? I had the shock of my life as well!”

Jasmine and Susan’s faces turned pale as they heard the conversation of those present in the

conference room.

Susan’s face puckered in disappointment because she heard the conversation Jasmine had with

Natalie, and her daughter said she hated her.

Natalie looked in Shane’s direction and said, “Mr. Shane, I believe I have proven my innocence, right?

It’s your turn to announce Ms. Jasmine’s punishment.”

As the one who had initiated the conference, Shane placed his interlaced fingers on the table and gave

it a thought before deciding on Jasmine’s punishment.

A few minutes later, he brought himself up and cast a stern gaze at Jasmine. “From now onwards,

Jasmine will be terminated from Thompson Group. Is anyone against the suggestion?”

Naturally, no one dared shake their head after Natalie showed them the evidence and proved her


Jasmine bit her lips because there wasn’t anything she could do to turn the tables since things had

gotten to the point of no return. Albeit reluctantly, she had to do as instructed.