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CEO is Chasing Ex Wife Back

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81 Uninvited Guest Aurora was stunned. Then she immediately said, “I don’t know them.”

“Alright, I understand.”

The car sped up in a few seconds and veered into the underground garage of a shopping mall.

Aurora clenched her fingers while brooding over something.

“Ms. Bennet, please get out of the car in five minutes. I will arrange other cars to send you to the

wedding scene.” Carter pressed the button on his Bluetooth headset and said to Aurora.


“This is my business. Can I take care of it myself?” Aurora stopped him.

“But you promised Mr. Buchanna that you would go to the wedding,” said Carter after a moment of


“Don’t worry, I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time. Of course, I’ll go.” Aurora pointed at

the corner and continued, “Drop me off there.”

“Alright.” Carter followed the order and slowly stopped the car.

Not long after Aurora got out, the group of people followed up behind her. They did not drive. Several

men walked in a line, with some kind of sharp object in their hands.

“Everyone, get ready. Mr. Buchanna doesn’t want anything to happen to her,” said Carter as he

adjusted his Bluetooth headset.

“Yes, Mr. Bacon.”

The bodyguards who lurked in the dark answered.

According to what Zac said, he would end the Bennet family, and Aurora was no exception.

Carter looked at his watch and waited for the best time to help Aurora.

Ten minutes later, the group of men got into the car and left. Aurora emerged behind the pillar and

waved to Carter.

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When she got into the car, no scars could be seen on her face.

Aurora met Carter’s puzzled gaze and smiled, “We are late for the wedding, right?

“Yeah.” Carter stepped on the gas, but his eyes fixated on Aurora through the rearview mirror.

Aurora noticed it. She slowly closed her eyes and whispered, “Don’t be so curious.”

Carter then looked away and focused on driving.

Aurora took out her phone and sent a message to Faye, “Auntie, you haven’t contacted me for a while.

Are you busy? I will attend Zac and Wenny’s wedding today. Are you coming? See you there.”


The table had turned.

The hotel dressing room.

Wenny put on the wedding dress, but her felt something would happen. So, she cleared everyone out

and called Faye.

Faye had just seen the message from Aurora. She wasn’t sure about how to reply when Wenny


Faye changed her tone and said, “Wenny, are you done with your makeup? What’s the matter?”

“I’m still worried. Did those people have the job done?” Wenny scratched her nails and bit her mouth till

it almost started bleeding.

Faye was also puzzled. Those people had followed Aurora for a few days. Didn’t they find a chance to

take her out?

Moreover, Aurora just sent over the message, which proved that she was just fine.

“Say something!” Wenny was anxious.

Faye glanced at Davis, who was currently greeting the guests, and lowered her voice. “Wenny, don’t

worry. I got it under control. You just, be the bride and marry Zac today.”

After she comforted Wenny, she hung up and hurried to the back door of the hotel.

When Davis finished greeting the guests, he did not see Faye and was a little annoyed.


“Wenny’s not her own daughter. Of course, she doesn’t care.” Aurora showed up with her high heels

clopping down the stairs. “Congratulations, Mr. Swon.”

Davis frowned. “Who let her in? Throw her out immediately!”

Last time, Aurora ruined his daughter’s wedding, which also ruined his relationship with the Buchanna


Aurora smiled as she took out an invitation card. “Zac invited me. It won’t be appropriate if you kick me

out, right?”

Wenny held the wedding dress and walked over.

She was already mad enough to see Aurora, and she did not expect to hear this.

“This wedding was Aurora’s idea.” Wenny could still hear what Zac said the other day.

What a joke!

They were no longer friends. Why could she still be so righteous and go to see Zac?

In that instant, anger and jealousy rushed to Wenny’s head. She stomped over carelessly.

She wanted to slap Aurora.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be relieved.

The cumbersome wedding dress gave Wenny away.

Aurora’s brows twitched. Just as she was thinking about how to counterattack, a cold and pleasant

voice interrupted her.

“What are you doing?”

· Everyone looked toward the source of the sound. Zac was dressed in a silver-white suit with sleeked

back hair. He looked a bit more indifferent than usual. His body was accentuated by the suit, and he

just stood there, bathing in a halo.

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Aurora was smitten by the same look back then.

Time passed, and seeing him and Wenny, Aurora wasn’t satisfied.

Ora W


Wenny changed her expression and walked to the man, crying and complaining, “I don’t know where

Aurora stole an invitation, but she still wants to ruin our wedding!”

“I was asking you just now?” The man’s voice was cold.

He had shown enough respect for her family by agreeing to hold the wedding again.

But Wenny wasn’t grateful for it. She even wanted to attack people as a bride.

Aurora took half a step back. Great! The show was on again.

Her gaze fell on Zac’s sully face, and she wondered if he would get even angrier later.

At the same time, Wenny realized how inappropriate her actions were.

“I was just trying to scare her. I’m pregnant. I’m wearing such a heavy dress. How can I hit her?” She

lowered her head to apologize.

“She will dodge it anyway. I just want her to leave. I don’t want to be a joke anymore,” she said

innocently as she raised her chin.

With a few words, the man’s face eased a little.

Although Davis hated to see his daughter grovel before Zac, for the betterment of the family, he

stepped forward and advised, “Wenny knows the bigger picture here. She hopes that the wedding can

proceed smoothly. But that woman cannot stay here.”

Wenny nodded. “Zac, ask her to leave.”

Zac silently glanced at Aurora.

Those eyes were deep like the ocean that Aurora could drown in it.

Guests started looking over.

Aurora smiled lazily, “I came here to congratulate you on your wedding. I will leave after I finish doing

another thing.”