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Bride of the Mysterious CEO

Chapter 254
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Chapter 254 I Also Want To Taste I

Ryan didn’t give her any chance to reject as he tore open her nightgown and directly went into her.

He missed her!

He missed her so much!

She was pregnant before. Although they still had sex during that time, Ryan didn’t dare to work hard,

as he was afraid of hurting the babies. After that, all the things happened one after another and it

became impossible for them to be intimate.

He was also a normal man with normal sexual desires. He had been restraining for too long. But now,

when the beauty was right beside him, he didn’t want to restrain himself more.

Before meeting Elena, he didn’t believe in this love making concept and sexual desires. But everything

changed after marrying her. He found himself becoming more and more greedy for her love and body.

And now that he finally got the chance, he wouldn’t let her off so easily.

In the silent night, two people’s rapid breaths could be heard from the bathroom.

Elena’s hands were tightly clenched against the wall. Her whole body was covered with tense sweat

and her eyes were misty with a layer of fog in it as she faced the sever attacks of the man.

It was useless to punch him and he didn’t dare to cry out loud afraid of waking up the babies.

So the only thing she could do was to let him do whatever he wanted…

Their fight lasted for a long time.

No matter how much she begged for mercy, Ryan didn’t let her go. She seemed to be no match for

Ryan in this field.

In the end, Elena couldn’t help but leaned in his arms and closed her eyes feeling exhausted.

Finally after being satisfied, Ryan held her and took a shower with her.

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While applying shower gel on her, he saw that she was silent and asked with a smile, “Are you tired?”

“What do you think?” Elena glared at him.

This shameless man! He even dared to ask her if she was tired? Couldn’t he tell if she was tired or not

looking at her face?

Elena couldn’t help but punch his chest after that. Ryan held her fist and slightly kissed her hand.

“Seems like you want more…”

As he spoke, he again moved his hands towards her legs.

Elena immediately slapped away his shameless hands and buried her head in his chest. “I am tired.”

Ryan laughed out loud looking at her expression. He was really happy today. Elena had not seen him

like this for a long time.

Elena tilted her head and looked at the man’s happy expression. She couldn’t help but tiptoed and

kissed his face, “I wish you would be this happy every day.”

Ryan was surprised by the sudden kiss. Then he raised his brows and became super shameless again.

“Then warm my bed every day. I will definitely be happy.”

Elena, “…”

She could never match with this man’s shamelessness!

It was already past midnight when Ryan carried Elena out.

As soon as Ryan put her on the bed, Elena closed her eyes and fell asleep. She felt all her life’s energy

was drained out today.

Ryan stood by the bedside and looked deeply at the sleeping woman on the bed. His eyes were full of

love and tenderness. He bent down and kissed her hair softly. Then he moved his eyes towards the

little baby cot at the bedside.

Both the twins were very small and they could fit in one cot. Elena liked to place them together in the

same cot. Occasionally these two little fellows would held each other’s hands and cuddle with each


Maybe they were sleeping for a long time, their little white cubby faces were already turned pink. Ryan

squatted down in front of the cot and stroked their little faces. These two little humans looked very

much like their mother.

Ryan looked at his children deeply then turned to his wife. His face was full of smiles. After living so

many years, only now did he feel the meaning of family. And he would do everything to protect his


Ryan laid on the bed and pulled Elena into his arms and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Elena was woken up by the baby's crying.

She moved on the bed wanting to get up. However, just as she moved a little, she felt a sharp pain in

her waist. With her eyes closed, she rubbed her sore waist.

This horny man!

The baby was crying nonstop. When she opened her eyes to check, she saw Ryan walking around the

room with their son in his arms, humming from time to time.

Elena revealed a smile seeing Ryan taking care of the children. She then turned to the bedside to

check on the other one. The little girl was still sleeping soundly despite the loud cry of her brother as if

she couldn’t hear anything.

Elena shook her head helplessly and got up to carry the child over. “Let me carry him.”

It was also strange that the originally noisy child stopped crying after being carried by Elena.

Ryan was speechless, "This child has no conscience." He had coaxed him for so long but it did not

work, but this little fellow stopped crying after Elena hugged him for a while.

"The child is hungry." Looking at Ryan aggrieved face, Elena smiled. She then sat on the sofa and lifted

her clothes to feed the baby.

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Ryan saw this and quickly followed Elena to sit on the sofa. His eyes fell on the child's breast milk.

Elena's face turned red when she noticed where he was looking. She could not help but ask, "What are

you doing?"

"The milk smells sweet."

"Ryan." Elena looked embarrassed. Why did this man have to say something like this?

However, Ryan didn’t care about her expression as he kept staring at her breast. He then turned to

Elena, “Look how he is enjoying it. It must taste good. I also want to taste it.”

Elena, “…”

This shameless man! He was even eyeing on the child’s food?

“Do you know what you are saying right now?” Elena was totally speechless by his words.

Ryan lifted his eyes from her breast and looked at her face. Looking at her angry eyes, he narrowed his

eyes and snorted, “What? It’s not like I haven’t touched that before. I have touched them, felt them and

even kissed them hundreds of times.”

After that he leaned near to Elena’s ears and whispered, “Did you forget what things I have done to

you, both before and last night. My marks are still there…”

As he spoke, he licked her neck passionately.

As soon as she felt the warmth, Elena trembled. She was so embarrassed that even her neck turned

red. How can he talk so shamelessly? She pursed her lips tightly and glared at him.

Ryan laughed out loud. He knew if he teased her anymore, she would definitely blow up. It had been a

long time since they had been so happy since Elena had an accident.

"You rest at home. I'm going to work. I'll cook something nice for you when I come back. "

"Okay." Elena answered.

Ryan kissed Elena on the forehead and left.

When he arrived downstairs, Ryan instructed the servants to prepare some healthy and nutritious food

and send them to Elena's room. It was already hard for a woman to take care of a child, not to mention

that Elena had to take care of two.