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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 93
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Herbert’s POV:

“Do you really like Bella? She’s already married and has a child. It’s best that you don’t mess with her!”

Klein waved his hand.


Gave birth to a baby? In just half a year?

I was stunned for a moment, but soon calmed down. “My taste is not that bad that I’m interested in a

woman who is pregnant and married!”

After that, I opened the door and left the office. I got into the car and ordered, “Let’s go!” “Mr. Wharton,

where are we going?” Connor asked. “Any place!” I said casually.

At this moment, I was in a terrible mood.

That woman is really something! We hadn’t seen each other for only half a year, but she was not only

married, but also pregnant! Then the images of Bella and Hank kept flashing in my mind, and I clenched

my fists. Connor was driving. After quite a bit of time had passed, the vehicle stopped. Connor said, “Mr.

Wharton, why don’t you get off the car and take a walk?”

I looked out of the window. It was this place! At the thought of seeing that lovely little guy later, I

immediately restrained my emotions.

I just wanted that angel to see my gentle side. I didn’t want him to be afraid of me. I opened the car door

after I sorted out my emotions.

Bella’s POV:

On this day, I hid in the office for the whole morning. After making sure that Herbert was gone, only then

did I dare to come out from my office. I could only pray that he wouldn’t appear often, or I might really

lose this job. However, in the following month, it was very peaceful. Herbert had never appeared in the

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company again, although the company had officially signed a contract with the Wharton Group. Of

course, Herbert had never appeared in my life. When he didn’t show up, I felt lucky.

After all, it meant that I wouldn’t have too much trouble. I could continue to do this job.

But on the other side, I was a little disappointed.

If he didn’t show up, did it mean that he had completely let go of our relationship?

When this thought came to me. I couldn’t help mocking myself. “Do you really think that he still has

feelings for you?”

The kiss in the office was because I angered him and made him jealous and angry.

In fact, I was nothing in his heart.

I didn’t know if he was already married to Caroline, because I had never asked Joey anything about


Joey had never mentioned the name of Herbert in front of me too.

Perhaps Herbert and Caroline were having a very happy life. At the thought of the happy scene of

Herbert being with other women, I felt very sad.

This feeling was very contradictory. On the one hand, my rational mind told me not to have any

expectations for Herbert. We couldn’t have anything to do with each other. On the other hand, I couldn’t

control my feelings. I still liked Herbert. If he didn’t care about me, or if he was with another woman, I

would be very sad… You! Stop being so pretentious. It took me a lot of effort to get out of the previous

state. I finally started a new life like this. I was living a good life now. I didn’t want to think about the past

anymore. I was already in the past with Herbert. We had nothing to do with each other anymore. I had to

stop thinking about it. I couldn’t think about it anymore. I said that to myself with all my might! Finally,

under my suppression, my mood calmed down.

That evening, because it was the end of the month, I worked for an extra hour. When I came to the gate

of the building, I found that it was raining outside and I didn’t have an umbrella.

Just when I didn’t know what to do, a black car suddenly stopped in front of me. The window of the driver

seat was rolled down. Klein’s face stretched out from within. “Come in. I’ll send you off!” “Okay.” At this

time, I definitely couldn’t get a taxi, so I happily nodded and agreed. After sitting in the passenger seat,

Klein started the car engine. “My house is just a few hundred of meters away. You can just drop me at

the intersection.” I said with a smile.


A few hundred meters away, Klein sneezed several times in a row. “Boss, did you catch a cold?” I

frowned and asked.

“A bit.” Klein nodded.

“Then take your medicine quickly.” I reminded him. “It doesn’t matter. I’m so strong.” Klein was very

confident in his own body. Since Klein had already said so, it wasn’t appropriate for me to continue

persuading him. After all, the relationship between Klein and I was that of a boss and a subordinate. I

shouldn’t interfere too much in the private affairs of the boss.

Just then, my phone rang! I looked down and saw that it was Joey calling, so I quickly picked it up. “What

time are you coming back? I’m at your door. I bought some food for you. Let’s eat hotpot today.” Joey’s

voice came from the other end. “Okay, I’ll be there in two minutes.” After that, I hung up the phone. In this

city, Joey and I were best friends. She would often buy food to eat with me. I knew that Joey was afraid

that I would be lonely, so she always came to accompany me in this way.

I was very grateful for having such a good friend.

“Your family urged you?” Klein asked. “Yes.” I replied.

Joey is already my family. She was closer to me than my family. Klein laughed. “That’s wonderful.” “Bella,

in fact, I appreciate you very much. In my impression, you work very seriously and have a very sincere

character. You are also very steady in doing things. You don’t do any conspiracy in the company, and

you don’t push people away. I am very relieved to let you do many important things. In fact, you can

almost handle them very well and never complain. I didn’t expect Klein to suddenly praise me like this. I

was a little happy. “Thank you for your compliment, Boss.”

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“You don’t have to be so polite. In the company, I’m the Boss. But if I’m not in the company, we can also

be friends. You can just call me Klein.” “Alright, Klein. Thank you for your appreciation. I will definitely

focus on my work.” I said sincerely.

Klein laughed and nodded.

“I’m home. See you tomorrow!” I waved at Klein, then quickly jumped out of the car, covered my head

with a bag, and left.

When I went upstairs, most of my body was wet.

Sure enough, I saw Joey waiting for me at the door with the dishes.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Joey looked at me strangely, so I immediately asked. “Who is the

man who sent you back?” Joey asked me. “Your vision is really good.” I rolled my eyes at her and

entered the door.. “Hey, this building is on the roadside. I saw everything through the window of the

corridor just now. The most important thing is that you got out of the car and ran for more than ten

seconds before the car drove away. What does this mean? The man inside must have a good impression

of you!” Joey analyzed while changing her slippers. “Please, that is my boss? It was raining today, and

he sent me back. Otherwise, I would definitely be soaked in the rain!” I took the food from Joey and went

to the kitchen. Joey immediately ran to the kitchen. “So what if he’s your boss? It’s not your first time

dating a boss, is it?”

I was stunned. Joey seemed to know that she had said something wrong, so she said apologetically, “I’m

sorry, Bella. I shouldn’t have mentioned this sad thing.” I relaxed a little and explained with a smile, “This

time, my boss is a lawyer, and he is the most famous lawyer among the young lawyers. He is also the

boss of this law firm, and he is also very handsome. It’s impossible for him to like me.” “That’s not

necessarily true. You’re also very charming.” Joey touched me with her shoulder as she washed the

vegetables. I didn’t want to bicker with Joey, so I quickly changed the subject and said something else.

We chatted while eating hot pot. By nine o’clock, the wind and rain outside had not stopped. Joey

decided to stay here overnight. Suddenly, I remembered something very important. “Oh no! I lost my

phone.” “Well, I didn’t see your phone the whole night.” Joey frowned. “Oh my, I remember. I must have

left in my boss’s car!” I quickly remembered that the last time I had used my cell phone was in Klein’s car.