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Bride of the Mysterious CEO

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77 Once Again in Coma

“I will go with you.”

Ryan followed Elena and left the house. They arrived at the hospital in a hurry. Director Scott was

standing at the door of the door of the ward with a solemn expression.

Elena saw Director Scott’s expression and had a bad premonition.

“Director Scott, is there a change in my mother’s condition?”

Director Scott handed over the medical record. “Elena, your mother fell into a coma again. I tried many

ways but still couldn’t wake her up.”

The medical record in her hand fell to the ground. Elena could not believe it. “She clearly woke up

yesterday and was still talking properly. How could she fall into a coma again? What is going on?”

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“Elena, don’t be agitated for now. The specific reason has not been found. After the expert consultation,

I will talk to you in detail.”

Elena collapsed onto the ground weakly. “Why… Why exactly?”

She initially thought that her mother would not have to continue suffering and she would be able to find

out the truth of what happened back then and return the innocence of the mother and daughter. But in

one night, why did things become like this again?

Ryan really could not bear it. He pulled Elena’s arm and said. “Don’t cry anymore. I believe that your

mother will definitely wake up again.”

Elena lay in Ryan’s arms and sobbed. “My mother has been suffering for five years. I don’t want her to

lie on the bed like this again. She cannot move.”

“Don’t worry. Since she has woken up once, there will be a next time.” Director Scott comforted her.

“Maybe my mother woke up because she heard Ryan and I called her. If we do this often, can we give

her some stimulation and wake her up?”

This thought suddenly flashed through Elena’s mind. She did not expect Director Scott to shake his


“From a doctor’s point of view, I do not recommend you to do this. Although yesterday’s stimulus could

temporarily wake her up, you saw it too. Today, she has returned to her original state. If we continue to

cause too intense stimulation to the patient’s brain, her never may be cause irreversible damage, and

once such a situation occurs, she will never have the chance to wake up again.”

“Then what should we do?” Elena was a little anxious but she also did not know what to do.

“Sorry, it seems that we can only continue the treatment and wait for your mother to wake up by

herself.” Director Scott helplessly sighed. He did not expect Eleanor’s situation to change so quickly.

“Can I see my mother?” Elena asked.

“Yes, but don’t talk too much with her. And don’t even mention anything that might cause her to be


Director Scott patiently tried to persuade her.

Half an hour later.

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Elena walked out of the hospital and looked up at the sky. The sun was glaring and her eyes were red

and swollen.

When she entered the ward, she saw that there was no response from her mother. She could not say a

word and could only cry.

“Elena, don’t give up hope either. Your mother can wake up. Just wait a little longer.”

Ryan comforted her by the side. When he saw Elena’s heartbroken look just now, his heart ached. But

in this matter, what he could do was not much more than Elena.

“I don’t believe it. I don’t believe that this is a coincidence. The accident must have something to do

with my uncle and aunt. Since my mother can’t tell the truth, I will investigate it myself. I have to

infiltrate the Lewis family.”

Elena’s eyes were no longer filled with sadness and helplessness. Instead, it was filled with

ruthlessness. A cold aura was emitted from her body.

Ryan had never seen Elena like this. Even when she was really angry, she did not have such


“Elena.” Ryan called softly.

Elena turned around with coldness in her face. Ryan felt that the woman standing in front of him was a

little strange