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CEO is Chasing Ex Wife Back

Chapter 154
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Chapter 154 Don’t Work for the Buchanna Group 

Aurora arrived at the door of Malon and happened to see that Macy’s car was stopping at the door. 

Macy raised her hand and motioned Aurora to get into the car as if Macy knew that Aurora was coming. It seemed

that Macy waited for Aurora on purpose. 

Aurora was very reluctant to get into her car. She said, “Ms. Carr, I’m actually here to handle the resignation

procedures today.” 

Aurora really wanted to stay and realize her dream that she hadn’t done in the past, but… 

Macy turned the steering wheel and took out a business card. She handed it to Aurora. “In fact, you have learned a

lot during this period of time in Malon. With your talent, it is good to be an independent designer. There is no need

to waste time in this company.” 

Aurora’s eyes lit up as she took the card. 

It turned out to be Jimmy, Jewelry Manager. 

“Contact him. He could help you.” Macy drove into the parking lot. 

Aurora asked hesitantly, “Ms. Carr, why have you been helping me?” 

Macy stopped the car and looked at Aurora. She then slowly leaned over and said, “Haven’t you heard about me?

In addition to attending parties everywhere, I also especially like being with girls.” 

Macy deliberately said it very vaguely. Aurora sat there in confusion. Macy smiled and got out of the 


Aurora was stunned for a long time before she realized what Macy meant. 

She couldn’t believe it. 

Soon, everyone in the company knew that Aurora was leaving. 

Mary and Owen came to see her off. Mary cried bitterly. “Aurora, I’ll miss you. Can you not leave? Without you, I’ll

feel insecure.” 

Aurora looked at this little girl who had been sticking to her, and then looked at Owen next to her. The corners of

her lips curled up, forming a gentle smile. She said, “Don’t you have a ‘bodyguard’ 


Mary was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned red. 

“Don’t worry. I will take good care of her,” Owen said immediately. 

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Mary gritted her teeth and quickly wiped her tears. “What are you talking about? Who needs you?” Mary turned to

Aurora and asked, “What are you going to do in the future?” 

She also heard by chance that Aurora had a lot of debts to repay. 

Mary thought that life would be really difficult for Aurora in the future. 

She thought of Zac’s condition about working for the Buchanna Group. 

But Aurora would never do that. 

She would compromise for Terry, but she would not put herself in danger. But as for the independent designer, she

wanted to give it a try. 

Aurora just didn’t know if Zac would let her go. 

Mary lowered her voice and leaned over. “By the way, Aurora, have you heard about Mr. Smith and Anya?

Everyone in the company said that they actually…” 

Mary muttered and she told all she knew to Aurora. 

Mary’s words sent shivers down Aurora’s spine. 

Hale’s leg broke. Anya also took the medicine that night and committed suicide. Fortunately, her neighbor found out

and saved her. But her vocal cords were severely damaged and she could not 

make any sound. 

The two of them also left Clouston the night before yesterday. 

Nobody knew the reason. 

“It’s weird. Mr. Smith gave up all the glories he had and took Anya somewhere else. It’s really not 

his style.” 

Aurora agreed with Mary’s conclusion. 

She thought it was very likely that Hale was threatened by someone. After all, he left the city in a hurry. 

Aurora thought of something all of a sudden. She said, “I still have something to do. I’m leaving.” 

Aurora called a taxi and rushed to the Buchanna Group. At this time, Zac should be in the company. But Aurora did

not go in directly. 

She did not want to make the two of them feel embarrassed again. 

Aurora directly called Carter. 

Later, Aurora got into the elevator that was specially made for Zac and arrived at Zac’s office a few 

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minutes later. 

“Ms. Bennet, please wait here for Mr. Buchanna.” 

“Here?” Aurora frowned. She felt that it was inappropriate. What if Zac came later and said that he lost something?

What if he set her up? 

Before she could say anything, Carter had already closed the door and left. 

Aurora was bored, so she glanced at the bookshelves. Rows of collection books attracted her attention. There was

also a photo in the crack. 

She could tell that it was an old photo. 

But Aurora did not know the three people on it. 

It should be a couple and a woman. But she didn’t know why she felt that the short-haired woman was a little


Aurora felt that she had seen this woman somewhere. 

The door was pushed open. Zac looked at her seriously and asked, “What are you looking at?” 

Aurora was shocked and almost threw the photo. 

When she came back to her senses, she asked directly, “You were the one who made Hale and Anya leave, right?” 

Zac planned to take off his coat, but he paused. He did not reply. 

Aurora pursed her lips. She was sure it was Zac who did it. 

Zac felt that Aurora had been staring at him. He frowned slightly. “Don’t ask about things that have nothing to do

with you.” 

He did not want to make her under pressure. 

Before Aurora could speak, there was a burst of noise outside. Then, the door was pushed open. Terry and the

security guard all came in. 

“Aurora!” Terry called in with worry. It was not easy for him to slip out of the hospital. 

Aurora was stunned for a moment. She then quickly went over to hold Terry. “Why did you come 

out? You just finished the operation. You…” 

“I’m worried about you.” Terry stared straight at Aurora in front of him, afraid that she would abandon him again

and leave him alone. He held Aurora’s hand tightly. 

There was deep love in his eyes. 

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Zac looked at the two of them holding hands and only felt annoyed. 

He suppressed his anger and raised his hand. 

Carter and the security guard immediately left. 

“Aurora, come with me.” Terry didn’t ask her where she had been these past few days and only 

wanted to take her away from Zac as soon as possible. 


The pen in Zac’s hand fell onto the table. 

Zac raised his eyes and looked at Aurora directly. She couldn’t understand him. Zac then said, “Mr. Walton has just

finished his surgery. It should not be suitable for him to go out recently, for 

example, participate in the next race?” 

Aurora’s heart sank. 

She knew that Zac was reminding her. 

“Terry, let’s go out. I’ll tell you everything.” She tugged at him in panic. 

Unexpectedly, it was Zac who got up first. He said, “I’ll go out and leave the two of you alone. Five minutes, is that


He glanced at Aurora. And in the next second, he went away indifferently. 

The door was closed again. 

Terry held Aurora. He was nervous and careful. “These days, you…” 

“Terry, go back and have a good rest. I have changed jobs recently, so I should be very busy. I’ll leave the race

team for now,” Aurora said. 

Aurora thought that Zac would not hurt Terry as long as she kept her distance from Terry. 

At that time, Terry still had the chance to return to the arena. 

Terry was stunned. He asked, “What? My mother said that you are going to work in the Buchanna Group. Is that


Aurora hesitated for a long time, “I haven’t made up my mind.” 

Indeed, she did not want to do everything according to Zac’s request. But she would compromise if she had to. 

Terry looked at her face and gritted his teeth. “Aurora, I understand that you want to take revenge. 

But you can’t put yourself in danger. If you need anything, tell me and I can help you.” 

Terry refused to give up. 

Aurora knew that Terry would be the only one who was injured in the end if things went on like this. 

Therefore, Aurora made up her mind and said, “What can you do? Compared to Zac, you still have to live under the

protection of your parents.” 

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